During the National Day, the land of Shenzhou was festive and peaceful. Whether it was Jinghua or Qingdao, the number of pedestrians and vehicles on the streets increased exponentially. All major shopping malls were fully prepared to make money, and various promotion methods , People can't wait to spend all the private money at the bottom of the box, only to feel worthy of the enthusiasm of the merchants.

Some courageous small traders, who saw the opportunity, also tried their best to make a fortune. They carried wicker baskets filled with shell products and ran to the intersection at red lights to look for vehicles with foreign license plates. Knock on the car window politely with your hand, and when the window falls, the simple smiling face carries a low price: "Miss, ten yuan a piece, authentic handicrafts, buy one! Only ten yuan , you can feel the breath of the sea, mother..."

"Give me a small conch number!" After Li Moyu rolled down the car window, his eyes behind the sunglasses casually glanced at the peddler's wicker basket, took out a red bill of 100 denominations from his pocket, and threw it directly into the basket.

"Hey!" The peddler happily took out a small conch number tied with a red thread and passed it through the car window: "Wait! I'll give you some change!"

"Forget it, no need!" Li Moyu started the car slowly as he said, followed by the car that started to move forward when the green light came on, and after passing this intersection, it was the Tianhe Group's headquarters building.

"Good man, good man! I wish you to find a good man as soon as possible. If he makes you angry, you can beat him with this number!" Li Moyu smiled when he heard the peddler's blessing, thinking that the peddler Really understanding...

"Listen up, everyone. Although today is the National Day, since we have taken other people's money, we should listen to them!" Comrade Sun, the temporary head of more than a dozen security guards, was like an officer giving lectures to soldiers. Standing on the steps at the entrance of the Tianhe Group lobby with his hands behind his back: "The big boss is very satisfied with our work for a while, and promised an overtime pay of 100 yuan per person per day during the National Day holiday. Keep going, no matter if he is from the provincial department or the city bureau, as long as he is not here to give gifts, he must be blocked by me!"

"Don't worry, old Sunnen! There is nothing to say about this, let alone those who came here are educated and reasonable people. Those urban management teams who came yesterday are usually arrogant and self-righteous, but after seeing our men At that time, he left in despair!" A young man with a black birthmark on his left eye triumphantly waved a stick in his hand, and when he turned around to encourage his companions to shout "Long live the big boss", he saw A black off-road vehicle drove into the parking lot of Tianhe Group.

He blinked his eyes and waved his right hand: "Hey, Old Sun, is this car a provincial brand?"

"Heiyanlid, go over and ask her why she is here. If she is Tianhe's friend, then let her wait here. If she is here to find fault, don't tell me what to do. Don't ask me what to do!" As Lao Sun said, he tightened the armed belt around his waist, and walked down the steps quickly: "Remember, courtesy first, soldiers later, lest the reporters hiding on the opposite side say that Tianhe's security personnel are of low quality!"

In the past few days, no matter whether it is the work team from the provincial capital or the law enforcement department in the city, these temporary security guards at the gate of Tianhe Group have blocked them back without exception in the most vulgar way. It's not their counterparts, which makes those civil servants who are empty and full of knowledge look at the door and sigh.

Especially the menacing urban management team that came yesterday. Before they could pull off their posture, they were shocked by the slogans of the security guards yelling, "We have the support of the governor behind us, let me see which one comes to act wildly," and finally had to stare. Huiyan felt that he couldn't afford to offend the governor, so he withdrew his troops in desperation. For this reason, a troubled reporter published a short article "On the Great Improvement of the Quality of Qingdao Urban Management Team" in the newspaper. Let the director of the Urban Management Bureau benefit...

Without further ado, Black Eyelid saw the off-road vehicle with the provincial license plate stop, and immediately led a few security guards and walked over.

The car door opened, and a woman with dark eyelids and eyes got out of the car. The wide sunglasses covered half of her face, and her slightly curly black hair hung over her shoulders... Before he could see clearly what the woman was wearing What clothes, the woman took off her glasses, smiled at him, and said in a slightly hoarse voice that almost broke his bones: "Is Qin Zhao in there!"

Although the most important thing Tianhe Group lacks is beauties, but the black eyelids who know who they are, when they see Ye Qingling, Suning and others, they don't dare to look at them at all, but this one in front of them is different! Not to mention her beautiful appearance, the key point is that she is an outsider! If you don't take this opportunity to take a good look, you will definitely suffer from insomnia at night, especially after hearing her magnetic voice, the black eyelids have already forgotten what they are doing, and immediately said: "Qin Zhao he just went in... Well, why are you looking for Mr. Qin?"

"Why not? Ask for debts!" ​​Li Moyu heard that Qin Zhao was at the Tianhe headquarters, so he didn't bother to talk to Black Eyelid, and walked around him to the entrance of the hall.

