"Boss, I..." Xiaoniao and the others regretted it now! It's beyond words. If they knew this would happen, even if they killed them, they would not let go of the opportunity to hang out with Young Master Qin. But now, it's too late to regret, and they just want to explain something in vain At that time, Qin Zhao turned around and looked at them, his eyes full of indifference: "You go! Although Cang Jing is a woman who can do her best, you are a villain who pretends to be a public servant. , Qin Zhao would rather have a whore-like woman by his side than a villain!"

"Alas!" Seeing that Qin Zhao had made up his mind, He Xiaoda patted Xiaoniao's shoulder and sighed, "Let's go!"

"What about me?" Aliena, who had been silent all this time, asked after He Xiaoda led a few people out of the house, "Do I still live here!"

"No, you go back with me!" Qin Zhao glanced at the once beautiful woman on the bed again: "I've already missed it once, and I won't miss it a second time!"

Aliena didn't speak, but just reached out and patted the blanket covering the well, as if saying goodbye to her...

Liu Dongshun has been very busy recently, and he is also very nervous. He has to send a large number of police forces to stay at the Jinan Railway Station every day. Jinan is the capital city of Qilu. Although the population is not as large as that of Jinghua, but with the floating population, there must be about seven or eight million people, and it is precisely this part of the floating population that made him lose weight in the past half a month. .

Half a month ago, the Municipal Bureau received information from Jinghua's intelligence department that Russian vampire bats, which had disappeared in China for four months, might flee to the provincial capital to make trouble in the near future, and the way they came to the provincial capital , most likely by train.

There are two train stations in southern Hebei, with a daily passenger flow of hundreds of thousands. If it is true as reported by the intelligence, it is almost impossible to find members of vampire bats in such a large passenger flow. Although he knew that most of the vampire bats were from Eastern Europe, it was easy to spot them from the crowd, but the provincial capital received a lot of foreign guests every day, so we couldn't pay attention to all of them! Besides, vampire bats have been pouting so fast recently, there have already been people of yellow race joining.

Last night, he also heard from Deputy Governor Liang Chaoyi, who was in charge of security, that not only Jinan, the capital of Qilu Province, but also more than a dozen other cities in China had received information about the large-scale invasion of vampire bats. A piece of news was leaked, that is, the city directors who received information about the vampire bat invasion were all powerful factions from the Li, Zhang, and Fu families. What did this imply? Liu Dongshun didn't dare to think deeply, so he could only go around busy every day, for fear that a "suicide" bombing case would happen if he slack off.

But even if the people from the city bureau are staring at it no matter how much they sleep and sleep, so what, thousands of police officers from all over the world can't all stare here! But other than that, what else could be done? For this reason, he canceled the National Day holiday of the overall police officers, and even borrowed people from brother cities, but he still felt that there were not enough manpower.

Just when Director Liu Dongshun ate a bowl of instant noodles and rushed to the East Railway Station Police Station to sit in person, a meeting on the safety of the provincial capital city was also held in the provincial committee meeting room.

"Comrades, everyone has read this report now!" Secretary Ji Peng paid the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, pushed forward a document on the table, and slowly scanned the thirteen provinces. Member of the Standing Committee: "Regarding the national security intelligence department, there are a few points for attention issued by the Russian terrorist organization invading China, what do you think!"

None of the Standing Committee members continued to speak, but just picked up the report and read it there.

After about five minutes, Vice Governor Liang Chaoyi said, "First of all, I think this is a bit weird!"

"Russian vampire bats are the fastest-growing terrorist organization in the world recently. They no longer rely on past assassinations as their main rewards, and they are involved in smuggling, drug trafficking, arms trafficking and human trafficking!" Seeing that everyone was silent, Liang Chaoyi continued: "The reason why I say this is weird is mainly because of two points. First, for a long time, our anti-terrorist department has been keeping a close eye on the whereabouts of vampire bats. Especially in the past four months, vampire bats have been rampant abroad. But in these more than 100 days, there has not been a single case of vampire bats in China. Why? Some people in the world say that the boss behind the vampire bats is our Huaxia people, and he does not allow his subordinates to Committing crimes in China, of course, the relevant departments of our country also gave a strong counterattack, but at this time, there was an alarm from the capital that a large number of vampire bats would invade China in the near future, and this time happened to be our government It’s not long after the change of term, so I say, this is the first weird place!”

"Well, Vice Governor Liang's analysis is good!" Ji Peng glanced at Li Yueming who was silent, and then nodded: "The fact is true. In the three months before the change of office, there was not a single incident about peace in China. The case related to the vampire bat is indeed weird, so what about the second weird thing?"

