If you want to avoid being beaten into a hornet's nest by hundreds of angry soldiers, unless this person is a god who can't be killed by bullets, I don't know if there are gods in this world. The only thing that is certain is that anyone who has seen a god is fucking turned into a ghost.

Hu Mietang has not been killed yet, so he can't become a ghost, let alone a god who is not afraid of bullets. Therefore, after hundreds of armed police soldiers lined up to kill him, he immediately chose Rolled towards the river in the ravine.

The bullets screamed and flew over his body. If it wasn't for the rain and the soil was already soaked, the bullets would definitely raise dust when they hit the ground. Finally, Hu Mietang* and his left leg were hit by two more bullets. After the bullet, he successfully rolled into the river.

Immediately, at least dozens of armed police soldiers who were chasing after them also tumbled all the way to the river, regardless of whether they could see it or not, they shot at the river first.

"Everyone pause!" Deputy Wang waved his hand, and the dense gunfire stopped immediately.

Deputy Wang was panting heavily, and rushed slightly to the gun, the muzzle of the gun slowly moved from left to right. More and more armed police soldiers also lined up by the river, following the example of Deputy Wang. Look, the muzzle of the gun moved slowly towards the river.

At this moment, the sound between the heaven and the earth seemed to disappear all of a sudden, very strange, only the light rain that didn't know the feeling of sadness, as always, lightly hitting the calm river surface...

"Stop, stop!" Li Moyu was driving that Audi with a broken window, along the intersection and was about to turn onto the road leading to Cuiping Mountain Back Mountain Park, when several armed police soldiers with live ammunition waved and saluted and stopped her the way to go.

"Hey, what's going on!" Li Moyu poked his head out of the car window with a dazed expression.

"I'm sorry, we are chasing the criminal!" The saluting armed policeman looked at Li Moyu and said politely, "Please wait for a while!"

"Oh!" Li Moyu nodded, glanced in the direction of Cuiping Mountain casually, then turned the car around and drove towards the way he came.

Gunshots came faintly through the rain and mist. Li Moyu was in a conflicted mood at the moment. She wanted to destroy Tang Fufa but wanted him to live for another year and a half. When Qin Zhao fully grasped that part Die after energy, I think so, but the armed police have blocked the road here, so why not help him, or call Xiao Zhao first, I don’t know if he is there at this time Still no signal like last night.

Make a try first! Li Moyu took out the phone and started calling Qin Zhao's cell phone. The cell phone was still the same as last night. There was a beep, and then a gentle and mechanical female voice replied: "The user you dialed is not in the service area!"

If you don't want to call that girl Suning again, forget it, if you have to ask her for instructions on everything, sooner or later, my aunt will be able to follow her lead. Li Moyu put down the phone, his eyes stopped on a coin on the dashboard, and he smirked He said: "Yes, the easiest way is to let God decide!" Therefore, it seemed that the big event of whether Hu Mietang could escape the birth was entrusted by Second Miss Li to the trifling game of tossing a coin.

"If it's a word, then go to him, otherwise, Brother Hu, you can ask for more blessings!" Li Mo muttered in a godly manner, and then threw the coin to the roof of the car, and the coin bounced after hitting the roof In the passenger seat.

"Well, I still have to excuse me!" Glancing at the upside-down coin, Li Moyu turned on the electronic navigation device, pondered the route a little bit, and then swung the steering wheel, and the Audi car suddenly accelerated, splashing rainwater and running onto a car. Stone bridge, driving along the small river to the other side of Cuiping Mountain.

The light rain was pattering down, drenching Li Moyu's face sticking out of the car window. She had been listening to the movement on the other side of the river. Mie Tang might be caught or killed, so she let go of the accelerator, but then, a burst of gunshots sounded more intense than hailstones hitting the washbasin, and then she saw the Audi in the distance. About 700 to 800 meters away from the car, a black figure rolled up from the grass next to the roadbed and rolled down the slope into the river.

"Ah! He's not dead yet!" Li Moyu groaned, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, the Audi car splashed clusters of water, and flew forward like an arrow...

After Hu Mietang rolled into the water, regardless of the pain in his body, he plunged into the water with his teeth clenched. The pain in his chest, arms and butt not only did not make him stop at this time, but stimulated him to explode out of his whole body. With all his strength, he swam desperately along the direction of the river. He didn't know how long he held it under the water until he couldn't hold on any longer. Then he slowly floated to the surface on his back, showing his mouth gasping. After taking a deep breath, he dived back to the surface.

