"Mom, hurry up, give me the binoculars on the computer desk." When Ye Qingling pointed back, Zhan Zhao couldn't see the man's appearance clearly because of the distance, so he jumped around without looking back. and asked Yang Li to bring her the binoculars quickly

That expression and that movement are really comparable to those of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old innocent little girl, which makes Yang Li feel a little embarrassed: This girl is so old that she still pretends to be tender. She just got her binoculars ready, did she expect this to happen a long time ago?

After giving her daughter a helpless look, Yang Li walked over and took the binoculars for Zhan Zhao. In fact, she really wronged her daughter for thinking like this. This binoculars were given to her by Xiang Nantian when Zhan Zhao was studying at the party school. It's just that Lao Xiang didn't expect that the high-power binoculars given to her would have such a use at this time.

"Yeah, but he, he's not Qin Zhao at all." He quickly raised his binoculars to his eyes, and when Zhan Zhao saw the man standing by the car, he was taken aback because she didn't know this man at all. He is taller than Qin Zhao. Although his facial features are well-proportioned and he exudes a heroic spirit all over his body, he lacks the evil spirit on someone's face

Compared with Qin Zhao, this man is like a high mountain in a painting. It looks towering and dangerous, but he can't give people the oppressive feeling when looking up at the dangerous peak in reality. This is temperament. Apart from appearance, The biggest difference between people

Just when Zhan Zhao was wondering, another man in a silver and black suit got off the second-to-last car. He was a suave and handsome guy in Yushu Linfeng, but he was not the guy Zhan Zhao wanted to see the most, which made her unable to bear it. I was a little anxious: "Could it be that this guy didn't come at all?"

"Wait, I think these people are probably used as a foil." The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, but Lao Zhan can see at a glance that the women who Ye Qingling arranged to catch the eye are starting from the first car. The ones who showed up, but the men were the opposite. If I guessed correctly, the guy who gave me a headache should be the last one to get off the red flag car. Now these handsome guys getting off the car step by step are just a prelude

"Foil?" Looking at the handsome guys getting off the car one after another, Zhan Zhao asked his father in bewilderment.

"Yes, the foil, just like Ye Qingling and the others, no matter how deep their backgrounds are, they will be your foil today." Thinking that the daughter of the vice chairman of the Central Department will become the foil of his daughter, Lao Zhan is really very excited Satisfied, he rubbed his chin and said in deep thought: "Xiao Zhao, have you noticed that these men who got out of the car are different?"

"Yeah, he's very handsome." Zhan Zhao nodded, "Why are they so handsome? Just pull one out and put it on the street, and there will be girls rushing to strike up a conversation with him, but I don't like it very much. This way, it looks like a vase, hee hee"

"Don't talk nonsense, they are not ordinary handsome guys, don't you think they are just handsome? If you take a closer look, you will find that they have one biggest thing in common." Zhan Sansi was very dissatisfied with his daughter's observational nature. dry, but thinking of the current situation where she is so happy that she doesn't even know how tall she is, she feels relieved

"What do you have in common?" Zhan Zhao held his binoculars suspiciously, and looked at the man who got off the first car: "Well, they are about the same fat and thin, about the same size... Wow, where did Qin Zhao find such a man?" More 'vases' coming"

"Silly girl," Lao Zhan said helplessly to his daughter's exclamation, "You pay attention to their standing posture, maybe you will find something."

"Ah," at this time, Yang Li was the first to see it: "I can see that they are standing there in exactly the same posture. In other words, so many men of similar height and weight are probably from the same age. One place, doing uniform movements every day may be their job... Ah I know I know them, wouldn't they be flag guards?"

"You," Lao Zhan shook his head, "Although you have a good vision, you have no brains. Even if Qin Zhao is powerful, the country will not let the national flag guards do this kind of thing. However, these people are definitely soldiers. , probably from the guard of honor of the three services.”

"The guard of honor of the three armed forces?" Zhan Zhao, who also wanted to understand the truth at this time, was so happy that he almost fainted from the accidents.

Lao Zhan's eyes were not mistaken. These handsome guys who got out of the car were indeed the guard of honor of the three armed forces who drove the red flag car from Jinghua overnight to Qingdao. This is also Ye Qingling planning this wedding. , twenty-six Hongqi cars as many as Qin Zhao's age, and each car is driven by a beautiful woman who can't see a man's eyes.

