Once brothers, now enemies. We used to sit together for the motherland, but now we sit together for the benefit. I once punched you in the face jokingly, it was because I was willing to die for you. Now I punched jokingly and raised my hand, but it didn't land on you. That's because you and I have become passers-by! That former brotherhood, how much emotion, how much regret. But all of this has become, become an unchangeable fact.

Looking at Qin Zhao's tightly pursed mouth, Hu Mietang suddenly felt that he was very pitiful.

Yes, it's pathetic...

Today is the last day of May, May 31st, at five past midnight, except for the bright moon shining coldly in the sky, there is no other light source in the manor, even the guards guarding the manor, Also because the eldest lady is really not in a good mood recently, she turned off the lights.

Aliena was sitting on the chair by the swimming pool with a glass of red wine in her hand, looking at the reflection of the moon on the water, motionless. It has been ten days since she came back from Huaxia, and she has to maintain this movement here for a long time every night, until the east turns pale, and then lazily returns to the room to rest. Although she yelled out her heart in front of her father the day before yesterday and made General Boff no longer worry that she would suffer from depression, but that damned scene always woke her up in her sleep.

In Aliena's dreams, there are always two people. One is the driver with a lewd smile showing yellow teeth, and the other is someone with a cruel smile in his eyes. Even in a dream, she was disgusted by the driver's smile, but woke up by the man's eyes, especially the picture of him holding a saber and resting on Brownav's lower body, which made her unable to breathe at all. Being cold, she always makes her touch her lower abdomen involuntarily after waking up sweating profusely.

"Have you really come to Russia? Then where are you now? Hehe, Aliena, do you expect him to come so much, do you want him to die or..." Looking at the water slowly swaying with the wind, Mingyue, Aliena asked in a low voice, then smiled self-deprecatingly, picked up the cup in her hand and drank the wine in one gulp, then stood up and prepared to go back to her room to rest.

No matter how annoying it is to sleep and have nightmares, one must not sleep, right?

boom! Just when Aliena stood up and was about to go back to her room to rest early, she heard a muffled gunshot not far from the front of the manor. Then, when she looked forward suspiciously, the lights in the guard room in front of the manor immediately turned on, and a dozen guards with Ac-74Y folding rifles in hand ran out of the house.

What Hu Mietang said is correct. The Ac-74Y folding rifle, which is only used by Russian special forces, has now been armed to the guards of Emerald Manor. The people Cy brought in were the elite of the Ku Klux Klan, but it was a certainty that they would suffer from the old nose.

Could it be that he is here? After seeing the guards pointing at the gate of the manor from a distance, this idea suddenly popped into Aliena's mind. She no longer cared about going back to her room to rest, and put down her wine glass and ran towards the gate quickly.

"Miss Aliena." Seeing Aliena approaching, a small leader on duty who was talking to the secret sentry outside hurriedly turned off the walkie-talkie and ran over to say hello.

"Gore, what's going on?" Aliena asked, looking at the road in front of the door. The not-too-wide road gave people a light gray hazy feeling under the moonlight, which made her suddenly feel that the young man who broke into her dream was standing somewhere beside the road, facing her laugh. This kind of illusion that others couldn't see at all made her feel agitated for no reason.

"I don't know, but I'm sure that what happened just now was a gunshot." Gore shook his head and replied, "Could it be that someone hunting at night strayed here by mistake?"

"Anshao said so?"

"Everything is said to be normal. The six of them are now searching along the highway. If there is any accident, there should be a police report soon."

"Well, the gunshots didn't rang out for no reason. Don't act rashly, let alone disturb Brownav and the general." Aliena looked back at General Boff's bedroom, and then said in a deep voice, "Open the door, I'll go out and have a look."

"Miss, let me go now." Gore was startled when he heard that Aliena was going to go out to see it in person, and he was afraid that she would encounter any accidents, so he hurriedly stopped her: "I guess it's just a night hunt, it shouldn't be anything It’s a big deal. Hehe, let’s do it this way, wait until I lead two brothers to catch those who came to hunt, and then give them a good lesson.”

"Stay and watch the gate," Aliena shook her head, "I don't think the gunshot was from a hunter. Gore, call those brothers who are not on duty, be careful tonight, maybe , something will happen tonight."

Aliena clearly felt that something might happen tonight, but she still couldn't help but want to go out and have a look, this impulsive feeling was not even clear to her. Because at this time, in her heart, there was an urge similar to that of a young girl in love who secretly met her lover late at night. So after giving Gore a few words, she ignored the opposition of others and led the two of them towards the place where the gunshots sounded.

