"What?" Liu Ju, who saw Qin Zhao's familiar eyes and was thinking about who he was, was stunned when he heard Wang Xijun's report, and then came to his senses, and stood up from his chair with a bang: "Little Captain Wang, what did you just say? The Zhang family? What happened to the third young master of the Zhang family up there in our jurisdiction?"

"Well. Xiao Hu and the others are still at the scene to verify the identities of the two deceased. Unsurprisingly, it is the young master Zhang." Wang Xijun nodded, walked to the desk, and said in a low voice: "However, we don't need to do this. I'm afraid, because there are big people involved, such as this Mr. Qin, I believe Liu Bureau, you still have an impression of him, right?"

"This Mr. Qin?" Hearing that the young master of the Zhang family had passed away in his own jurisdiction, Chief Liu's head went bang.

When the director of the Xiangyang Street Police Station called Director Liu not long ago, he only said that a noble son was making trouble, but he didn't say that this person was the third young master of the Zhang family. What was even more unexpected was that the third young master dared to die here! The sudden surprise caused Liu Ju to listen to Wang Xijun asking him if he still had any impression of Qin, he just asked subconsciously, and then put all his thoughts on how to deal with this matter.

Director Liu's absent-mindedness made someone in Qin feel the feeling of being ignored. He couldn't help but glance at Wang Xijun. Seeing that he didn't say anything, he had no choice but to smile and light a cigarette. Fog up.

"Who asked you to smoke in the office..." Director Liu, who was thinking about what to do to keep the black hat on his head, was interrupted by the crisp sound of a lighter, which made him turn his eyes away from the window in dissatisfaction, frowning Just about to reprimand someone who smoked in the office without permission, but he stopped short of his words, and then his frowning brows relaxed in an instant: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Qin? Look at me With this look, I didn’t recognize you. Hurry up, please sit down, please sit down, Dui Wang, help me make tea for Mr. Qin.”

Mr. Qin's energy, Director Liu has long been taught, the person who kills Fu Yu in broad daylight without getting hurt is really not something he, a branch chief, dares to neglect, especially when he came to the office with Wang Xijun. It's nothing to do with this troublesome case, Director Liu doesn't believe anything. As long as his figure appears at the scene of the crime, hehe, I'm sorry, even if there is a big problem, it will be directly pushed on him.

Therefore, Director Liu, who was still very irritable and irritable just now, immediately felt better, and kept asking him to sit down.

"Hehe," Qin Zhao smiled, sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, flicked the cigarette ash in the ashtray, and then said solemnly: "Ju Liu, I came here as a victim today. ,That's what happened……"

After listening to Qin Zhao's eloquent account of the ins and outs of this matter, although Director Liu had many questions in his heart, he still resisted asking any more questions, and just nodded his head and looked at him gently. The eagerness contained in it made someone feel very uncomfortable, coughed lightly and said: "Hey, Director Liu, this is what happened, and I even recorded the conversation with the deceased on my mobile phone at that time, would you like to listen to it?" listen?"

"Is there a live recording?" Director Liu's eyes lit up: as long as there is this thing, it will save a lot of trouble.

"That's right. At that time, I saw him bullying two countrymen. When I felt uneasy for a moment, I tried to persuade him from the standpoint of a law-abiding citizen to understand the hardworking people. Unfortunately, he not only refused to listen, but allowed his subordinates to beat me. Sigh. , In fact, I have already seen that his subordinate named Mike is dissatisfied with him, and I am afraid that Mike will take the opportunity to retaliate against him but put the blame on me, so I have a long-term mind." Qin Zhao said. He took out his mobile phone and pressed the play button of the recording function, and immediately there was someone's righteous warning voice: "Zhang Shiqing, how dare you allow your subordinates to commit murder in broad daylight? Be careful, I will take these evidences to the Public Security Bureau to sue you !"

"Hey, go to the Public Security Bureau? Are you scared now? What did you do just now? It's too late! Mike, kill him! I'll take care of what happens!" Without Qin Zhao's explanation, Director Liu can get away with it from here. From the special tone, it can be heard that this person is indeed Zhang Shiqing himself.

"Young Master Zhang, please calm down! Did you see that there are two policemen over there. If you guard them, it will be very troublesome in the future." After hearing this voice, Director Liu glanced at Qin Zhao, the latter immediately said: "This person is Sun Jiuzhong from the east of the city. At that time, he was also on the spot to persuade that young master Zhang. Now he has also been brought into the bureau by Team Wang."

