"Also! Women are clothes, what about men? Just be the one who picks up the clothes you like and wears them, and don't become the hanger that hangs clothes!" Brother Huozi finished speaking with a deep expression on his face.

"Thank you, I figured it out!" After listening to Brother Huozi's new explanation that women are like clothes, Qin Zhao, who bowed his head and pondered for a while, raised his head, with the satisfaction of being enlightened by an eminent monk on his face. , stretched out his hand sincerely: "Brother, if you have any troubles in Qingdao in the future, just say that you know Qin Zhao from Tianhe Group, and I will be called Qin Zhao!"

"Hey, it's useless to mess with me. When did Brother Huozi use someone else to cover you? Hey, why are you leaving! You haven't drank comfortably yet... Slow down, who do you think you are, Qin from the Tianhe Group Zhao!" Brother Huozi, who had just put down the wine bottle, didn't take it seriously when Qin Zhao stood up and left. After he had walked more than ten meters away, he asked a brother at the next table with wide eyes and said, "Just now he, he said He is Qin Zhao of the Tianhe Group!"

"Yeah! Boss, he said his name is Qin Zhao, I heard it clearly just now!" A young man who just came to the city from the countryside not long ago wiped the beer foam from his mouth, and glanced down the sidewalk. Qin Zhao, who was walking east, said, "Tch, who does he think he is, and he even made you troublesome to find him, the boss. This tone is really... Hey, what's wrong with you all? You're all stupid. look!"

"Are you fucking stupid? Who doesn't know that person!" A buddy who was drinking with him smacked the back of his head: "Have you heard that there is an awesome man in Qing Island who married several wives! "

"Yes! I heard that he married several wives and didn't get involved in the case... Scary, he can't be the one just now!!" The buddy suddenly came to his senses, looking at Qin Zhao's back, his face was full of Worship: This is what a man should do! Ming Media is marrying several wives, and the officials don't even dare to give a fart. This is my idol! Idol……

In the adoring eyes of Brother Daotou, Qin Zhao, who was a little drunk, still ignored Tie Mole and the two, and walked forward aimlessly with his chin in his hands, talking to himself. : "Well, no matter how many clothes you have, what you should wear and what you shouldn't wear, just put it aside. Such a simple truth, why didn't I understand it before, shuttling among a lot of women like this every day, exhausted Cope with it, I'm really exhausted!"

Looking at Qin Zhao who was nodding as he walked, Jing Hongming asked Tie Mole worriedly: "Do you think this kid will do stupid things after he wakes up after listening to that guy's bullshit theory!"

"I don't know, I hope he can come to a full realization, and use this to dilute the aftermath of the war that worries me. Then the thousands of dollars thrown out tonight can be regarded as a big profit! Amitabha!" Tie Mole, who has never been very joking, The one with his left hand in front of his chest recited a Buddhist name, but in exchange for Jing Hongming's middle finger.

"Then what should I do in the future, should I be a clothes rack or a dresser!" Qin Zhao, whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter, stopped suddenly when he reached the entrance of a narrow alley, because he heard a small There was the sound of weapons colliding in the depths of the alley, and that familiar sound, like a meteor trailing its tail, slid across the night, instantly allowing him to see clearly the way he was going to go...

A few times after seeing Hu Mietang playing the military stabbing action, he was so handsome, Aliena fell in love with this vicious weapon, and even had the idea of ​​using it to avenge the murder of her father, so she pestered him Comrade Hu had to teach her no matter what.

Comrade Hu Mietang, the hero among the heroes, naturally knew what Aliena's purpose was for pestering him to learn military assassination? But I don't mind, if the strength of a game is too disparate, it's not very interesting to play, and Aliena's soft-spoken appearance is really provocative, so he agreed and used his own All the experience of the military assassin was passed on, and this made Aliena know that the most beautiful person in the world who plays the military assassin is in Huaxia.

With the strong desire to avenge her father and Lao Hu's careful education, even though Aliena's military assassination is nothing in front of a master like Lao Hu? But in front of Uejima Sakura, who has rich experience in actual combat, she has not been defeated after fighting for so long. Although the two played for a few minutes, they leaned against the wall to rest for a while.

There was no way, their strength was not as strong as men's after all, and they didn't have the hatred to kill each other, so they worked clangingly for more than half an hour. Apart from being tired and sweating, both of them were miraculously uninjured.

"Hey, are we still fighting?" Uejima Sakura, who has always been seldom convincing in cold weapon battles, asked out of breath after the samurai sword parried Aliena's army stab: "I didn't expect that! Russian chick , you still have some real skills in your hands, I haven't met such a woman who can fight for a long time, I think we should stop fighting, stop and make friends, okay?"

