When Sun Zhongbo received the order to hunt down a man named Gao Fei, it was already past 4:30 in the afternoon.

According to the leader who was so anxious that his voice changed, this guy named Gao Fei took advantage of his position to steal a piece of top-secret information about China's military satellites. Their task was to hunt down Gao Fei in the shortest possible time. It is likely to have been transferred, but the task of Guoan is to recover that file no matter how difficult it is, no matter how high the price is.

Seeing the attitude of the always prudent leader, Sun Zhongbo didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately contacted the Huaxia Electronic Reconnaissance Force. After finding out that the last call location of Gao Fei's mobile phone was within the jurisdiction of Chenyang District, he immediately led people to fight the fire. come here.

According to the instructions of the electronic reconnaissance unit, they came to Xinghui Hotel. In the astonishment of the waiter at the front desk, Sun Zhongbo didn't even have time to explain anything? He snatched the guest registration form from her hand, flipped through it and saw that Gao Fei had opened a room in Room 403 on the fourth floor, turned around and shouted with his colleagues before rushing up.

Before he stomped open the door, Sun Zhongbo heard the sound of windows opening in the house.

Not good, he was about to jump out of the window and escape, his mind was racing, Sun Zhongbo didn't care about the danger of being shot in the head, he kicked open the door and rushed into the room. Although his speed was fast enough, he only saw a figure jump out of the window.

"Someone jumped out of the window!" Sun Zhongbo yelled, before he had time to look at the two brothers who were lying in a pool of blood, he jumped to the window with one stride, and shot a few shots at the figure who jumped to the ground more swiftly than a monkey.

Sun Zhongbo can become the leader of the Military Intelligence Department, and his marksmanship is definitely not bad, but the guy running fast is obviously very experienced in escaping. Slowly ran to the entrance of Xinghui Hotel.

"Leave Xiao Liu, and the rest will follow me!" No matter who the running man was, Sun Zhongbo was determined to catch him. Already relying on the air-conditioning unit to jump to the ground, the movement can be described as swift, but just as he was about to raise his gun to shoot again, the man with the backpack had already run out of the Xinghui Hotel parking lot without even stopping , directly jumped into a black Audi car, and then the car ran away like a wild horse.

"Damn it, it's really fast!" Sun Zhongbo ran out of the door panting, looking at the fat boss who was jumping and shouting, just about to grab him and ask if he was that guy's accomplice, but his eyes froze. Liang, then bent down and picked up a mobile phone, it was a silver-gray mobile phone, the guy who ran out just slipped it out of his pocket when he was in a hurry to get into the car.

"Sun Chu, do you want to chase after..." Several of Sun Zhongbo's subordinates had already run out at this time, someone asked if they should hurry to find a car to chase after, and two of them directly held the fat boss with their guns, Warn him to shut up his bluffing mouth, and start a brutal body search.

"Wait!" Sun Zhongbo looked at the direction in which the Audi car was fleeing, and waved his hands to stop his companion. Even if he got in the car and chased him now, he might not be able to catch up with that guy. That Audi's driving skills are no less than that of a professional racing driver. Besides, since it is unlikely to catch up with him, and this person is not that Gao Fei, it is better to check the recent calls on this phone first. Based on this to judge his identity, it would not be too late to set up a net in the capital.

'Grass, how many wives does this kid have! Sun Zhongbo found the recent call records on his mobile phone, but it turned out to be a phone number written on his wife. He couldn't help cursing in his heart, and then pressed the call button. Soon there was a rhythmic beeping sound from the phone. , someone answered, it was indeed a woman, and the voice was soft and nice: "Hey, Xiao Zhao, what's the matter? Have you gone to see Mo Yu's father now, hehe! The old man of the Li family is useless Let the teacup hit you...Xiao Zhao, are you still on the road? Why do I hear so many noises!"

"Cough!" Scared, how did this happen! Why is it Suning? Sun Zhongbo coughed dryly after hearing the familiar voice of a woman who couldn't be in the room, turned his head and glanced at those colleagues who were staring at him intently, pointed to the fat boss's mouth, and motioned for him to shut up. Stop bluffing, then covered the microphone and took a few steps to the side, took a deep breath: "Su Bureau, right! I'm Sun Zhongbo!"

"Chongbo!" Suning over there, after hearing Sun Zhongbo's voice from Qin Zhao's mobile phone, was obviously stunned, and then asked anxiously: "Chongbo, why are you holding Xiao Zhao's mobile phone? He never lends his mobile phone to others, so, did something happen to him!"

