Originally, Suning wanted to explain that the reason why he didn't tell Qin Zhao was because of the National Security Regulations, but after seeing the disappointment in his eyes gradually turned into indifference, just like the ruthless indifference of Jing Hongming before the murder, Her heart trembled suddenly, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Xiao Zhao, you left because of, because of gratitude, you, you actually blamed me?"

"No, how could I blame you? Your position restricts you to do this." Qin Zhao shook his head, pushed her hand away from his arm, and sighed softly: "Su Ning, I always thought that You are the one who understands me best, even Qingling can't compare to you. But, I might be wrong."

After he finished speaking, he laughed at himself, and walked two steps forward with his head bowed, almost colliding with a woman walking towards him. After a pause, Qin Zhao raised his head, stared at the wine glass in the woman's hand, then snatched it, regardless of whether it was white wine or red wine, and poured it directly into his mouth... After returning the glass to the woman, he Staring at the ground, he said thank you, and then staggered towards the elevator.

"Xiao Zhao!" Ye Qingling was confused by Qin Zhao's sudden action and thank you. She glanced at the empty cup in her hand and was about to chase him, but she caught a glimpse of Su Ning's pale face at this time, so she had to go to her first. Side: "Sister Ning, why is your face so ugly? Xiao Zhao, what's wrong with him? Did you two quarrel?"

"No." Suning's seductive voice in the past was a little hoarse, and he looked at Qin Zhao who walked into the elevator bewilderedly. Regardless of whether Ye Qingling understood or not, he said to himself: "At the end of last year, Xiao Zhao was in love because of Fu. Yu may be sentenced to prison for the matter. In order to save him, Xie Qingshang ignored the tasks assigned by his superiors, so he caused great dissatisfaction with him, especially the Fu family. Hehe, I don’t know how this happened Anyway, on the 1st of last month, I knew the news that Xie Qing was about to be demobilized."

Speaking of this, Su Ning drank the wine in his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth: "I wanted to tell Xiao Zhao, but I was afraid that he would make trouble with the higher-ups because of this...Qing Ling, you know, it's a Women are selfish, she will never allow her man to affect her career for others! Even though this man is Qin Zhao, even though Xie Qingshang is his life and death brother! But I still don't want him to get involved in this muddy water, so I just Never told him."

"I see," Ye Qingling nodded, "Just now Xie Qingshang told Xiao Zhao about his demobilization."

"Well, yes. Xie Qingshang is very proud and stubborn. He has been refusing to admit to his superiors that he did something wrong at that time, so he never told Xiao Zhao that he might be ordered to demobilize. Sigh," Suning shook his head: "He told Xiao Zhao today, but he has already been demobilized. Hehe, do you know that Xie Qingshang has always promised his father that he will make a name for himself in the army, and use this to honor his ancestors. But he Once demobilized, of course that promise will no longer be fulfilled."

"I see, what Xiao Zhao did just now is to blame you for not telling him about it earlier. Then, what about thanking you?" Ye Qingling glanced at the hall anxiously, ignoring everyone else looking at him with surprised eyes. Here, he grabbed Su Ning's hand: "Sister Ning, let's go to Xie Qingshang, and then I will call my uncle and the others. I believe this is not such a difficult matter. Doesn't his father want him to be glorious? Then Let's rely on our relationship to let him change jobs, for example, to be the director of the Public Security Bureau. I believe that with his qualifications and ability, it is more than enough to be a director, right?"

"It's late, he's gone."

"He left? Where did he go? Did he just leave?" Ye Qingling looked outside the hall door: "Then let's go after him. We have to chase him back and ask Xiao Zhao to help him fulfill his wish. Got it?"

"Qingling," Su Ning shook her head and interrupted her: "You don't understand Xie Qingshang, I know, since he's gone, he won't come back. As long as we find him, even if Xiao Zhao kneels down and begs him, He wouldn't agree to do that either."