The river water in October was icy cold, but Hu Mietang no longer cared about all this. Now he only knows that only in the water can he escape bullets. Even if he is like this, the 92-type pistol is still He held it firmly in his hands, and only after his limbs began to show signs of cramping from the cold of the river, he suddenly surfaced. With just one glance, he was sure that the armed police were searching along the right side, so he immediately ran desperately Swim to the left shore.

Just a few meters above the surface of the water, Hu Mietang heard someone shouting from more than a hundred meters behind him: "He's there!"

Gunshots rang out immediately.

"I can't die, I can't die!" Just like when he was in danger countless times before when he went out to perform missions, Hu Mietang snarled and rowed to the shore, grabbed the grass on the shore, and crawled and rolled climbed ashore.

On the other side of the river, Deputy Wang's guns were firing, and the staring-eyed boss roared, "Cross the river, cross the river!"

There are at least a dozen warriors who are proficient in water skills, and they plunge into the water like fish. As long as they swim across the other side, as long as they don't get hijacked by Hu Mietang on the highway, and judging by his appearance at this time, he is the only one. There is no escape from the real wings.

Hu Mietang understands the intention of deputy Wang's team. Now that his position has been exposed, it is impossible for him to return to the river again, let alone continue to rely on the cover of grass to resist. The only hope is to try his best to run to the road. Then... it depends on luck, if no car passes by and is stopped by him, at most he will be shot dead on the spot after killing a few soldiers.

Hu Mietang was lucky. Although he was injured in three places, and Wang's deputy team on the other side of the river was about to run in line with him and shoot at him, but when he jumped onto the road with a dive, he saw a A black Audi ran over with a splash of rain all the way.

"Hey, fuck, watch out for criminals!" When he saw the speeding car on the other side of the river, probably because he saw someone climbed into the middle of the road and obviously showed signs of stopping, the driver knew it was so far away. Not yet, but Deputy Commander Wang still yelled desperately: "Be careful..." After shouting here, he stood on the spot in a daze, because he saw that after the car creaked to a stop, it opened the door. The car door stretched out a hand from inside the car and dragged Hu Mietang in.

He also had his accomplices to support him. Deputy Wang immediately understood after being stunned for a moment, and said to the soldiers who had already swam across the river, "Shoot, shoot that car!"

Da da da, the gunshots over there sounded in time, and some bullets even hit the Audi, but this was of no avail.

"Fuck!" Deputy Wang cursed fiercely, dropped the gun in his hand to the ground, and shouted back: "Quickly tell Captain Fan to request helicopter support, or the criminal will run away!"

"Yes!" A soldier agreed loudly, threw the micro-dash on the back, and climbed up the road with hands and feet. There was a car satellite phone in the warrior's car parked on the road, and the soldier was about to climb onto the road. At that moment, he turned his head and shouted: "Deputy Wang, are there people watching from us at the mountain pass in front?"

"I know, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them over there!" Vice-team Wang is very clear about the deployment of firepower. Most of the more than 300 armed police officers and soldiers are arranged at various checkpoints and crossings on this side of the river. Nearly a hundred soldiers were there, but after discovering that Hu Mietang had come here, Fan Changshu had already transferred many of them, and there were at most a dozen soldiers guarding the mountain pass.

"Contact Second Lieutenant Wu over there immediately and ask him to stop that damn car at all costs!" Deputy Wang shouted to the warrior car on the bank.

"Deputy Wang, Captain Fan's call is not answered!" The soldier turned around from the car and reported loudly.

"Leave him alone for now, let Lieutenant Wu know first!" The neighbor next door was stunned, this fan surnamed didn't answer the phone at this time, what a mess! From the very beginning, Deputy Wang, who was dissatisfied with Fan Changshu because of the arrangement of this operation, cursed in his heart. Just as he was about to make a phone call in person, the soldiers shouted, "Look, our car!"

Deputy Wang looked up, and sure enough, a warrior car was speeding across the road across the river, which made him feel a little relieved, but what puzzled him was that he did not know who was driving the car, Why did he ignore the gesture of waving to the side of the road to signal to stop, and just drove past like that.

"Deputy Wang, Second Lieutenant Wu has been notified, but Captain Fan still can't get through the phone!" I saw a warrior car driving towards this side quickly.

"What's the matter, why don't you go chasing people over there at this time, what are you doing here?" Deputy Wang, who had already climbed onto the road, did not wait for Second Lieutenant Xu who was driving the Warrior car to jump out of the car. He scolded him all over the face: "Where's Fan Changshu? Why didn't he answer my call? Go, inform him, and ask for a helicopter!"

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