In people's subconscious, there will always be a factor of love for beauty, especially for girls, the more superior they are, the stronger this factor will be.

After Aliena's hands and feet were bound, she had already guessed what would happen, but because that guy's pretty face was really attractive to women, so don't look at her swearing and just take it as After being bitten by a dog, in fact, there was still an expectation in her heart that she didn't realize

It wasn't until she was hugged by Qin Zhao on the front of the car and put on the pose that made all the women blush, that she was really annoyed. She kept cursing that the bastard would die badly, but she was already planning to cry And numb to meet it all

However, what the respected Miss Alena never imagined was that Qin Zhao did not take advantage of her as she thought, but found a wretched uncle who made her vomit at the sight of him and held a Holding a digital camera, posing a very professional photo-taking posture to disgust her

After looking at Lao Liang's bald, flat nose, smiling yellow teeth, and thinking of what he was lying on his body, Aliena truly felt what life is like.

Qin Zhao hissed, and waved the digital camera in his hand to Aliena. The smirk on his face, waiting for the good show to begin, made her not doubt that he would take some close-ups of his face and send them to For many, many people to enjoy on the Internet

Is there anything crueler than this in the world? Especially the person involved is the vampire bat daughter Alena who is usually very cool. So, when Lao Liang touched her skin with both hands, he suddenly threw himself on her body, frantically trying to put his ugly thing into her* Somewhere, she collapsed completely at once, struggling desperately and screaming: "No, no, I said..."

Lao Liang didn't know what Aliena was going to say. In fact, he couldn't see anything except her writhing perfect body.

He's a man, and when he encounters this kind of situation where he can't find a place to jump with his gun, his temper is generally not good, even the usually honest old Liang sees Aliena screaming desperately and twisting around Without even thinking about it, Lao Liang raised his right hand and slapped her so attractive plump buttocks: "Move your mother's ball!"

"No, I said..." Aliena was slapped suddenly by Lao Liang when she shouted no, and her body was naturally slapped, and Lao Liang took this opportunity to stand up suddenly... Then his body Just, he flew backwards suddenly, squatted on the ground with a bang, he stood up with an 'ow' in pain, just raised his fist with red eyes, but saw a gun pointed at his face all of a sudden , the fire of love that was still burning just now was instantly extinguished by the breath of death emitted by this gun

"You really said?" Qin Zhao looked at Lao Liang with a silent smile, slowly put down the gun, turned around and asked Aliena, who was crying at the front of the car,

"I said woo woo, I can say everything, but please don't let that person come over." No matter how hard Aliena pretends to be cold, even though she has been undergoing polarization training all the time, when the cruel reality When she was placed in front of her, she still showed her fledgling flaws. As long as she is not insulted by that middle-aged man, even if Qin Zhao kills her right now, it will be a relief for her

Alas, in fact, this kind of "interrogation method" is not a problem for real terrorists. After Miss Aliena, a Russian girl who is deeply obsessed with Chinese culture, met her, the iron will she just met immediately met Pancake. It broke down like fire and kept yelling to tell everything. I don't know how Bofu usually educates her daughter. She is really embarrassing to the entire vampire bat organization.

Someone from Qin shouted "Hello", turned around and took a gun to point at Lao Liang who was standing behind him like a fool, and said in an embarrassed tone: "Hehe, buddy, I'm so sorry, I don't need you to do anything here now. , take the money in the car and leave quickly, by the way, let me warn you first, you'd better forget about what happened tonight, or you will be killed..."

As Qin Zhao said, he uttered a gunshot sound with his mouth, and then pointed to the taxi again, which meant that you left in a hurry, what are you still doing here? At the same time, Qin was also very depressed because his lethality was really not as good as that of Lao Liang.

Lao Liang, who was awake, was awakened by Qin Zhao's acoustic gunshot. The heroic spirit of "I am the best in the world" in front of Alena just now disappeared in the blink of an eye. I put on my pants, kept saying I'm leaving now, and climbed into the taxi, put the gear on, and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom... The car didn't move, so the key hadn't been turned on yet.

