Although Li Moyu is definitely not the kind of rigid woman who says "men and women don't know each other", but being covered by a man like Hu Mietang with his hand over his mouth, he feels really uncomfortable. Even though he really can't make a sound now, it doesn't mean that She would not stare at him fiercely with her eyes: what do you mean.

"It's not interesting, I'm just afraid that you will jump up in a while, so I remind you to pay attention first!" As if he could understand the meaning in her eyes, Hu Mietang slowly let go of his hand, his head lowered slightly, and only two people listened. The voice I got said: "You are so lucky, you can get into an accident even if you take a plane!"

"Could it be that I met a hijacker!" Seeing that Hu Mietang was serious and didn't seem to be pretending, Li Moyu didn't care about his rude behavior just now.

"It's very old-fashioned to meet a hijacker on a plane, but it really happened now!" Hu Mietang didn't look back at all, and said, "The third row from the back, those two should be in the same row." It's time to start!"

"How did you know!" Li Moyu was about to turn around, but Hu Mietang stopped him with his eyes, and then he said in a low voice: "Just now, I heard the sound of the clip being pressed from over there, and that's when I knew the plane was flying. Someone is going to commit a crime!"

"When you hear the clip, you can hear such a low voice!" Li Moyu opened his mouth into an O shape.

"Hmm!" Hu Mietang said lightly: "This is not a strange thing. When I was in the army, I trained specially, and I could hear a few mosquitoes humming clearly in the dark room!"

"Such a pervert!" Li Moyu swallowed, and looked at Hu Mietang with admiration in his eyes, but also a little worried: "Tell me, will they crash the plane into the building!"

"No!" Hu Mietang shook his head: "They only have two Browning m1906 pocket pistols, at most twelve bullets, as long as they don't hit vital parts, there is generally no danger. True terrorists will not Those who use this kind of gun are probably looking for money. Moreover, there are not many targets to rob. They should have looked at it before boarding the plane. Don't worry, don't look at you, but you will definitely not be their target. , this kind of people should jump off the plane near the border after they succeed, and after a while, they should start coming over, and the target is the marshals in the front seats, so don't make a sound, lest you be taken as an early bird!"

Just by the sound of the clip being pressed, one can hear what type of pistol the other party is using, and from this they can determine what they should do next. Hu Mietang’s short analysis made Li, who always felt that he was quite powerful, Miss Er, her self-confidence is plummeting.

"Since you are so powerful, it shouldn't be a problem to stop them from committing crimes for a while!"

"Why should I care about this? If they don't have trouble going on, who would risk their lives to do this kind of thing!" Hu Mietang said lazily: "As long as they don't come to provoke me, it's considered pointing a gun at you , I won't care!"

"Huh, Hu Mietang, you actually have the face to say that!" Seeing Hu Mietang's high-pitched look, Li Moyu said in a high voice: "If you don't save yourself when you are in danger, are you still a man?" ?”

"Why do I have the shame to say this!" Hu Mietang said disapprovingly: "For a while, as long as you obediently don't act like a hero, there will be no danger... Even if there is danger, I may not necessarily save you, because Although you are a beautiful woman, I like to be a hero, and what's more! Don't doubt whether I am a man in the future, or I will prove it to you with facts!"

"Cut!" To Hu Mietang's words, Li Moyu could only reply with disdain.

"Okay, reading your book, they have started to act!" Hu Mietang said, also picked up a magazine, and began to read it with 'relish'.

Although doubting the authenticity of his words, Li Moyu still followed his example and began to read, but the corner of his eyes was focused on the passage.

Sure enough, half a minute after Hu Mietang finished speaking, two men slowly walked over from behind, with sleepy faces, like passengers going to the bathroom.

"Hello!" Just when the two curly-haired foreigners were about to pass by Li Moyu's row of seats, she suddenly raised her head and gave a hello, the two were obviously taken aback, and then, the hands hidden in their sleeves moved He moved, and then looked at Li Moyu with a blank face.

"He said!" Li Moyu looked disbelieving, pointing at Hu Mietang who was looking down at the magazine with the magazine: "You have two Browning m1906 pocket pistols in your hands, it is very likely that you want to rob money on the plane, may I ask?" Is that so? If it's true... Fuck, it's true, don't kill me, he, he told me all this!"

Those two members of a Russian gangster who just wanted to make a small fortune on the plane, when they were about to approach the policeman in the front seat, were suddenly surprised by a beautiful woman who told them what they were going to do, and they would naturally be surprised. Point the gun at her, and what about Li Moyu? But they pointed at Hu Mietang and said that he told her. Out of the intuition that men are more dangerous than women, the two immediately pointed their guns at Hu Mietang: "Hold your head with your hands and lie on your knees!"

