"You can't go!" Hearing that Qin Zhao said that he wanted to go to Yan's Village in person, Suning immediately raised a different opinion.

"Why? If I don't go, Huozi won't be able to deal with those bullshits at all!" Qin Zhao frowned. There are not many people to send, although Kurai has completed her mission now, but I promised her to let her live safely!"

"Sister Ning doesn't mean to prevent you from protecting Cangjing!" Yan Ruyu took off the anti-radiation glasses on the bridge of her nose: "I just want to remind you that even if you are covered in iron, you can drive a few nails. If you are all asked to go out, you will not be exhausted to death!"

"Life and death are no small matter, but what you say makes sense, so what should I do!"

"It's very simple, just let me do it!" Su Ning took over the words: "I can send professionals from above to protect the warehouse well, and you can just do what you should do, such as raising money. Funds to build your personal armed force!"

"Use the people above!" Qin Zhao shook his head: "It's not good! If there is suspicion of false public affairs for personal gain, it will make people unhappy!"

"Xiao Zhao, sometimes you are really smart, but sometimes you are very stupid!" Suning smiled: "You have caused so many troubles these days, but the higher-ups once called you to train you once, including today. In the morning, you made people exaggerate that Governor Li is your sister-in-law who used rogue means to block the investigation team. I can guarantee that the higher-ups will know now, but why haven't they approached you yet? Hehe, don't tell me that they all I don't know your phone number!"

"Well, I must know, maybe even what I did with you in the room last night, I'm afraid they also know!" Qin Zhao looked seriously at Su Ning, whose eyes began to become charming: "Then tell me, why did they do anything?" Let me mess around like this!"

"It's very simple, what you do is just in line with what they want!" This person really has the potential of a playboy, and he talks nonsense after guarding so many beautiful younger sisters. Thinking of what happened last night, if outsiders really knew about it, Su Ning would be very sad. After a sway, he quickly calmed down: "Xiao Zhao, you are not in the political circle, so you may not know that several major factions in the country are starting a new round of collisions using the trivial incident between you and Mo Yu as an introduction. Proposing to use someone above you to handle your private affairs is actually also under their consideration!"

"The matter between me and Mo Yu actually caused such a big effect!" Qin Zhao, who knew nothing about officialdom, was a little dumbfounded: "If this is the case, it should be regarded as a butterfly effect because I accidentally injured Mo Yu and caused several major factions to collide!"

"Almost! But it's more similar to the fuse!" Suning nodded: "Really? You are at most a pawn among several major factions. Some people want to eat you, while others protect you, but now they want to eat you." Your people started to show their fangs, but the people who protect you are watching you to see if you will use your potential to fight back, if you can't resist, they will stand up soon!"

"I understand!" Qin Zhao thought silently for a moment, then raised his head and said, "But I don't want to be a chess piece, I just want to be the chess player!"

Suning didn't answer, just lit a cigarette, then stood up and walked out the door.

"Xiao Zhao, make a paper list of weapons for me again, you know this!" Qin Zhao knew that Suning wanted to tell him that he didn't want other women to worry, so he asked Zhan Zhao and walked out of the room .

Standing in front of the window at the end of the corridor, Suning looked at the sky outside the window, heard Qin Zhao's footsteps walking behind him, exhaled a smoke ring and said, "I thought about it for most of the night last night. The status of civil servants is involved in this matter. Although the above tacitly allows us to do so, our power is limited after all. In fact, your idea of ​​establishing a private bank and building a private armed force is a good idea, but these two things cannot be achieved overnight. Well done, even if our family's Shuangxue goes out under your banner at the same time, it will still take time!"

"I know, it won't take half a year or six months, don't even think about it!" Qin Zhao put his arms around Suning's shoulders: "But now I can only use the tiger's skin as a banner, and I can carry it day by day. I know better, don't think that Li Yueming will die down in the past few days, but the blows to Tianhe will come one after another, and I will be exhausted to deal with it, but I have no other way for the time being, if it doesn't work, I will take a step back! "

"You have a way, and there are two!" Suning looked back at Qin Zhao, his eyes began to flicker: "It depends on whether you are willing to do it!"

"Tell me!" Qin Zhao paused, "I won't blame you if I make a mistake, because you are for me!"

"Well, if you understand this, I feel at ease!" Su Ning pouted and smiled, but in exchange for Qin Zhao's eyes that pretended to be tender, so he had to return his eyes and said: "One, as far as I know, the Li family The Tianlong Group invested in an iron mine in Algeria in North Africa last year. The capital occupied by mining and operation was as high as hundreds of billions. The engineering strength was no less than that of the East China Sea Oilfield. Disguised compensation after losing the East China Sea Oilfield!"

