Don't all Chinese people have heroic plots of seeing injustice and drawing swords to help? Although it is very immoral for these people to attack the medical vehicle, being a hero depends on the fire! Didn't you see that the dozens of people on the other side have guns in their hands? No matter how good-hearted you are and how powerful you are, you can deal with so many people by yourself. Is this Mr. Qin out of his mind? Abbas muttered in his heart, but the movement of his hands was not slow, and he put the reverse gear in a chirp, and the jeep went back faster than it was driving forward.

Although the weapons in the hands of the Arab brothers are not bad, their marksmanship is really hard to compliment. With the principle of shooting people first, they shoot horses first. The fire of a tire rattled, but it didn't break a tire, but punched no less than 60 to 70 bullet holes in the body of the medical vehicle. Bright red blood dripped from the bullet holes, and the driver was also hit on the forehead. One shot, all of a sudden lying on the steering wheel.

The medical car, with no one in control, accelerated suddenly and rolled over into a ditch beside the road.

"Stop the guns, stop the guns, people are dead and worthless!" A bearded man who looked like a boss waved his hand, and just when he was about to instruct his men to go down to the door to see if there were any living people, he suddenly stopped suddenly, and a The bullet flew out of his forehead, leaving a trail of blood.

After Qin Zhao shot the heads of these people, he didn't give these amateur armed terrorists a chance to wake up. They didn't even jump up and down when shooting with their guns. He pulled the trigger carelessly, and as the bullet casings continued to jump out of the gun, among the dozen or so terrorists who attacked the medical vehicle, five of them would never have the chance to see tomorrow's sun again.

"Ah! Kill him!" After the seventh person fell to the ground with his arms outstretched, those people fired at Qin Zhao together amidst a roar of one person, forcing him to dodge.

"Oh, Allah, this is the real warrior!" Seeing that Qin Zhao made a diving motion to avoid the bullet, but at the same time shot a burst to send a person on the road, Abbas couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: " It turns out that killing people can be so pleasing to the eye!"

Klauski wasn't too surprised by Qin Zhao's perverted fighting power. After all, Hu Mietang told him Qin's past glory when he came here, and now he just needs to do a good job of protecting Aliena. up.

But Aliena refused to stay in the car and pushed the door open: "You wait, I'll help him!" Without waiting for Klauskey to say anything? She jumped out of the car and ran forward for more than ten meters, then knelt on the ground with her left leg, put the AK47 on her shoulder, and fired at the screaming terrorists very calmly.

Klauski saw that the second-in-command had gone out to attack, so naturally he couldn't stay in the car, so he also got out of the car, striding forward and shooting.

Originally, the perverted Qin who was used to fighting alone made those people unable to find Bei, not to mention adding two more people. Now, the difference between professional gunmen who have received systematic training and amateurs is immediately apparent. Companion The great fear of death caused the last two people to run back and forth, but their running speed was not as fast as the bullets. With the two gunshots of Klauski and Alena, the world All of a sudden quiet.

After chirping and changing a magazine, Qin Zhao turned his head and smiled at Aliena. At the same time, he admired the courage of the locals a few hundred meters away. If this short gunfight When it happened in China, those red men and dolls had already run away screaming and screaming with their heads in their hands. How can they be like the Arab brothers before their eyes without chaos.

"Is there anyone alive in the car!" Aliena pressed the gun to her side, walked up to Qin Zhao, and frowned side by side with him as they looked at the medical car in the ditch: "These damned bastards, even the doctors who rescued them Don't let it go!"

"It's no wonder others, if their compatriots didn't come here to plunder resources, they would hate them so much!" Qin Zhao said lightly: "While robbing others, and sending people to show their favor, there is no pity to die! "

"You, how can you talk like that!" Aliena raised her chin.

"That's the truth!"

"Then why do you bother with this?"

"Because there is Kailins's cousin here, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to care about these crap things!" Qin Zhao said, walked down the shallow ditch with a gun to the side of the overturned medical vehicle, and knocked on the side of the gun with the handle. The car door full of bullet holes: "Hello, is there any life in it?"

If you really cared about Fei'er, I'm afraid you would have rushed to the car to have a look, why would you be so careless? It seems that you don't necessarily care about her life or death. Aliena looked at Qin Zhao, Suddenly remembering the scene where he hugged her just now, and looking at his attitude towards Mayfair, his heart warmed up, and he didn't care much about his harsh words.

"Yes, yes!" Qin Zhao waited for a while, and when he was about to knock on the car door again, a trembling woman in the car asked, "Yes, is it my cousin's husband?"