"Stop!" The black eyelids saw that Li Moyu didn't care about him at all, and the sense of pity and pity just now was driven to the sky by the sense of responsibility: "Except for those who come to give gifts and discuss business, no one is allowed to enter. Trespassing on your own!"

"Longtan and Tiger's Lair!" Li Moyu, who had heard about Qin Zhao's rogue tactics for a long time, turned around with a chuckle on his lips, and didn't wait for the black eyelids to speak again? The left leg flew up, and stomped on his chest with a bang.

"Hey, brothers, someone is here to break through!" The black eyelid who was stomped to the ground, had just sounded the alarm, and his three companions were also knocked down to the ground by a certain woman.

"Wow, it's fighting, it's fighting, Xiaoqiang, hurry up, get ready!" The reporter of a certain newspaper who had been hiding under the tree opposite to watch the excitement, did not expect Li Moyu to be so straightforward, without saying a word, and directly Just put a few Tianhe Group's "high-paying security guards" on the ground, and the free and easy punching and kicking made the reporter stunned for a moment before waking up his partner.

"Who is here?" Through the experience of the past half month, Lao Sun has transformed from a countryman whose calves trembled when he saw the urban management team members, to a fierce man who dared to call himself Laozi in front of the mayor's secretary. Seeing that a girl with all kinds of flair actually knocked down several companions with three punches and two kicks, she immediately flew into a rage, and immediately yelled and led her men to meet her.

After the leader of the old grandson surrounded Li Moyu, she pursed her lips, picked up the small conch in her hand and waved it in front of her eyes. Just as everyone was wondering what she meant by shaking, Li Ning's tennis shoes kicked he mouth...

Crackling! After waiting for more than a dozen temporary security guards who had been majestic for more than ten days to lie on the ground and never dared to get up again, Li Moyu patted his trouser legs, twisted his pretty waist, pushed the door and walked into the hall.

In the lobby, I had long recognized Xiao Zhang, who was the vice president of the company at the front desk. After calling to inform the chairman, they immediately greeted them politely: "Vice President Li, come here!" Already!"

"Where are Qin Zhao and Ye Qingling?" Li Moyu didn't make things difficult for the little girls: "Tell them for me, just say I'm coming!"

"Early, long ago, I called. Ye Dong is waiting for you in the chairman's office!" Xiao Zhang waved to the old grandson who boldly followed in, indicating that you can't afford to mess with this person.

"Well, then I'll go up!" Li Moyu said and walked into the elevator.

"Sister Zhang, who is this woman? Even you are so polite!" Old Sun rubbed his chest, his eyes filled with disbelief: "Why is she so rude? She really did it?"

"Oh! Old Sun, can I be rude to her? She is Governor Li's own sister, who is the boss of our company! You know!" Xiao Zhang glanced at the direction of the elevator, and hurriedly told Old Sun: " You should all go out! You can’t mess with her, she’s been beaten for nothing, really!”

"Oh my mother! Why am I so arrogant? So it was the proprietress who arrived!" Old Sun cracked his mouth, and obediently led the people out of the hall...

Today, Li Moyu, who did not give Qin Zhao a good look, stepped out of the elevator and walked quickly to Ye Qingling's office. The tennis shoes under his feet fell in the marble corridor, and occasionally, he would make a soft squeaky sound. Voice.

"Look!" Just as Li Moyu was about to pass through the conference room and walk to the chairman's office over there, a female voice she was familiar with came from the half-hidden door: "This picture was created by the American Barrett The Barrett m82a1 anti-materiel sniper rifle developed and produced by the company has an effective range of about 1,500 meters. As long as you are well prepared, you can retreat calmly after assassinating the target. I have inquired through relevant channels. A sniper rifle like this, we It only needs to cost one hundred thousand yuan, and the value it generates will be countless hundred thousand yuan!"

"Su Ning, is it too much to use this extreme method to deal with Li Yueming and other troublemakers? Besides, in this particularly sensitive period, people with a little brains will guess that it is Xiao Zhaoqian. Yes!" This voice belonged to Zhan Zhao, the voice was still hearty and without the slightest affectation, but in Li Moyu's ears, there was a thunderous bang: He, he really wanted to assassinate his sister.

"Zhan Zhao, other than this method, can you think of a good idea to make them stop Tianhe?" Su Ning's voice was particularly cold at this moment: "Although they have not succeeded in stopping Tianhe yet, they still have to deal with Tianhe." What about those companies that Tianhe has partnerships with? Including the goods sent by South Korea’s Qiangweihua Group and Britain’s Ribuluo Shipping Industry, they were also detained by the customs for various reasons. If we can stop work, every day we delay, the loss we pay is a terrible figure. Xiao Zhao has money, but he can't spend it like this! Why can they come to bully us? We should suffer , since there is nowhere to reason, then go to extremes! Anyway, as long as there is no evidence left, they won't find us!"

Su Ning, it's a pity that I heard all this. Hearing this, Li Moyu swayed and couldn't stand anymore, and quickly stretched out his hand to support the wall.

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