Qin Zhao listened quietly and did not speak.

"The news I got is that most of the funds that Tianlong Group invested in Algeria this time came from foreign bank loans, and this bank that provides loans to Tianlong Group is precisely the Eurasian Bank of your third wife Kailins! "

"You mean, let the Eurasian Bank stop lending to Tianlong Group, and use this to attack the Li family!" Qin Zhao frowned: "I'm afraid this is not easy to handle! Although Kailinsi is my wife, she can't I am messing around with the interests of the entire Rothschild family, and the Tianlong Group going there to open mines is a way of plundering other countries' resources for China. If I do this, the old uncles will not interrupt me The legs are the only ones!"

"Hehe, you are not happy to say that you look like a dandy in vain, how can a real dandy think about this!" Suning smiled: "Besides, I didn't let Kailinsi stop the loan from Tianlong! I just did it With that kind of attitude, Kailinsi hinted to Tianlong: If you make my husband unhappy, then I will also give you small shoes to wear!"

"In that case, the Tianlong Group belonging to the Li family will have a rough foot, and will know who gave them the shoes from the relationship between Kailins and me, and will ask the old man of the Li family for help!"

"That's right, it's clear at one point!" Suning nodded approvingly: "Although this is a bit of a villain, it is still a means for Young Master Qin to fight back!"

"Hehe, villain, I always thought I was a gentleman?" Qin Zhao smiled triumphantly: "Su Ning, you didn't come up with this idea, did you?"

"Well, it was my sister who told me that Caiyun Industrial and Tianlong Group won the business of the 100 million tons of iron ore in Algeria. It's just that she has never competed with others, so she wants to borrow your hand to vent her anger, but this matter The premise is that you have to convince the Rothschilds!" Suning didn't hide anything.

"Well, it's easy to handle. We're just scaring him, and we're not really withdrawing him!" Qin Zhao nodded confidently: "Then what about the second counterattack plan?"

"You and Hu Mietang agreed at the beginning that vampire bats are not allowed to enter China to commit crimes!"

"Yes..." Qin Zhaogang said yes, and immediately understood: "Su Ning, you don't need to talk about this matter, I understand what you mean, even if I can't beat those people, I will definitely not take the society If I use the turmoil as my bargaining chip, even if others are forced to make concessions, I will not forgive myself, besides, if I do that, my old uncles will jump out immediately!"

At the beginning, Qin Zhao and Hu Mietang agreed that as long as they successfully helped Hu Mietang become the boss of vampire bats, then vampire bats would not be able to commit crimes in China.

Hu Mietang is a man who keeps his promise. So far, except for the murders in China, there is no involvement with vampire bats at all. There are footprints of vampire bats everywhere in the world. It has been proved that Hu Mietang is so trustworthy to the point of perversion.

But if Qin Zhao hints that he can make waves in the jurisdiction of the Li family, Zhang family, and Fu family members, since there are so many corrupt officials and evil gentry in Huaxia who are not short of money but try to bring down their opponents, it is completely possible for the vampire bat Make a lot of money.

Even, Qin Zhao is sure that if he reveals this meaning to Hu Mietang, because of his hatred of Chinese people, the latter may assassinate those who keep "this society is so good now!" Embezzling a few million is as good as nothing, even if something goes wrong, a few scapegoats will be released at that time, and they can still get away with it, 'the corrupt officials and evil gentry who think,'

Although the current number of corrupt officials is rising geometrically, and there are cynical youths who say that grassroots leaders are lined up to kill one by one, only those who slip through the net will not be killed by mistake, but even if these people are punished, they should be punished by the state. Any terrorist organization outside the country is allowed to intervene... So, after hearing what Suning meant, Qin Zhao immediately shook his head and refused.

But from the bottom of his heart, he longed for those people to end up like this, and he also knew that if such vicious murders happened frequently in the jurisdiction of those few faction leaders, they would definitely get their feet dirty, and the big bosses would have to deal with it The impact of this incident has no time to fight against the factions represented by the Song faction.

"I also know it's a bit extreme to do this!" Seeing that Qin Zhao's tone began to be severe, Suning also began to regret making this opinion: "But this is the most effective way, not only can solve the crisis in Tianhe, but also hit... oh Forget it, just pretend I didn’t mention it, don’t look at me with such treacherous eyes!”

"Hey!" Qin Zhao suddenly smiled, and reached out to rub Suning's face: "Xiao Ningning. Although your idea is quite bad, it inspired me. Qin's counterattack will be about to come soon." here we go!"

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