Haha, that's all right now, it turns out that the person just now was Qin Zhao, no wonder he moved so quickly, he was involved in this matter, hehe! It's hard not to think easy! Hearing Suning say that someone from Qin never borrowed his mobile phone from others, Sun Zhongbo, who was already palpitating and running away from that man's sturdy skills, immediately determined that that guy was Qin Zhao, the cheap husband of his dream lover, Suning, and his heart ached. Put it down immediately: "Su Bureau, the thing is like this..."

Sun Zhongchang briefly explained what happened today, and told her that Gao Fei and a stranger had already had an affair. The reason why Qin Zhao ran away in such a hurry was probably because time was tight and there was no time to explain? While he was explaining to Suning, a colleague came over and told him: "Deputy Sun, the headquarters has found out the location of the Audi, and the Audi is fleeing towards the Xijiao International Airport, should we immediately notify the airport to intercept it! "

"No, wait first!" Sun Zhongbo waved his hand, and immediately told Suning about Qin Zhao's driving to Xijiao International Airport.

"He is preparing to go abroad!" Su Ning pondered for a moment, and then said: "You need a passport to go abroad, but Xiao Zhao must not have prepared these in a hurry, so let's do it! Zhongbo, you will immediately talk to the security guards at Xijiao International Airport Get in touch with Xiao Zhao, send Xiao Zhao's photo, and tell the airport that no matter where Xiao Zhao goes, you must turn on the green light to cooperate with him, well, let me know if there is any new situation, and I will make corresponding adjustments immediately!"

"Okay, I'll do it now!" Sun Zhongbo agreed, hung up the phone, and first asked his subordinates to bring the fat boss and Xiaomi back to the bureau, lest they report the case to Qin Someone caused trouble, then ran to his car, took out his laptop, and started to deploy according to Suning's instructions...

Qin Zhao drove the snatched Audi and ran towards the Xijiao Airport like the wind. Now he also knows that those people have almost found out his location just now and started to deploy to chase and intercept him. Moreover, even if he hid Despite the entanglement of those people, it may be troublesome to board the direct flight to Tokyo, Japan, but now that time is tight, I can't take care of it, so I can only take one step at a time, holding the steering wheel with one hand , he started touching his cell phone, ready to call Suning, and ask her to make some arrangements with Xijiao Airport, before getting on the plane.

"Fuck, where is my cell phone?" When Qin Zhao reached into his pants pocket, he was dumbfounded because the cell phone was gone.

What can I do? Looking at the signboard of Xijiao International Airport by the roadside, Qin was a little helpless, and wanted to use the mobile phone dedicated to Longteng internally, but who knows if the airport will buy it for his own account, after all, Longteng organization It is the top secret of the country, and ordinary local agencies must have never heard of it.

well! It seems that we can only tell Shang Xiaopeng and the others about this in advance, and then communicate with Suning through them. Qin Zhao sighed heavily in his heart and took out his mobile phone. The car has already arrived at the Xijiao Airport. kilometers of road.

The speed was still fast enough, and the timing was barely accurate, but when Qin Zhao saw not only several police cars with flashing police lights parked beside the road, but also seven or eight heavily armed policemen standing there, he immediately Take back the action of holding the phone, alas! In vain, I have been desperate for so long. Although he had already guessed that someone would intercept him, but after seeing the police waiting in full force, he was still a little frustrated that his success would fall short.

No matter how urgent the matter is, you have to explain it clearly before talking about it! Although the plane is about to take off in a few minutes, I don't blame me for this matter. Thinking this way in Qin Zhao's heart, the accelerator under his feet slowly loosened, and he planned to communicate with the airport police first, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble Trouble... But, just as he was about to stop the car, the policemen standing in front of the police car all jumped into the car, the car started while the police lights were flashing, and the loudspeaker on the police car rang: " Give way to the vehicles in front, give way to everyone!"

What's going on here? Qin Zhao stuck his head out of the car window suspiciously, looking at the police cars that were obviously escorting him, not knowing what was going on.

"Comrade, the plane to Tokyo, Japan is about to take off, please hurry to the airport, your passport and air ticket are ready for you!" The window of a police car parallel to Audi fell down, and a policeman poked his head out Come and explain to him.

No need to ask, all of this must have been arranged by Suning. As for how she knew, it was the lost cell phone that caused the trouble.

well! It's great now, I can't do it if I don't go, there are still many things I haven't done? Sad... Qin wiped the tip of his nose, smiled at him, then retracted his head and stepped on the gas pedal.

Although he sighed in his heart that he was born to be a hard worker, after getting on the plane smoothly, Lao Qin still admired his eldest wife for being really capable. She arranged work for her husband in such a short period of time. It seems that there is a A capable wife is not a good thing... After closing his eyes and resting for a while, listening to the sweet voice of the stewardess, he untied the straight man's backpack. There were not many things in it, except his mobile phone, wallet, keys and other daily necessities. Outside the product, there are only a few maps of Jinghua and a photo.

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