"That's right, it's me. God bless you Fei'er, you are not dead!" Although Qin Zhao's words were harsh, he was secretly relieved after hearing Fei'er's voice, regardless of what Fei'er was here for. Yes, but she is Kailinsi's cousin after all, so it's a good thing to show kindness to save her once in a while.

"Cousin-in-law, pull me out, my leg is hurt!"

"Okay!" Qin Zhao opened the door and bent down to look inside the car. There were people piled on top of each other, and the person on top was bleeding from at least a dozen places, which shows how many bullets those people fired into the car just now. , but Mayfair is still alive. This is really a miracle. He stretched out his hand: "Give me your hand, and I will drag you out!"

A hand with long fingers protruded from under the dead man, stained with blood.

"Wait a minute first!" Qin Zhao first pulled the unlucky male corpse on the top into the driver's cab, then grabbed the hand with a little force, and pulled out a woman covered in blood. However, because the car was It was overturned, except for a few dead male compatriots, there were also some medical kits and so on, which were crowded on the side of the car in a mess. Although the woman covered in blood was dragged out, her legs were covered by those Things are pressing down, and it is still difficult to get out of the car.

"Forget it, let me carry you out!" Qin Zhao frowned, bent down simply, hugged the woman's waist, pulled her out vigorously, turned around and put her on the ground: " That leg is injured, is there still life in it!"

"I, I'm fine, Fei'er is still inside!" The woman with blood on her face was trembling all over. Tears flowed down her cheeks, revealing her pale skin.

"You're not Fei'er!" I didn't expect that there was another one alive. It seems that these men are still men. When danger comes, they know how to protect women. Qin Zhao was taken aback, and then asked: "What about Fei'er?"

"Cousin-in-law, I'm here!" At this time, another man with disheveled hair and blood all over stood up from the car: "Give me a hand!"

"Oh!" Qin Zhao let out a oh, and broke away from the crying woman's arms. When he turned around and wanted to hug Fei'er out again, his waist tightened, but when he turned around, he saw the woman who was not Fei'er tightly hugging her. Grab his waist: "I'm afraid!"

Afraid to come here again? You deserve it, you thought it was such an honor to be a rescue worker, and you should be thankful for not leaving your life here this time! Qin Zhao glanced at her contemptuously, then hugged Fei'er and got her out of the car: "That leg is hurt!"

"Both legs are hurt!" Fei'er hugged Qin Zhao's neck tightly: "Cousin-in-law, she is..."

"Okay, let's go up first!" Qin Zhao interrupted her, and shouted back: "Crowski, Aliena, come here!"

After hearing Qin Zhao's call, Klauski and Aliena, who were guarding the road, jumped down quickly.

"You send them to the car, and I'll see if there are any alive in the car!" Qin Zhao put Fei'er into Klauski's arms, and let the woman holding him around his waist let go and follow Ah Lian Na just jumped into the car and shouted towards the inside: "Who else is in there!"

No one agreed, not even a groan. Qin Zhao pulled the four corpses inside with the handle of the gun to confirm that there were no more alive. Then he sighed softly and was about to walk on the road. But he returned and fished out the boxes of medicines and some undamaged medical equipment in the car. These things are life-saving things in troubled times, and he understands this truth very well.

Abbas had already driven the jeep to the side of the road at this time, and quickly helped Qin Zhao bring up the medicines and everything. After he came up, he took a look at the two women covered in blood: "Mr. Qin, What about these two women!"

"Let's take them to Hanbore first! So as not to be caught by others after being put here!" Qin Zhao looked in the direction of Wandapu Town: "Wait until we get to the oil field, and then find a way to get them to notify the medical staff." Team, um, by the way, maybe the oil field really needs medical personnel to go!"

"But after putting so many medicines in the car, there will be no room for six more people!" Abbas licked his chapped lips with a embarrassed expression on his face.

"We can't just throw them here again!" Qin Zhao picked up the medicine and said, "Put these things first, and everyone squeezes them together!"

After Abbas thought about it, what Qin Zhao said made sense. Now that the people were saved, it was not difficult to say anything and let them be left here, so he didn't say anything more? He helped to carry all the medicines into the car.

"Okay, everyone get in the car, there are too many people and the car is small, let's make do with it!" Qin Zhao supported the car door: "Alianna go up first, Fei'er and that, that who is crowded on the medicine box at the back!"

"Cousin-in-law, she is Princess Anna, Kaya Phillips, the niece of the Queen of England!" Fei'er heard Qin Zhao arrange the seats like this, and quickly revealed the woman's true identity.

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