Well, Director Liu nodded and listened intently to what happened next. When Qin Zhao yelled that Mike had killed someone and asked others for help, Director Liu really looked at him with contempt, but he didn't say anything.

Wang Xijun was also listening, but the more he listened, the more the smile in his eyes became stronger, and he couldn't help admiring that someone was really scheming.

"Hehe, things will be much easier to handle this way." After listening to this recording, Liu Ju also heard that Qin Zhao was suspected of fanning Zhang Shiqing, but these are not important anymore. The important thing is that Zhang Shiqing was indeed killed by Mike. Killed, and the murderer himself has been shot dead by the police, this seemingly tricky case is so clear, so Director Liu's mentality was completely relaxed: "Captain Wang, go to the interrogation room and record a copy of the For the detailed statement, don’t let them go for the time being, and I’ll make a decision after I report to the Municipal Bureau. Mr. Qin, you, the recording in your mobile phone is very important, hehe, very important.”

"I know," Qin Zhao said, putting the phone on the table: "I just put the phone in the bureau..." As soon as he said this, someone knocked on the door, and then it was pushed open. A female police officer stood at the door and said in a low voice: "Chief, there are many people outside, clamoring to punish the murderer severely. The door signal can't stop them at all. Now they have broken in."

"What? Outrageous!" Director Liu heard that someone had dared to trespass in the police station, and immediately slammed the cup in his hand on the table: "Who are those people?"

"They said they were from the Zhang family, but they didn't know which Zhang family it was. It's too much to dare to be so lawless when you come to the bureau!" The policewoman replied angrily.

"A member of the Zhang family?" Director Liu, who was about to let Wang Xijun go to the police station, heard that it was someone from the Zhang family who came to the police station, and immediately knew that trouble was coming, so he hurriedly handed Qin Zhao's mobile phone to Wang Xijun, asking him what Don't worry about it, copy those recordings and archive them.

After Wang Xijun walked out of the room with his mobile phone, Director Liu waved his hand to let the policewoman go to work first, and then said to Qin Zhao with a wry smile: "Oh, it seems that they are also very well informed, Mr. Qin , I'm afraid this matter is really troublesome."

"It's okay. Huaxia is a country ruled by law. As long as we act according to the law, let alone the Zhang family, it's just... Hehe, Director Liu, you just need to follow the judicial procedures. As one of the victims, I will definitely cooperate with the police. .” Qin Zhao played with the cup in his hand, with an expression of indifference.

"Okay, then I'll say hello to Director Lu of the Municipal Bureau, and I'll go down with you to have a look later." Since Qin Zhao said that he would cooperate with the police, Director Liu immediately felt relieved, although he had a premonition that the major forces in Beijing were going to They collided, but as a small bureau chief, he is really not qualified or able to participate in this matter. The most important thing to do now is to push this case out as soon as possible. As for what to do above, that is the business of the Municipal Bureau, isn't it...

Ever since he failed to show love to Li Moyu in Qingdao and returned home, Zhang Shizong seemed to be a different person. He often didn’t say a word for a few days, completely stopped going to bars and dance halls for entertainment, and devoted himself to work. And in a very short period of time, he was promoted to the deputy secretary of a certain city in the south.

After hearing that Miss Li's second unilaterally terminated the engagement, the old man of the Zhang family was really angry, and even met Li Tianxiu in private several times for this reason.

Li Tianxiu also knew that his precious daughter made him lose face, but that certain girl's maverick character gave him a headache. After saying a lot of good things and promising that the Li family would come forward to give Zhang Shizong a satisfactory position, Mr. Zhang reluctantly agreed not to write any ink on this matter in the future.

As the so-called frustrated in love and proud in officialdom, Zhang Shizong, who has been infested by the officialdom since he was a child, did not disappoint Mr. Zhang. With his calm, rational and well-connected advantages, he reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve in just half a year. This made Mr. Zhang feel very relieved, and he was even more determined to train him as the third generation leader of the Zhang family.

Today is Mr. Zhang's seventy-fifth birthday, and Zhang Shizong arrived in Jinghua by plane in the morning.

When Zhang Shiqing's accident happened, he was playing go with Mr. Zhang in the study. After seeing the secretary at the door answering the phone, he smiled and confessed to Mr. Zhang that he was going to answer the phone.