"Then, hasn't Xiao Zhao's misunderstanding of you always existed? No, I have to go to Xiao Zhao and tell him that you are doing this for his sake." Ye Qingling didn't care whether Suning muttered in a low voice or not. Yes, turn around and walk towards the elevator...

"Secretary Wang, Mayor Li," Li Tianyong stood up from the chair in the box, held up his wine glass and waved it to the leaders of Qingdao City: "We are almost drunk, hehe, it is said that in We shouldn’t talk about work at the wine table, but let’s make an exception today. I came to Qingdao today mainly to congratulate Qin Zhao and Zhan Zhao on their great joy, and secondly to solve some work problems. But in special circumstances, there is no need to pay so much attention.”

"Hehe, yes yes yes, Vice Governor Li, please tell me." Here we come, finally here! Although Kang Jun had a smile on his face like Wang Zihua and Li Ming, a bad premonition made his heart start to beat. However, he still had a little bit of luck, thinking that as a member of the Li family in Qilu, it was impossible for him to be taken down so easily.

"Then, I'll disturb everyone's pleasure. Well, these are the comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection," Li Tianyong pointed to a few people who had never drunk, and said, "Deputy Secretary Zhao, the next job is to It's up to you to do it. What am I, why am I a little dizzy from drinking? Hehe, you better come, I'm afraid I can't explain it well to everyone. "

Deputy Secretary Zhao is around sixty, with gray hair that is not too thick, which makes him look more energetic. After seeing Li Tian asked him to speak by roll call, he immediately nodded and took out a thick document from a black leather bag he carried with him, put it on the table, glanced at Kang Jun and cut directly to the topic: "Okay, Since Vice Governor Li is *unwell, I will do the rest of the work temporarily. Deputy Mayor Kang, these documents are all about your violation of party discipline."

"Vice Governor Li!" Kang Jun's head buzzed, and then his face paled and he asked Li Tianyong for help. But Li Tianyong propped his forehead with his right hand, looking drowsy from too much alcohol, and ignored him at all. After seeing this, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, he gave a wry smile, and took the documents with trembling hands: "Hehe, I didn't expect revenge to come so fast! Qin Zhao, you, you are so amazing, I am convinced now." It's too late... oh, but, it's too late."

Qin Zhao? Comrades from the Commission for Discipline Inspection came to Kang Jun with evidence. Qin Zhao planned this behind the scenes? After hearing Kang Jun muttering these words, the local cadres in Qingdao, including Zhan Sansi, were stunned by the scene in front of them.

None of them expected that on the occasion of Qin Zhao's big wedding, the higher-ups would take the opportunity to take the deputy mayor of Qingdao to the knife. Everyone knows that as long as you are an official, you will have shady things. The most important thing is to see how you do it. Sometimes, no matter how outstanding your political performance is, you can’t cover up your mistakes. For example, if you offend a powerful person, just like Kang Jun offended Qin Zhao, you can only accept the cruel reality of being shuanggui, although everyone knows This is revenge, the kind of revenge where you don't wear a single piece of clothing.

"Deputy Mayor Kang, you have been shuanggui. Your wife Xu Min, Vice President Xu, is probably already waiting for you in the office of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Heh, please come with us now. I hope you can cooperate with the investigation. Little Yang Dayong , the two of you are with Deputy Mayor Kang." Deputy Secretary Zhao and the others from the Disciplinary Committee have long been used to Kang Jun's distraught look, and he is not at all dumbfounded like Wang Zihua and the others. The expression on his face was even more calm than Li Tianyong who pretended to be dizzy.

"Yes." The two members of the Disciplinary Committee agreed, and then Kang Jun, who was leaning on the left and right, walked out of the box, muttering something.

"Vice Governor Li, Secretary Wang, Mayor Li and Deputy Mayor Zhan," Deputy Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection greeted those present, "Because I'm busy with work, I won't be here to accompany everyone, hehe, Deputy Mayor Zhan , I would like to trouble you to say something to Mr. Qin, just ask him to forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, hehe, excuse me."