Seeing that Aliena insisted on going out, Gore could only shake his head, turn around and whisper a few words to his subordinates, so that more than half of the guards should follow the lady at a distance to avoid any accidents. After the seven or eight guards agreed to walk out of the gate of the manor, he sighed inwardly and walked towards the steward's residence. Regardless of whether the general was awakened by the gunshot or not, he had to go and speak to Chief Brownough.

Not to mention that no one knows that Emerald Manor is the residence of General Boff, even if someone knows, if they dare to come here to cause trouble, they will only end up dead. Thinking this way, Gore quickened his pace and walked towards Brownav's residence. When turning around the rockery next to the swimming pool, he saw lights in the manager's room already lit up, and it seemed that the manager was awakened by that hateful gunshot...Huh? Why did the light go out again? And, and why is it so cold all over?

Gore twitched all over and wanted to look back, but the rapidly disappearing life made him only struggle a bit before swallowing his last breath.

Hu Mietang slowly let go of Gore's mouth, and the general stabbed back from his back. Then he pointed to the lighted-up Brownnave room, and waved at Qin Zhao and Kaiser. , and signaled them to go to General Bove's room at the back to look for those useful materials, and just give it to him.

Qin Zhao glanced around, except for the figure walking at the door, no one in the manor had noticed that they had sneaked in from the cliff behind the mountain. He bent his right thumb and index finger, made a '' gesture, shortened his body, and led Kaiser and the others to run back in a snaking manner...

Aliena walked with a few people on the not-too-wide road. There was silence on both sides of the road, only the breeze blowing and the rustling of the leaves on the side of the road. This made her suspect that the gunshot just now never happened at all. But the feeling of uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense, and finally she pulled out the gun with a swipe, and after opening the safety, her pace began to slow down.

"Miss," after walking a few hundred meters so cautiously, a guard glanced back at his companions who were following far behind, and persuaded in a low voice: "The person who shot just now must have left, maybe it's true." It was a night hunter who came here by mistake. You see, until now, the secret whistle has not issued any warning, let's go back?"

"You call the secret whistle outside..." Aliena just said this, and saw two black figures a few hundred meters ahead, swaying in the moonlight, and then disappeared into the woods beside the road. She immediately shut up, waved her right hand, and signaled the guards who also raised their guns after seeing someone to follow her to have a look.

Although General Bove's Emerald Manor is not a military forbidden area, it is even more heavily guarded than a military base. Since the vampire bats have grown in size, these guards have never encountered such a situation tonight. abnormal. Therefore, these guards who are idle every day and feel uncomfortable, not only did not feel nervous after seeing someone disappearing in a flash, but also had a kind of excitement, especially when they saw the lady ordered to go over and have a look, they immediately whispered to The companions not far behind gave the gesture of preparing for battle, and then all of them opened the safety of their rifles, and the cat waist quickly walked over to that place.

The cold moonlight was reflected on the ground from the gaps in the branches, shaking gently with the breeze, giving people a very unreal feeling... When Aliena brought those hands here, the two people Shadow is long gone. Looking at the dark woods in the distance, she suddenly had a bad feeling, she immediately turned around and grabbed the guard who was following her, and shouted in a low voice: "Go and contact the secret whistle!"

"Yes!" Although he didn't know why the lady was so nervous all of a sudden, the guard took out a walkie-talkie with a dedicated frequency and started calling.

Hearing the voices of her subordinates calling the secret whistle louder and louder, but the walkie-talkie did not return the voice of 'everything is normal', Aliena's heart sank slowly: just now Gore also said that he would contact the secret whistle after the gunshot Yes, but why can't I get in touch now? How is this going?

Tune the tiger away from the mountain! Seeing the increasingly anxious expressions on the faces of the subordinates who called out to the secret whistle, Aliena suddenly remembered the word, followed by a burst of deep regret: How could I neglect other directions!

"Don't call anymore!" Aliena, who woke up suddenly, knocked the walkie-talkie in the guard's hand away with a punch, and screamed: "Hurry up, hurry up, go back to the manor!" The direction of the manor was quiet just now, but following Aliena's scream, a big fireball suddenly rose into the sky from there, and in the fireball that reflected half of the sky red, there was a loud explosion that made the whole valley tremble. The sound made her stagger in her fast running steps, and she fell to the ground.

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