"Just go and do your work. Anyway, there are a lot of guests today, so I'm not afraid that no one will accompany you." Mr. Zhang was very satisfied with Zhang Shizong, who was acting more and more calmly. When he saw that he had business to do, he waved his hand with a smile , and signaled him to go to work on his own.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shizong followed the secretary to a corner of the yard, saw his panicked face, so he frowned: "Is there anything worth making such a fuss about?"

"Deputy Secretary Zhang," the secretary replied cautiously, "I just received a message saying that you, you..."

"What about me? Can't you just say it quickly?" Zhang Shizong was a little impatient with the secretary's cautious ink.

"Your brother, Mr. Zhang Shiqing, was killed at the intersection of Guobin Road just now." Seeing Zhang Shizong's impatience, the secretary stopped beating around the bush, and simply said this directly. A clever piece of news.

Looking at Deputy Secretary Zhang whose eyes almost burst into flames after trembling, the secretary lowered his head without daring to take a breath.

Among the three brothers of Zhang Shizong, he and the eldest brother had a bad relationship because they fought for the third-generation core leader of the Zhang family, but they had a very deep relationship with Zhang Shiqing.

Firstly, the third younger brother has no ambition to be in charge of the family at all, and secondly, because he is distressed that he can no longer turn back into a man, so many times, knowing that this younger brother's psychology is getting more and more abnormal, Zhang Shizong still pampers him as before. , Zhang Shiqing put him in the position of a loving father in his heart, no matter how mischievous he is outside, as long as he speaks, Zhang Shiqing will definitely not contradict him, just like today, he also received a call from Zhang Shizong, so he was anxious He rushed home from the outside, but unexpectedly, he was on the road of no return.

But now, such an obedient but unfortunate younger brother actually said that he was killed, and he was still at the crossroads during the daytime! Although Zhang Shizong is no longer the impulsive Zhang Shizong of last year, after hearing the pain of his brother's murder, he swayed and almost couldn't stand up. Fortunately, the secretary helped him in time.

"What about him, the third son?" Trying his best to restrain the grief in his heart, and quickly normalized his facial expressions, Zhang Shizong and a guest who came to celebrate the old man's birthday warmly greeted him, and then walked quickly into the room. In a secluded side room, when the secretary came in, he immediately closed the door, grabbed the secretary by the collar and asked, "Who killed him?"

"Now San Shao and others have been taken away by the Chenyang District Public Security Bureau. It is still unclear who killed him." The secretary did not dare to look at Zhang Shizong at all, but let him hold him own collar, and said in a low voice: "Do you want me to go and see? Maybe, maybe they don't know the real identity of the third young master, so they treat this matter as an ordinary criminal case."

"No." How many people in the capital have never heard of Sanzi? But they still dare... This means that the other party is either a foreigner or a person who is not afraid of the Zhang family. Moreover, the latter is more likely, because the outsider has no guts to dare to cause trouble in the capital. I want to see this person who is it. Thinking of this in his heart, Zhang Shizong slowly let go of his hand, and patted the secretary's shoulder lightly, as an apology for his rough action just now. After walking a few steps back and forth in the room, he suddenly raised his head: "I want to go and see for myself. Also, you must not spread this matter before it is fully disclosed, including those who gave you the news .Because today is the old man's birthday, do you understand?"

"I understand all of this, but, but Deputy Secretary Zhang, it seems inappropriate in your current capacity, right?" The secretary heard that Deputy Secretary Zhang wanted to go in person, and quickly reminded him to pay attention to his public image, so as not to give birth to doubts about his future. Right and wrong: "I think it's best for me to go. After I find out the matter, it's not too late for you to make a decision."

"No, I have to go in person. If I ignore my relatives for my own future, then what's the point?" Zhang Shizong calmly waved his hand, knocked back what the secretary wanted to persuade, and touched Out of the phone: "Hello, Uncle Fourth, I'm Sejong. Well, I know, hehe, you are busy with work and can't go back to Beijing, the old man will understand. Uncle Fourth, I need your help with something..."

Listening to Zhang Shizong and Lieutenant General Zhang Shaokui of the Jinghua Military Region calling for someone, Secretary Lin, wearing thick glasses, looked out the window and sighed softly. For some reason, he looked at the bright sunshine outside. There was actually a sense of oppression that was about to come, and I felt that my secretary might be coming to an end soon.

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