"Oh, Deputy Secretary Zhao, as long as you have something to do beforehand, Qin, I'll tell you about it." After seeing the deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee take the initiative to greet him, Zhan Sansi realized that his identity seemed a little different from the past. He quickly stood up from the chair, and politely sent Deputy Secretary Zhao out of the box.

"Alas," Li Tianyong, who happened to be sober again after Lao Zhan sat down, sighed and said, "It's really heartbreaking that Deputy Mayor Kang Jun is here today... Okay, let's not mention it." That's all, let's talk about something happy. Hehe, Secretary Wang, the government is going to change your job position, and it may add a little burden to you, so you have to be mentally prepared to endure hardship."

It's like this for an official. After hearing the leader tell him to prepare for hardship, it means that he will be promoted. His mood is definitely not normal. Even if Wang Zihua just saw Kang Jun being taken away, this It can't interfere with him expressing his determination with an excited voice: "Li, Vice Governor Li, I, am I still young? Hehe, although there is a suspicion of pretending to be tender. But I am sure, I will definitely be prepared, and I will fight for it. Let the leadership down!"

"Okay, about your job change, the leaders of the Provincial Organization Department will talk to you. I'm just here to let you know. Hehe, let's have a drink together. Congratulations to Secretary Wang on his promotion and his important career Get on the job and shine!" Li Tianyong immediately drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then looked at Li Ming with a smile: "Mayor Li, you are not very real. How can the leader let you take the seat left by Secretary Wang with confidence?"

"Hehe, Vice Governor Li, I've already drank it up, why isn't it true? Do you still want me to drink the cup too? Ah? Haha." It's my turn, my turn... Li Ming suppressed the excitement in his heart, held the bottom of the cup upside down on his mouth again, and raised the empty cup: "So, you should be satisfied, right?"

"Just kidding," Li Tianyong nodded, lit his own cup, and continued, "It is said that today is Qin Zhao's happy day, and I shouldn't be talking about work here, but I'm happy, so I can't help it." I drank a few more glasses and said a few more words, please don't blame me, haha."

"Haha, how could it be? Vice Governor Li, your words are really humorous." Everyone laughed along with him.

"Let me solemnly tell everyone that what we said here today is actually a conversation through wine. Don't take it seriously. Of course, you can't take it seriously, hehe." After smiling, Li Tianyong put down his glass: "Li Shi Mayor, if you become the secretary of Qingdao, which deputy mayor do you think is more suitable for the post of mayor? Hehe, just talking, don't take it seriously."

Besides Lao Zhan, who else? Li Ming glanced at Zhan Sansi with a smile, his eyes were full of 'distressed tenderness', just like Ye Qingling looking at Qin Zhao, which made Lao Zhan's heart flutter...

"Xiao Zhao, stop drinking if you can't handle it!" Ye Qingling took the elevator up to the sixth floor, and she knew that Tie Mole and the others were drinking from a box on this floor. Sure enough, as soon as she entered the door, she saw Qin Zhaozheng pulling away Zhan Zhao who dissuaded him, pouring a full glass of white wine into her mouth desperately, quickly walked over, snatched his wine glass, and said softly Said: "Okay, okay, today is the day of great joy for you and Xiao Zhao, so many relatives and friends need you to greet, how can you hide here and drink without caring?"

"What's the matter with drinking?" Qin Zhao squinted at Ye Qingling with a slurred speech, and suddenly smiled, watching so many people reach out and pick Ye Qingling's chin: "Su Ning, for fear of trouble for me, I really have to Say thank you, thank you, or say I'm sorry? I also know that the matter of Lao Xie has nothing to do with you, and I shouldn't blame you. But you, you know that Lao Xie is not with me, Lao Tie Xiao It’s the same as life for such a person, and I still didn’t tell this matter earlier. Hehe, you know, Lao Xie’s father is almost seventy this year, and his biggest dream is, uh, I just hope that one day, Lao Xie can If he is a part-time official, then he can thank his family and honor his ancestors."