Now that their whereabouts had been exposed in advance, the two of them had nothing to worry about. One pointed a gun at Hu Mietang, and the other held the gun in both hands. They gestured back and forth in the cabin, and then turned to point at the policeman who was not far away. Shouting in English: "Don't move, rob..." Before the man finished speaking, the back of Hu Mietang's head suddenly went cold, and then he heard a man say: "Okay, put the gun down quickly!" ! Your dream of getting rich has been shattered!"

What's going on, that person was stunned for a moment, slowly raised his hand, and slowly turned his head, and saw that his companion was lying on the seat at this time, the man who was pointed at by the companion with a gun Put one foot on his head, and the gun in this man's hand is the m1906 pocket pistol they used.

"Don't blame me for spoiling your good deeds!" Hu Mietang reached out and seized his gun, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "If you want to blame, you can blame this woman, it's all because of her troubles!"

"Don't move!" After Hu Mietang seized the pistols of the two poor robbers, the marshal who realized what happened, took out the gun as if he had just woken up from a dream, and ran over from the back door A plainclothes policeman pointed a gun at them together...

This guy's skills are really good, and it's a great loss to the country to go astray. Even if he was close at hand, Li Moyu didn't see how Hu Mietang snatched that man's pistol and subdued him. After a while, the poor gunman was lying on the seat, and the pistol was pointed at the back of another person's head by Hu Mietang. All this was too fast, so fast that it was unimaginable, so fast that it reached Li Moyu's heart Taking a cold breath, so when Hu Mietang handed the gun to the policeman to look at her, she turned her head guiltily.

"I'm the policeman Sabol!" After the crew security staff took the two unlucky children aside, the plainclothes policeman who ran over from behind walked up to Hu Mietang and waved his hands: "Thank you sir, on behalf of the crew The staff and all the passengers express their heartfelt thanks to you!" Then the hands began to applaud, and then those passengers who only realized what happened at this time also applauded, especially Li Moyu.

Hu Mietang was a little embarrassed by the enthusiasm and appreciative praise from the passengers, so he just smiled and nodded, and then sat down.

"Sir, we have now contacted Huaxia Jinghua Airport. After the plane lands, please accept the interview we arranged for you and receive the award!" After the applause died down a little, the policeman began to wish benefits to Hu Mietang .

"No need, Mr. Policeman, this gentleman has a very honorable status. He will not accept interviews, let alone accept awards from your airline!" Before Hu Mietang could refuse, Li Moyu spoke first: "Your wishes, I feel sorry for him, we still have urgent matters to do, I hope you can keep a low profile for him!"

"This..." In foreign countries, a person who has done a good deed of righteousness must accept honors and awards, because this is also a law that is not a law, so after hearing what Li Moyu said, the policeman just wanted to explain to them why he should accept it. When all this happened, Li Moyu stood up: "Sir, he is a murderer whose case has not been dismissed. If you insist on making him accept these things, you will not harm him!"

"What? He, he is a murderer!" The marshal's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Hu Mietang in disbelief.

"Yes, up to now, I have killed at least three hundred people!" Hu Mietang put his eyes on the magazine and said in a serious tone: "So I cannot accept your kindness!"

"Understood!" Li Moyu smiled triumphantly, "I'm not lying to you!"

"Oh!" The marshal stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. He looked at Hu Mietang with admiration just now, but immediately changed to "Are you a psycho?", stayed for a moment, and then left with a oh up.

"Look, tell them the truth, but they don't believe it anymore, hehe!" Li Moyu chuckled, and as soon as he sat down, he heard Hu Mietang's expressionless voice say, "Before you get off the plane, if you say a word , I will throw you off the plane, don't think I'm joking with you, you should know that I never use big words to scare people!"

Well, although this pervert is a bastard, he always keeps his word, I'd better not mess with him, when we get to Jinghua, hmph, someone will come looking for him, Li Moyu moved his lips, and then drooped Start reading a book.

"I came to Beijing this time just to attend his funeral. I hope you don't cause me any trouble. Before I came, I promised Qin Zhao that I would not hurt anyone in Huaxia, but..." It seemed Seeing what Li Moyu was thinking, after closing his eyes, Hu Mietang seemed to be warning her, and also seemed to be talking to himself: "You are a smart person, you should understand this!"

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