Seeing Lao Liang's car rushing away like a law, Qin Zhao put the gun back, took off his suit and covered Aliena, and then, with a gesture of pity and tenderness, shook Alanna who was shaking her head and crying. Lianna carried her into the modern car, sat next to her, took out two cigarettes and lit them, put one of them on Aliena's trembling lips, shook her head and sighed in such a gentle voice , Said: "Oh, I was just joking with you just now, who knew that guy would be so wretched, hehe, I was just playing for fun, who would have thought that he would take it seriously?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Aliena took a few puffs of cigarettes, coughed non-stop, and kept shedding tears. The pitiful look of pear blossoms and rain made Lao Qin feel distressed, and he couldn't help warning her: "Hey, Miss Aliena, you said that you are not at home to enjoy your aristocratic life, why did you come out and take this risk? Say, after telling everything you know, go home quickly, and never come to Huaxia in the future It's not for you here"

Qin's appearance and tone at this time are like a kindergarten aunt who coaxes a little girl not to cry. It is not at all the vileness and cruelty just now. It seems that a dog that bites does not bark, and a wolf that eats people Don't laugh, this sentence really makes sense

"You, what do you want to ask?" After taking a few puffs of cigarettes and covering her body with the suit again, Aliena finally calmed down a little bit after coughing a few times.

"The detailed addresses of those people just now." Qin Zhao didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly asked the question he wanted to know the most.

After saying "Shenyang Paomashan International Golf Course", Aliena took a deep breath, and suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Zhao. No matter on her face or eyes, the panic from just now was gone. With special training, the suffering she has suffered these years is not in vain. Not only did she force herself to calm down in the shortest possible time, but she also did not forget to ask who Qin Zhao is: "Who are you?"

After knowing the exact address of those Maozi, Qin Zhao didn't waste much time, directly dialed Kaiser's phone number, and told him the address. Although he didn't ask Jing Hong to go with him on the phone, the latter definitely After he hung up the phone without sitting idly by, he turned his head and smiled at Aliena: "Miss Aliena, I'm a man, a man whose heart falls in love with a beautiful woman like you."

"Don't you dare to tell who you are?" Aliena didn't know why she had a strong urge to know who Qin Zhao was. This desire to know who he is, and to tear him apart in the future, made her lean towards Qin Zhao, and the top of the suit slipped off to reveal two tall and straight mountains.

"Miss Aliena, you are still a child, you have to learn how to be a lady in front of men in the future, otherwise, I will kill you right now, and then I will drive your car to the golf course," said Aliena faintly. *Glancing at her chest, Qin Zhao suddenly smiled, and put the digital camera in her arms: "Actually, I didn't take any pictures just now, because this broken camera ran out of battery haha, then I will give it to you as a souvenir."

As Qin Zhao said, honestly, he found the mobile phone on her body and put it in his pocket, then touched her upright and thought for a while, then untied the leather strap on her hand, then laughed and pushed her away. * Get off at the door and walk back along the road

To be honest, if it wasn't for seeing Aliena's pitiful appearance, Qin Zhao really wanted to drive her out of the car, and then drive to the golf course by himself. The reason why he did this was because he had so much fun just now The murderous intent that killed Aliena after he found out the truth disappeared in a moment of joy, and it also made him consider a hostile woman for the first time in his life, which also made him feel strange after jumping out of the car: Is Lao Tzu getting more and more sissy now?

"I, I will, I will kill you" Looking out of the window, Aliena let out a low growl after staring at the boss for a while, and buried her head deeply in the blouse that someone left for her... …

Because he has a gun and money in his hand, and Qin Zhao's luck is always so good, so after he walked only a few hundred meters, he stopped an Alto car

After the two young people in the car, a man and a woman who seemed to be lovers, got out of the car tremblingly under the signal of the gun, Qin Zhao reluctantly took out all the cash on his body and handed it to the boy who looked like a college student. : "I'm Interpol, I'm renting your car now, please go to the gate of Shenyang Paomashan International Golf Course to retrieve it tomorrow, these are considered rent"

"No excuses, I know these are a little too much, but brother, I am in a good mood today, I don't care about this little money." Seeing the young man trembling and not knowing what to do, Qin Zhao stuffed the money into his arms, He casually touched the face of the girl next to her: "Tsk tsk tsk, you are so beautiful." After saying that, he jumped into the car, whistling and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Many years later, this girl who has become a mother, whenever she thinks of being touched by a handsome young man on that moonless night and praised her beauty, she will always feel a kind of brisk pride in her heart. Sensation: That's a handsome guy, many times more handsome than those Korean guys, his eyes are so bright, his smile is so charming, he, why did he just touch my cheek...

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