"Xiao Zhao, I'm Qingling." Seeing that Qin Zhao was about to take the cup again, Ye Qingling quickly hid the cups in front of him behind her back.

"Hey, who are you, does it matter?" Qin Zhao smiled bitterly. Since he couldn't grab the glass, he simply picked up the wine bottle and took a big gulp. The wine dripped from the corner of his mouth onto his suit: "In order to realize his father's wish, Lao Xie has been through life and death for so many years. He only needs to wait another year or a half before he can apply for a change of job. But at this juncture, he defied the higher-ups because of me. The command……"

"I know, I know, he did this to save you, but we can think of a way now, drinking doesn't seem to solve the problem, right?" Ye Qingling interrupted Qin Zhao anxiously, wanting to persuade him again When he was there, he saw that Suning was already standing at the door, and he sighed in his heart: What should we do?

"What a way to fart! Now that the rice has been raw and cooked, Lao Xie has left, gone!" After hearing what Ye Qingling said, Qin Zhao suddenly roared, and took out the mobile phone dedicated to Longteng from his pocket, He fell to the ground fiercely, stared at Ye Qingling with red eyes and said, "Su Ning! You already knew that the higher ups were dissatisfied with Lao Xie, didn't you? But you kept it from me because you were afraid that I would get into trouble!"

"I, I..." Ye Qingling really wanted to say that it wasn't Su Ning, you don't have to treat me like a brother, but she was so frightened by Qin's eye-opening eyes that she couldn't speak, she just took a step back.

"Yes, I admit that if you tell me, I will definitely quarrel with the higher-ups. Even if it is to tear my face, I will never allow Lao Xie to lose the opportunity to be famous because of my involvement!" Qin Zhao followed closely. , glaring at Ye Qingling fiercely: "But do you know? Do you know how much he paid for this dream? You don't know, but Xiao Ming and they all know it!"

"Little Ming, tell this woman!" As he dragged Ye Qingling past him, Qin Zhao called out Jing Hongming's name, but pushed her in front of Tie Molei: "Tell her, old Xie!" In order to realize his father's dream, what kind of price did he pay!"

"Xiao Zhao, you've drunk too much. Let's talk about it later." Frowning, Jing Hong stood up and stood in front of Qin Zhao. She winked at Zhan Zhao, Wang Yashan and others, signaling them to pull Ye Qingling away. past. But Qin Zhao tightly grabbed her shoulders and refused to let her go, the pain caused Ye Qingling's tears to drip down her cheeks. The pain made Su Ning at the door feel like a knife was cutting her heart, really, it was like a knife in her heart, there, slowly cutting.

"Old Qi, I think you really drank too much." Shang Xiaopeng came over, broke Qin Zhao's hand holding Ye Qingling's shoulder, pushed her into Zhan Zhao's arms, and looked into Qin Zhao's eyes: "Our brothers, including Hu Mietang, have paid an unbearable price for ordinary people in these years. To put it mildly, we did this for the motherland. To be honest, we all wanted to stand out, and we all did it. But if everyone What will happen to our country if we can disobey orders arbitrarily because we are proud of our meritorious deeds?"

"Little Ming, according to you, Lao Xie is the one to take the blame for such consequences?" Qin Zhao, who couldn't recognize anyone, squinted his eyes and looked at Shang Xiaopeng unsteadily.

"That's not what I meant. If he were replaced by me, I would still be the same as him, desperate to save you, because we are good brothers who live and die together!" Shang Xiaopeng shook his head: "And, no matter what you do, Whatever the consequences, I will not regret it. However, I also know clearly that the state owns the state laws, and the family has family rules. I will definitely not tell you this matter like the fourth child, but bear the consequences alone. Therefore, You shouldn't blame Suning like this, because she has her own responsibilities."

