"What else do you want to say?" Seeing Aliena speak again, Qin Zhao frowned and looked at his watch, then glanced at her: "I'm very busy, I can't always be here Delay on such a small matter”

"My companions are alright? I don't see why they didn't respond?" Aliena gritted her teeth. She didn't know why, but now she really wanted to punch this guy with treacherous eyes looking at her, but she was afraid A momentary impulse would ruin the whole plan, so he slowly let go of his hands: "I see their injuries, I'm afraid they were not injured during the fight?"

"When a group of dogs break into your house to bite you, what should you do after you catch some of them?" Qin Zhao glanced at the young people with the mustaches, and said in a very sincere tone: "I think you should be smarter than me." Understand? As for the results of these dogs, they are all to blame, and they cannot be blamed on me."

"Okay, very good." Aliena nodded, and after saying these words, she turned around and walked out the door. Brownaugh gave Qin Zhao a cold look, and then followed her out of the hall quickly. At this time, the sparrow A few people cleverly carried the three mustaches to the entrance of the hall, let them go down the steps, and then walked back laughing.

Qin Zhao looked outside the door, smoked a cigarette slowly, and then said to Liu Dinghui: "Liu Dinghui is, you tell the brothers to be careful these few days, and it is best not to go out if there is nothing to do, because these Russians It’s easy to refuse to let it go.”

"I know," Liu Dinghui obediently agreed, and when he saw Qin Zhao walking out after saying this, he hurriedly followed and asked in a low voice, "Mr., thanks to you and Mr. Jing for your help today." , our Four Seas Gang didn't lose face, I don't know how to thank you."

"I'm not a gentleman, my surname is Qin, and my name is Qin Zhao. How many people are there in your Four Seas Gang?" Qin Zhao stopped and pointed to the dozens of people in the hall: "Just because they still want to protect the venue of the Pearl Nightclub ? Boss Liu, I think you are a bit overbearing." When he saw that Liu Dinghui had retired from the army, Qin Zhao had the idea of ​​taking in some confidants. Brothers and people from different races are not as handy as compatriots, so he generously distributed the money Aliena brought to the Four Seas Gang

"No, there are still hundreds of brothers in the Four Seas Gang, but they still have business to do in other places, so," Liu Dinghui lowered his head a little ashamed. No match for those Russians, that's the difference between regional gangsters and international gangsters

"Well, then do you want to improve your ability?" Liu Dinghui knew it, and Qin Zhao could also see it: "If you just rely on watching the situation, at most it is a big gangster who meets this kind of bully. When it’s a genuine gangster, it’s simply dismissive.”

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean?" After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Liu Dinghui was taken aback

"Fuck with me, let you be someone who doesn't take vampire bats seriously..." Qin Zhao said, raised his footsteps, and smiled: "Hey, he's actually a gangster, just the kind of super gangster who isn't afraid of gangsters." I'm going to be a gangster, I have to go out to pick up my friends, if you guys are interested, you can go to Chunyu Industrial and tell Mr. Jing."

"Being a super gangster? I, I know." By the time Liu Dinghui understood, Qin Zhao had already walked out of the hall

"On the night of the full moon, that mysterious radioactive substance will shine brilliantly. Unfortunately, the moon tonight is not very good. However, it is quite suitable for killing people." Qin Zhao stepped into the Buick that Jing Hong ordered him to leave behind. In front of the car, I looked up at the waning moon in the sky, glanced at the shadows as if nothing had happened, waved to Liu Dinghui who chased out to see off the passengers, and stepped on the accelerator, the car drove onto the road

Qin Zhao took the steering wheel and followed an off-road vehicle in front. According to the route provided by the electronic navigator, he drove slowly in the forward direction. When he came to the fork, the car turned left, and it was relatively rare to get on the car. There are many airport roads. At this time, two Hyundai cars also turned around at the same time, still following the Buick car at a leisurely pace.

Looks like there's going to be some trouble tonight, alas, I didn't want to kill someone

Seeing the two cars trailing behind his car in the rearview mirror, Qin Zhao secretly sighed, picked up the Type 92 pistol that Jing Hongming had left for him from the passenger seat, and leaned down a little. He slipped away and hid his head behind the driver's seat. When the car passed a tall roadside billboard, he suddenly noticed a faint blue fire flashing on the billboard... immediately like a snake , the whole person is lying on the two driver's seats

With a muffled sound, a sharply spinning bullet pierced through the glass, and hit Qin Zhao straight where his head was just now, blasting a hole the size of an egg in the driver's seat. Before he reached out to hold the steering wheel, I felt the body shake, the body of the Buick suddenly tilted to the right while driving at high speed, the chassis of the car slid against the road with a spark, and crashed into the drainage ditch beside the road, without giving Qin Zhao any control over the car balanced chance