"The second weird place, ha ha!" Vice Governor Liang smiled wryly, his eyes drooping slightly: "I have investigated in detail, and there is one of the 19 cities that have been alerted this time. The common ground that they have come out... How about this? It is easy to give people an illusion, as if the vampire bats are only targeting these 19 cities, not the provinces that border Russia. This is enough to show that they have a goal at all Come!"

What Liang Chaoyi said in common, the more than a dozen standing committee members sitting here understand that the real power factions in these 19 cities are all three major families including the Li family. It was Li Yueming, the second-generation leader of the Li family, who was in charge of urban construction. If there were indeed vampire bats causing chaos on a large scale in southern Hebei, Liang Chaoyi and Li Yueming would be the most affected.

"Well, the second point pointed out by Vice Governor Liang is weird. Although it is a relatively large coincidence, it is not...cough!" Ji Peng waited for everyone to be silent for a while, and then said: "Governor Li, from your point of view , how should we face this matter!"

"First of all!" Li Yueming sighed inwardly, raised his head and said, "I very much agree with the two weird points put forward by Vice Governor Liang. Retaliatory, regardless of whether the news from the capital is true or false, but we must be fully prepared, and at the same time, the focus of the province must also be aligned with security, and strive to make society as stable as before!"

"Well, Governor Li's proposal, I agree!" Ji Peng nodded.

"Actually, I have also heard many rumors among the people these days, saying that some leaders in our province have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked!" Li Yueming said, with a flash of hatred in his eyes. Looking at Dongfang: "And that person can indirectly manipulate vampire bats. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it may really exist. Although so far, we have not found any vampire bats appearing in southern Hebei, but no one can guarantee it." , There will be an incident of a bad nature tomorrow, so we would rather believe it than believe it!"

"Oh!" Ji Peng said again at this time: "Governor Li, why haven't I heard such rumors? It's not true that someone in Huaxia can indirectly manipulate vampire bats! If this is the case, what is the influence of this person?" Li Ke is really terrifying!"

"I can't rule out this possibility!" Old fox, don't tell me, you don't know that this bastard is playing tricks, Li Yueming can only answer Ji Peng's question with a bit of lip and a chuckle: "As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind... ...However, I think through the efforts of all of us, these potential dangers will be resolved!"

"Then, according to Governor Li's opinion, where should the provincial government make efforts?" Ji Peng began to press harder and harder.

I know you want me to withdraw the investigation teams in Qing Island, but I can only do this, alas! Only by withdrawing the investigation team investigating Qingdao Tianhe Group can these problems be resolved. After this crisis passes, Qin Zhao should be ready again. Li Yueming only felt bitter in his mouth: "I said just now, The focus of the provincial government's recent work must be tilted towards the provincial capital in the near future to ensure the safety of the provincial capital!"

"Well, I think that's the only way to do it now. After all, the public security of the provincial capital is very important, and we can't tolerate any mistakes!" Ji Peng nodded: "I don't think it's better than this. The provincial party committee and government set up a security team. As for the team leader, Governor Li himself will be in charge, and Vice Governor Liang will be the deputy team leader. As for the selection of team members, I would like you two to make up your mind. "

"I agree!" Liang Chaoyi raised her hand first.

"I agree!"

Except for her and Ji Peng, the thirteen members of the Standing Committee including Li Yueming raised their hands, and she had to raise her right hand too: "I agree with Secretary Ji Peng's arrangement!"

The Standing Committee meeting the day before the National Day ended with the approval of all Ji Peng's proposals...

The sky gradually darkened.

Sitting in the Audi, Li Yueming looked at the colorful streets outside. Tomorrow is the National Day. Some shops facing the street have already put up colorful small flags, showing off the products in the store exaggeratedly. On the street, pedestrians are like weaving , a pair of young lovers walked on the sidewalk cuddling each other, and there was a peaceful and prosperous world everywhere.

If there was a sudden bang at this time, what would this picture of a peaceful and prosperous world look like? Li Yueming moved his body, shook his head lightly, and said in his heart: Qin Zhao, do you really dare to do it for your own benefit? Put it in front of your eyes and ignore it? Hehe, I know that the nineteen cities in China that have been alerted to the invasion of vampire bats are all related to the Li family. This is your counterattack, your revenge, but, do you really dare? You... still really dare, alas! It turns out that I really underestimated you in the past, but if you think that you can stop the progress of the Li family with this, then you are too naive. I can temporarily let you go, but the game of high-level factions ,Do you understand? Even if you understand, can you, a dude, get in on it?

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