
After Song Lanyue deducted his eldest brother's phone number, he felt a little helpless. Although he also agrees with Song Lanjiang's so-called prosperity must decline, and keeping a low profile at the right time is only for a better rise in the future, but he is still very disappointed by the retreat of the prosperous Song family in this change of office.

The Li family, including the Fu family, who is trying to hide their strengths and bide their time, stand out in this change of office. Many second generations in their prime have taken up important positions. The only thing that makes Song Lanyue feel relieved is that the Zhang family is still in this change of office. Still depressed.

The biggest winner of this re-election is undoubtedly the Li family. Li Tianyong, the former vice governor of Qilu Province, was appointed as the acting governor of Guangdong Province. Li Yueming, who is a deputy in a certain autonomous region, unexpectedly became the acting governor of Qilu Province. This Li Yueming is not only the eldest daughter of Li Tianxiu, but also has an advantage in age. He is only 37 years old this year and has reached the ministerial level. Became the youngest governor of China and the only female power faction.

In the military, it also caused Song Lanyue a headache. East China Sea Fleet Commander Zhao Xianfeng, 37605944, was also transferred to the South China Sea Fleet this time. It's a good thing, at least Han Yong, the new supreme commander of the East China Sea Fleet, is the wife and nephew of the old man of the Fu family.

How should the nephew develop the East China Sea Oilfield Project stably when the Japanese side protests against the Kurai case... Song Lanyue's head hurts until he thinks about it, and he didn't come up with a good idea, which made him a little annoyed Walk around in the study.

It wasn't until Staff Officer Niu of the General Staff Office sent a report that he smiled like an old fox. A somewhat despicable plan was formed in an instant, and he immediately ordered the guards to prepare a car. He was going to Li Tianxiu's residence to ask for two Glass of water and wine to drink...

Speaking of Li Tianxiu. Although the eldest daughter and younger brother Li Tianyong stood out in this election, but now he is only a lot more restless than Song Lanyue. Song Lanyue is worried about his nephew, but he is because of his second young lady Li Moyu.

After Li Moyu insisted on returning to Daliao, he did make concessions after becoming a father, and even acquiesced in the fact that his daughter would be his mistress. Li Er, who has always been unwilling to be left behind, actually spread this resentment on his old man, claiming that if they hadn't forced someone away, she would have become someone's lover and bride by now, and he couldn't swallow it. With this tone, Li Moyu once again displayed her aggressive and self-willed style when she was a daughter. After entrusting Fu Mingzhu to send Xiao Menger back to Li's house for only two months, she unexpectedly learned from someone and disappeared.

His daughter was away alone, Li Tianxiu was a father, even if he was a well-known powerful faction in the field, besides slapping the table and scolding Li Moyu for not living up to expectations, he could only send people around to check Li Moyu's whereabouts. Tonight, just now Li Tianxiu, who came home, hadn't had time to report to the old woman who was holding the child about the job of finding a girl? The guards came to report that General Counselor Song was visiting.

Of course, Li Tianxiu understood why Song Lanyue came to the Li family in private. It was just to let Li Yueming open the door to the Qin family's affairs in Qingdao. Regarding Song Lanyue's thoughts, he felt that the other party had gone too far , although Xiaomeng'er has someone's blood on her body, how can the country's major affairs be swayed by the private relationship of her children, and besides, Li Er's wild girl has not been heard from until now, if there is something wrong with her, Don't say that someone is just your nephew, even if it is your son, he will have countless little shoes to wear from now on, even though he thought so in his heart, Li Tianxiu greeted him politely.

After Song Lanyue came to Li's house, what did he finally talk about? Others don't know, but the guards of Li's family found that Mr. Li's face looked much better when he sent Chief of Staff Song out. Otherwise, how could Mr. Li's footsteps be so brisk...

The guard guessed right. Li Moyu's whereabouts were indeed inquired by the intelligence department of the General Staff of the military. In fact, she did not run away. These days, she has been hiding in Li Yueming's Provincial Party Committee Building No. 2, except for watching movies on the Internet every day. In addition, it is just a disguise to go to the gym, and the small life is very comfortable.

Li Moyu is the apple of the eye of Li Tianxiu and his wife, but in the eyes of her elder sister Li Yueming, she is more concerned about it, otherwise, Li Yueming would not have been hiding the truth from old man Li when she secretly came to Qilu for several days.

For Li Moyu's younger sister, Li Yueming spoiled her to the extreme. In order to have successors in the Li family, she was raised by Li Tianxiu as a boy since she was a child, so she had to give up a lot of things she liked, and thus embarked on an official career.

On the surface, it seems that all officials are majestic, but who knows who is warm and cold, in addition to always be on guard against intrigue from the officialdom, even a woman's most longing to be with her beloved man has become a luxury. Therefore, Li Yueming pinned many things that he could not get on his younger sister, hoping that she could fulfill those "long-cherished wishes" on his behalf.