The deflated right wheel in front of the Buick jumped up with a bang when it hit the roadside guard stone, and then rolled over and down into the drain that was more than three meters deep... Just when the body was completely When the car was about to fall into the ditch with its wheels on its back, the doors on both sides suddenly flew open at the same time, and a black shadow, more sensitive than a snake, jumped out of the car door on the right with a whoosh, and plunged directly into the weeds in the gutter, and the weeds swayed After a few clicks, it disappeared

The Buick car fell heavily to the ground, and the opened doors on both sides swung back and forth, and then closed tightly with a bang.

At this time, the sniper who turned around on the billboard just hit two shots at the driver's seat under the car. That's not counted. The two Hyundais that were trailing the Buick, after the Buick fell into the bottom of the ditch, shot at the same time. Four people jumped out of the car in front of the screeching brakes, and the first one was that Brownnave. He and one of the two people who jumped out of the car behind all raised their pistols and cracked at the poor Buick. There was a burst of random shooting, until a bullet pierced through the fuel tank and caused the car body to explode, then they covered half of their faces with their hands and took a few steps back, and came to Aliena who seemed to be used to looking at things with her arms folded: "Alian Miss Na, I think he should be able to die no more."

"Tell all the snipers on the billboards in front of you to close the team immediately." Alena looked at the Buick that was on fire, sneered, and said a Chinese proverb: "Pearls of rice grains also shine brightly. Take all the brothers to quickly move the place of residence, and all actions must be made after the mustache wakes up."

"Yes, miss, but yourself," Brownav looked worriedly at the road. He wanted to remind Aliena that in a foreign land, it would be safer to bring two people with him, but he also knew that Miss This person is very conceited, and he never changed what he said, so he just hesitated for a while, then waved his hand, got into the car with the other four people, turned around and drove back the way he came

Hearing the crackling sound of the Buick being burned, and feeling the heat from the raging fire, Aliena stepped back slightly for a while, as if the young man who was rude to her in the nightclub was being slowly burned inside. burn to ashes

"Hehe, I hope you will go to heaven soon." Aliena sneered, walked to the Hyundai car and stretched out her hand to get on the door, turned the key to start the car, and when she reached out her hand to put into gear, she felt a chill on the back of her neck. Then his eyes tightened, and his left hand quickly grabbed the handle of the gun at his waist

"I heard they call you Aliena? Hehe, that's a good name, Aliena girl," Qin Zhao slowly got up from the back seat, and the black army thorn in his hand pricked the back of Aliena's neck: "When you want to make any moves, be careful. It is said that this thing is poisonous. Sometimes it hurts more than a bullet. I don't want such a beautiful neck to be poked into a big hole. It will be punished by God."

"It seems that we have underestimated you. Is this the military assassin that your Chinese special forces are best at?" Aliena looked at Qin Zhao, who had a muddy face, from the rearview mirror, and slowly raised her hands: "Heh , I didn't expect that you still have a few tricks, and you can escape from the car in the blink of an eye, and sneak into my car."

"Small meaning, small meaning," someone from Qin replied modestly. He was very satisfied with Aliena's gesture of raising her hands without intimidation. The army thorn slowly slid down until it was on the back of her heart. Then he said in a puzzled way: "Our Four Seas Gang and your organization have always been on the same page, so why did you come here for no reason?"

"It's about us, you have no right to know." Now that the military thorn is no longer on her neck, Aliena can shake her head as she pleases: "There are many things in the world that don't necessarily need to be explained, just like when we kicked the Four Seas Gang." The place, if I will make your death ugly"

When she said the ugly word "watch", Aliena suddenly threw herself to the left, her back was free from the temporary threat of the military thorn, and when she was clung to the driver's seat, a gun appeared in her left hand. However, she She didn't pull the trigger, because the black military thorn seemed to be right in front of her throat, and the black thorn was shone by the lights inside the car, making people feel chilling,

"Hey, Miss Aliena's movements are fast enough, and her legs are long enough." Qin Zhao reached out and put down the gun in Aliena's hand, and then slowly stroked her long legs in tight black leather pants. Legs, smiled obsessively: "Our ancients have an ancient poem, I wonder if Miss Alena has heard it?"

"Wh, what ancient poem?" Seeing that no matter how she changed, she did not leave the threat of the military assassin, Aliena finally showed fear in her eyes.

“Parking Hey Fenglin Wan”

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