"You said he didn't hurt a Chinese person, hehe, you are so naive!" Hearing that Li Moyu seemed worried about Hu Mitang, Jing Hongming turned around and sneered, and asked: "If a group of people want to hunt a wolf, what do you say? The wolf is in a hurry, will it bite people!"

"Of course!" Li Moyu replied without thinking, and then figured out the meaning of Jing Hongming's words: "Then, does that mean that many people must die!"


"Then why don't you stop him!" Li Moyu shouted: "Or go, go kill him, don't you just watch helplessly, watching indifferently!"

"After knowing that he was coming today, I thought about it for a long time. If he died now, it would not only be bad for Qin Zhao...but I can't help him, so I don't care. Do you understand what I say?" Jing Hong After finishing his order, he walked behind Wang Xijun without looking at her again.

If Hu Mietang is dead now, Qin Zhao cannot rely on him to really open up the situation in the Middle East. If he cannot open up the situation in the Middle East, then it is impossible for Huaxia to obtain resources in the Middle East under the control of Western powers. Hu Mietang was indeed more useful than the dead Hu Mietang, so even if Jing Hong wanted to kill him right now, but for the sake of the general environment, he had to give up.

"I know, because I know, that's why I don't want him to die!" Li Moyu glanced into the living room, then stomped his feet suddenly, turned his head and ran outside.

"Li Moyu, come back to me, you can't go out!" Seeing Li Moyu running outside, Jing Hongming immediately understood what she was going to do, and hurriedly chased her out with a loud shout. Miss, and also the mother of Qin Zhao's daughter, no matter what her status is, Jing Hong dare not let her take risks under her nose...

As soon as Li Moyu ran out of the Wang family villa, he saw several armed police soldiers in camouflage uniforms, guns in hand, running over from the road west of the villa. Pause, after these soldiers jumped into the car, they immediately stepped up the accelerator and drove down towards the east.

Fortunately, this proved that Hu Mietang hadn't been shot yet. Li Moyu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing everything in front of him.

"Li Moyu, you don't want to die, do you? Come in!" Just as she was hesitating whether to chase Hu Mietang, Jing Hongming ran out and grabbed her arm.

"Jing Hongming, you also know that Hu Mietang can't die now, right?" Li Moyu shook his arm, broke away from Jing Hongming's hand, and said in a hurry: "If he dies at this time, what Qin Zhao is doing now Everything I did was in vain, so I have to save him!"

"No!" Jing Hong ordered her to refuse: "It's too dangerous for you to go, I'll go!"

"You go!" Li Moyu took a step back, and for the first time dared to look directly at Jing Hongming: "Jing Hongming, if I get involved in this matter, no matter how much trouble I cause, there will still be my father and I My sister is helping me, how about you? Are you counting on Yashan who just gave birth?"

"I..." Jing Hongming opened her mouth, speechless.

What Li Moyu said was correct, even if it was revealed that she went to save Hu Mietang from danger, and the Li family would take care of her, Jing Hong's life would be ruined. Although his ability is greater than that of Li Moyu, once the superiors know that he has 'covered' a wanted criminal, then he will have to lose his identity after so much effort, and it will be over immediately.

"So, I'll go, you take a good look at the house!" Li Moyu finished this sentence in an unquestionable tone, looked around, and quickly ran to an Audi car parked in front of Wang's villa, very quickly. She smashed the window glass with her foot, and then got in, and after a second or two, she poked her head out: "Jing Hongming, come and start the car for me, I don't know where the thread of this broken car is. !"

"You don't need to look for thread ends!" Jing Hongming saw that she was very eye-catching, and smashed the window of her own car to get in, thinking how capable she was? After working for a long time, I had to hire someone to start the ignition... So I threw the car keys into the car window with a dark face: "I have the car keys!"

"Ah! That's great!" Li Moyu was overjoyed, and asked casually when starting the car: "Strange, why do you have the car key?"

Resisting the urge to drag Second Miss Li out and slap her face, Jing Hong ordered, "Because this is my car!"

"Oh, what did I say? What a coincidence, hehe! Thank you!" Li Moyu smiled embarrassedly, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car rushed out roaring...

Hu Mietang turned his head to look while running at full speed, and the armed police soldiers who were chasing him had been closely behind him tens of meters away. Although it was raining lightly today, there were still quite a few pedestrians on the street, which also made those armed police soldiers dare not shoot without authorization, thus giving him a chance to run with all his strength.

Several times, he wanted to fight back with the 92-type pistol in his hand. Hu Mietang's marksmanship is very good. He even just listened to the footsteps behind him and could send the bullet between the eyebrows of the person behind him without turning his head. But whenever this idea arises, the promise that Qin Zhao would not hurt anyone in Huaxia will make him subconsciously give up this idea.