In the end, Ms. Li Er lived up to her expectations and successfully became a brave man who was willing to be a mistress in pursuit of love. She staged a scene where she first elopes, then returns home with the child, then leaves home in a fit of anger, and then throws the child to the old man. Dad came out to enjoy life by himself... For this result, Li Yueming felt very speechless, but when he saw that his sister was really happy doing this, he had no choice but to help her hide it from his father.

It was past 10:30 this evening, Li Yueming walked into the living room of her home after a tiring day, and the first time she opened the door, she saw Li Moyu, who was holding red wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Bare feet rest on the coffee table and lean on the sofa to watch TV.

well! Depraved, Li Yueming sighed in her heart, but she didn't say anything? Who made my sister's current "happy life" what I want in my next life?

"Sister, you're back!" Seeing Li Yueming coming in, Li Moyu hurriedly put her feet off the coffee table, and asked before she picked up the water glass, "How's the matter I asked you to inquire about today?"

"Could it be that Qin Zhao is the only one in your heart, and you don't think about the old lady who has been tired all day, Mo Yu, you're doing too much!" After taking a sip of water, Li Yueming sat on the sofa next to Li Moyu, His brows were slightly frowned: "Besides, I can't do these things with just a few words from the governor. Didn't you see that General Secretary Song has taken a tacit attitude towards the fact that Japan sent an investigation team to Qingdao?"

"Tch, I really don't understand why the general secretary would let those devils make it difficult for him to kiss his nephew, but he didn't do anything!" Li Moyu put down his wine glass, smoking a cigarette like a female hooligan, with a flattering smile on his face, and began to give Li Yueming Rubbing *: "Who are the provincial offices going to Qingdao!"

Li Yueming really wanted to tell her younger sister, don't worry about these things, but after seeing the youthful charm exuding from her younger sister, she still smiled wryly and shook her head: "Deputy Director Zhang Zongchang!"

"Who is he!"

"Do you still need to ask?" Li Yueming leaned on the sofa a little tiredly, and Li Moyu hurriedly beat her leg again, expressing his dissatisfaction at the same time: "You too, send people from the Zhang family down, it's not clear to him Are you taking eye drops?"

"I have a lot of work to do, and I haven't been in Qilu for a long time, so I have a lot of relationships that I haven't figured out yet..." Speaking of which, Li Yueming grabbed his sister's hand: "Okay, don't be courteous here Well, let me warn you, don't inquire about government matters in the future, lest I violate the principle. Besides, I really don't like that Qin Zhao, don't look at him even the second girl from Su's hometown. , but I think this kid is still not good enough for you, or else this is the case! Wait until sister finds you a guy who looks like Pan An to fill your empty heart!"

"Fuck you!" Li Moyu rolled her sister's eyes: "You don't care about my affairs from now on. Second Miss, who I like is destined by the heavens, and it can never be changed!"

Don't look at Li Yueming as a strong woman outside, but the marriage in name still makes her feel that she has no place in her heart. She spends a lot of work every day. Would use this boudoir banter to get a taste of her teenage dreams.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about your nonsense, but let me tell you, your little lover will want to be like before, hehe! That's impossible!"

"How is it impossible? Is there anyone in Huaxia who dares to plot against him!"

"You're too naive!" Li Yueming also took a sip of red wine: "For the sake of the general secretary, no one dares to plot against him, but those who don't like him, as long as they act according to the law..."

"Then are you one of them!" Li Moyu hurriedly interrupted Li Yueming.

"If he does things too much, we can't rule out the possibility!" Li Yueming said lightly, "This kind of showmanship is actually some black sheep. It is their existence that changes the public's view of the government. Don't talk to me. Roll your eyes, let's start with the fact that he dared to marry several wives! How many people will be dissatisfied!"

"Ah! I know this is the truth, but you don't know him at all!" After staying for a while, Li Moyu sighed: "Stop talking about this, sister, tell me, is that Cangjing killed by his man?" The one who was taken away, why haven't I seen her come forward to clarify the facts for Tianhe Group for several days!"

"Cang Jing has also disappeared now, but the Japanese side doesn't seem to take her seriously at all!" Li Yueming pondered for a while: "It's not clear what's wrong with this, but I just know that Cang Jing is in Qing Island. The armed police hospital is recuperating... Mo Yu, let me tell you, what happened to Cang Jing is definitely not as simple as it seems, even if you know her whereabouts, you are not allowed to go find her privately!"

"Cut, why would I look for her? It's just a chicken from Japan. What right do you have to let Governor Li's sister go and poach her privately!" Li Moyu cut disdainfully, but she was thinking in her heart: I won't look for her, If I don't look for her, then am I still the Li Moyu who makes people give her a thumbs up and secretly praise Li Moyu?

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone, eat more rice dumplings and read more books...

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