"I'm not interested in making friends with you. Our paths are different, so it's impossible for us to be friends!" Aliena wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hands, and rubbed the skin that was stomped by Uejima Sakura's trick just now. Waist, said coldly: "But I can listen to you, that's it for today, but you'd better not spoil my big business next time, or I will definitely kill you!"

"Yo, I'm so scared!" Uejima Sakura giggled, and the flower branches trembled: "But you have to think about me! I like the person you want to kill, how can I let you do it?" Does he not care about the things he is unhappy about?"

"Then let's not die!" Aliena stared at Uejima Sakura fiercely for a moment, then jumped up, using the military stab as a machete, and threw her head on.

"Hehe, girl, that's not how military stabs are used!" While teasing Aliena with flirty words, Uejima Sakura tried to split her body and dash forward, relying on dexterous steps to fight her.

Aliena slashed fiercely a few times without saying a word, and found that the effect was not good. Instead, she was irritated by Sakura Uejima's words, and several times she was almost hit by a knife if it wasn't for her quick dodge. Besides, I also thought that this Japanese woman might be an expert at playing cold weapons, so she must not be impetuous. After swiping the horizontal knife of Uejima Sakura, she forcefully calmed herself down and said lightly: "Then you Tell me how to use the military thorn!"

"Good boy, I know I should ask the adults for advice. If I want to know how to play the military stab, of course..." Ueshima Sakura giggled coquettishly. When he was an expert, he saw a figure walking over, standing silently behind Aliena.

Could it be that her helper came, Uejima Sakura's heart tightened, and she slashed out with a knife, then took a step back, looking at the shadow vigilantly: "Who are you!"

And this time? Aliena hadn't noticed that someone was standing behind her, and after seeing Uejima Sakura took a step back, she asked questions behind her, did she think that she was playing a trick to make her turn back on purpose? So he sneered without turning his head: "Cut, you don't want to play this game with me, tell me quickly, how should the military assassin play!"

"Let me tell you!" Uejima Sakura didn't speak, but a familiar man's voice sounded from behind Aliena, and she was so frightened that she let out a low cry and was about to turn around when she felt a pain in her wrist when Junji was suddenly struck by a man from behind. The shadow that flashed took away.

After snatching the army thorn from Aliena's hand, the black shadow glanced at her with glowing eyes, and said in the tone of a teacher teaching a student: "Don't you want to know how to use the army thorn? Then let me demonstrate it." Let me show you!"

"You, you show me..." Why is the voice so familiar, out of fear that the other party will steal the weapon away without anyone noticing, Aliena stepped back several steps until she leaned against the wall and backed away. After not moving, he asked in a trembling voice, "You, who are you!"

"My name is Qin Zhao!" After being silent for a moment, Soi Ying suddenly raised his military thorn and said to Uejima Sakura: "I saw that your sword is good just now, it should be from Japan, but you are just using it against her half-baked sword." Army stabbing! That's why you have the opportunity to take advantage of the ninja sword technique. If you encounter someone like me, you can poke a hole in you in a few minutes at most. Remember, remember, don't tell others about you in the future Know how to use military stabs, or else you won’t even know how to die!”

The black figure who claimed to be Qin Zhao said these words in a wordy manner, then took a step forward, his arms grew violently, and the bright silver military thorns made a slight whirring sound, like an invisible poisonous snake, lightning Like stabbing Ueshima Sakura's throat.

Qin Zhao, you, why did you appear here? After Qin Zhao announced his family name, Sakura Uejima and Alena were shocked at the same time, but one was pleasantly surprised and the other was sad, but they both couldn’t understand. What I understand is why Qin Zhao didn't do anything to Aliena, but instead dealt with Sakura Ueshima for her, especially the latter, it was just a conditioned reflex when he saw that the military thorn hit the throat at a speed that couldn't be faster Shrinking his neck as if, he screamed, "Don't kill me!"

Ding... With a soft sound, the bright silver spear pierced Uejima Sakura's right earring, and then stopped, which also made her break out in cold sweat and stammered, "Qin Zhao, don't kill me!" , you should kill the woman behind you, it is her, she is the one who wants to kill your woman tonight, I fought with her to help you!"

"She killed my woman, why did she kill my woman!" Qin Zhao put back his military stab, turned around, looked at Aliena with his back to Uejima Sakura, and asked a little strangely: "Who are you? She said you wanted to kill me!" Woman, it's true!"

"What do you pretend? You know that I came to Qingdao to take revenge on you. Since you found out, you can kill or cut whatever you want. Why pretend that you don't know me!" Aliena saw Qin Zhaohe Ask her this question like a fool, don't know why? The fear in my heart just now disappeared all of a sudden, replaced by infinite grievances and hatred, suddenly raised her chest, and stared at him viciously, her eyes were full of burning anger.

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