I will not shoot unless it is absolutely necessary, Hu Mietang thought to himself, and then turned his head and glanced back, just in time to see the two warrior cars rushing from behind whining, and in front, There was also a shrill siren.

There are interceptions in front and chasing soldiers in the back. If you continue to run down this road, Hu Mietang will be a fool, but this road is surrounded by buildings, and the lowest building is two stories high. There was an alley, and when he paused for a moment, he realized it was a dead end, so he ran forward with all his strength, hoping to find an alley that cars couldn't enter, but the warrior who stepped up the accelerator and rushed over Che, would not give him this chance at all.

"Stop!" In the blink of an eye, a warrior car in the front had already run seven or eight meters behind him, and two armed police soldiers leaned out from the car window, their guns dangling in their hands, and shouted at him. : "Stop, or shoot if you don't stop!"

"Okay!" Hu Mietang, who couldn't find an alley to hide in, suddenly stopped in front of a two-story building according to the order of the armed police soldiers. Tang actually stopped, subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and the Warrior car stopped with a creak...

But just when the soldiers in the car were about to get off, Hu Mietang moved, stomped his right foot on the ground, his body rose into the air like a big bird, and jumped onto the car of the warrior with one stride. Then he stomped his feet again, with the help of the rebound force of the roof, he lifted his body up to a height of more than three meters, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the rubber wire on the side of the road without waiting for the armed police soldiers to point their guns He, Hu Mietang swayed and floated directly to the roof of the two-story building like a kite.

Yes, Hu Mietang was like a kite, slantingly 'floating' up to the roof of the building, and then rolled over, causing a few bullets to hit the wall, and then disappeared from the sight of all the armed police soldiers.

"Dong 2, Dong 2, the target has escaped from Cuiping Mountain Road and is fleeing in the direction of the Cuiping Mountain Park. Dong 1 is now chasing across obstacles!" Amidst the shouts of armed police soldiers in the car, there were at least seven or eight armed police soldiers , relying on the protruding part of the building, climbing to the top of the building like flying...

"Captain Fan, do you think he will escape this time!" the deputy captain in charge of the arrest asked Fan Changshu in a warrior car beside an intersection.

"No, we have at least 300 people in Cuiping Mountain area. Hu Mietang wants to escape from the net, hum, unless he grows wings!" Fan Changshu put down the walkie-talkie with a cold snort.

The deputy captain glanced at the sky that was still raining, and said worriedly: "But as long as he crosses the Cuiping Mountain Road, he will arrive at the Cuiping Mountain Back Mountain Park with mountains and water. The complicated geographical environment will definitely give him a lot of attention." Inconvenience caused by our actions!"

"It doesn't matter, so we can shoot without any scruples!" Fan Changshu picked up the walkie-talkie again, and shouted sharply: "Attention all units, the target has already fled to the direction of Cuiping Mountain Back Mountain Park. Anyone who finds the target does not need to issue a warning. Shoot and kill immediately!"

The armed police who carried out the hunting mission this time are all the best of the Jinghua Armed Police Detachment. The reason why Hu Mietang escaped unexpectedly from Cuiping Mountain Road just now was because he wanted to catch them alive, and the other reason was that he was concerned about pedestrians on the road. He didn't dare to shoot. Now, Hu Mietang has left the street and fled to the back of Cuiping Mountain where there are few pedestrians, and Fan Changshu has issued a death order to shoot without warning. Uninterrupted gunshots were heard from the direction of Cuiping Mountain Back Mountain Park.

弹 ... The bullet flew over the body of Hu Shi Tang. Although his actual combat experience was very rich, he always rely on trees or constantly changing the bullet at the moment when he could not be sent. He finally let out a muffled groan, and fell directly into the grass beside the mountain road.

"I hit him, he was injured!" An armed police soldier withdrew his micro-charge, and shouted twice excitedly, just about to take a big step to catch up, but heard a bang... Then, one of his comrades, I saw a blood hole between his eyebrows.

"Be careful, the enemy has guns, the enemy..." Watching his comrades fall in front of his eyes, a soldier who was only in his early twenties hurriedly reminded the rest of his comrades loudly, but a bullet flew, and a flower of blood Flowers, blooming between his brows, made his cries come to an abrupt end.

Hu Mietang fought back, and after he was shot in his right leg and fell to the ground, just like what Jing Hongming said, he opened his mouth to the hunter like a wolf about to be hunted , showing his fangs.

A wolf baring its fangs.

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