Damn, you're really going all out. Even though you are the protagonist today, a series of surprises made Zhan Zhao feel that standing or lying on the window is not right. She can't wait to run down and change into a pure white suit to become This luxurious, enough to shock the entire Huaxia wedding, but the only sliver of sanity left, she just kept wiping tears on the window

I'm so excited that you made such a big show for my old lady. Don't say you asked me to marry you, even if you asked me to jump from here, I would still jump...Anyway, the third floor can't fall on me

"Why do I feel that the world is so crazy?" Yang Li shook her head lightly. As a boss who runs around the world all day long, due to some necessary business negotiations, he also attends too many luxurious weddings all over the world. But even after beating her to death and rescuing her before beating her to death, she still didn't believe that the protagonist of the luxurious wedding in front of her eyes would be her daughter, who was worried that she couldn't get married. Determination, in front of this super pomp, collapsed

If you want to show off, show off big

This is the main focus of Ye Qingling's plan for this wedding. Therefore, under her instigation, Qin not only dispatched the helicopters of the East China Sea Fleet, the guard of honor of the three armed forces, the red flag car and his flowers and plants through various connections, Moreover, she arranged for people to invite all the officials of the Qingdao City Government and all the media in Qingdao City overnight.

Yes, I just want to show off, I just want to be high-profile and capable, you go to the higher authorities to sue me? Let's see if the government is willing to give up two-thirds of the profits of the East China Sea Oilfield, or listen to your words and take them back and charge Qin with a big crime... Before this wedding, Ye Qingling had already thought of this, She had already decided that the bigwigs in Jinghua would definitely choose the former between the two-thirds of the profits of the East China Sea Oilfield and the luxurious wedding.

Although it is a bit crazy to exchange two-thirds of the profits of the East China Sea Oilfield for a momentary success, Ye Qingling knows that even if Jinghua does not ask for these things, once the East China Sea Oilfield is in normal operation, the government will get less than one-third The second profit, even if someone Qin is someone's nephew, the country will not agree to someone Qin using state resources to fill his own pocket, since no matter what, he has to take out those things that make someone Qin feel distressed and didn't sleep well all night It is better to exchange for such a luxurious wedding that shocked China

As I said earlier, Ye Qingling is an emotional idiot, but in business, her ability is comparable to that of Jing Hongxue, who debuted at the age of seventeen. If you don't do this, since you can satisfy those Jinghua bosses, and you can also please Qin Zhao and establish her as the No. 1 image that she deserves. Ye Qingling does have an advantage that others cannot compare to. At least she has been approved by the general secretary, and only she can plan such a big deal. How dare she change it?

"Secretary Wang, you have to show your face today," Li Ming, the mayor of Qingdao City, looked enviously at Secretary Wang Zihua in an Audi with a civilian license plate behind twenty-six red flag cars. Said: "Look, the superiors have spared no effort to support Qin Zhao, and you have been entrusted by the superiors to be the officiant of this wedding, tsk tsk tsk, this is showing your face according to the order, alas, your luck is not so good, even Admiral Zhao Xianfeng of the East China Sea Fleet, and our deputy governor Li Tianyong are not as good as you, uh huh, promotion is just around the corner."

"Haha, Mayor Li," Wang Zihua's old face was bright, and the pride was beyond words: "Yes, yes, when I received the call from above last night, I suspected that I was dreaming at that time, and it was very embarrassing to make you old. My sister-in-law pinched me *several times... Oh, that yellow-faced woman, the pinches were really hard, I guess there are still bruises in reality."

"You just speak Zihua dialect, pretending to be humble even though you are extremely proud. If you let me play this role, let alone being strangled, even if you cut it a few times with a knife, I will be willing, haha" Li Ming and Wang Zihua have a very good relationship, so he doesn't hesitate to be so straightforward

"Mayor Li, if I get promoted, I'm afraid this secretary won't be able to get out of your hands. You should know that I have the right to nominate you, huh? Haha"

"Haha, that's that, that's that, I'll talk about these later, let's try to make today's wedding well before we make sure there are no mistakes." Li Ming knew what Wang Zihua meant by saying this, and he was very satisfied in his heart, and became more determined in the future We need to develop a good relationship with Zhan Sansi, and even consider whether to support Lao Zhan to the position of mayor after becoming the secretary

Li Ming and Wang Zihua have such thoughts, so it is not their fault. Although everyone adheres to the old tradition of being an official for thousands of miles, as long as the interests of the people are put first, who would not want to climb high?

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