"Okay." Qin Zhao stayed with the boss for a while, and then said to Tie Molei, "Xiaopeng, do you also agree with Lao Tie's opinion?"

"Yes." Tie Molei nodded.

"Since you all think that Lao Xie is to blame, then I won't say anything more." Qin Zhao looked up at the ceiling: "But what I still want to say is that I didn't have the ability to keep Lao Xie in the past, but I have now. Yes, because my uncle is the general secretary of Huaxia! Sigh... well, let’s stop talking about this nonsense, anyway, Lao Xie has already left, so it’s useless to say more, drink, I’ll drink for two people alone, for Lao Xie Thank you, because he should be sitting in this position today!"

After seeing Qin Zhao like this, everyone took a look, but they didn't know what to do. In the end, they all sighed together, and several men picked up their cups and drank vigorously.

"Qin Zhao," when Qin Zhao poured the third cup of baijiu down his neck, Xue Xinghan, who had been silent all this time, came over, held his hand holding the cup, and sneered, "Cut, you can see clearly, I am Xie Qingshang's fiancée Xue Xinghan, with me here, why do you drink for him?"

"Xue, Xue Xinghan?" Qin Zhao, who couldn't open his eyes, shook his head vigorously: "Oh, I remembered, you are that shameless woman who always pesters Lao Xie? Okay, you drink for him, I have no problem. Come on. Let's do it together!"

"You, who do you think is shameless?" Xue Xinghan stared wide-eyed, just about to show his power, but saw someone from Qin slipped under the table after drinking the glass of wine.

Qin Zhao's 'sturdy' drinking capacity made Xue Xinghan, who drank like water, feel very speechless. Although she was full of anger in her heart, she couldn't pick someone out, could she? After all, guarding the family is a brother and wife. Therefore, I could only contemptuously glance at someone under the table, put the wine glass on the table heavily, then turned to my sister and said: "Haoyue, since the guy who thanked you is gone, we have nothing to do here, let's go." people."

"Oh, then you are just kidding around, try to persuade him not to do this. If outsiders saw it, they would think his wife ran away with someone." Xue Haoyue nodded, and made a joke with Tie Molei and others, but in Seeing the embarrassment on Ye Qingling Zhan Zhao's face, he hurriedly stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, and followed Xue Xinghan to the door. When passing Suning, who was in tears, she really wanted to persuade her not to be sad, but in the end she just sighed, and then chased her sister.

Zhan Zhao and Ye Qingling worked hard to lift the unconscious Qin Zhao from under the table, and smiled wryly at everyone, saying in unison, "Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, otherwise this time it would be embarrassing and embarrassing." It's..."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, he's just in a bad mood." Shang Xiaopeng shook his head, and said to Suning who was crying silently at the door: "Su Bureau, I think we'll go back to Mingzhu first? Haha, don't worry, Lao Qi is fine. What he said just now is just bullshit, you don't have to take it to heart."

"No, Xiaopeng, you go back first, I want to wait until tomorrow." After a moment of silence, Su Ning shook his head sadly.

"Well, that's fine, you make up your own mind." Seeing what Suning said, Shang Xiaopeng had no choice but to raise his glass, and said to Tie Molei, "Brother still has work to do, so I can't spend all day with you. Come on, Xiao Ming, drink this glass of wine as a farewell to my buddies, I don’t know the year of the monkey when we meet next time.”

Tie Molei and Jing Hongming nodded, and drank the wine in their glasses in one gulp.

"Xiaopeng, explain to Major General Song after you go back, I will go to Mingzhu soon." When sending Shang Xiaopeng out of the box door, Suning instructed him again.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Alas, watching Shang Xiaopeng walk into the elevator, Suning sighed secretly, and paid for himself: Am I being too selfish? Is it true that as Xiao Zhao said, he never knew him at all? Or do you not understand the kind of feelings between their men at all? What should I do? !

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