At around 7:00 a.m. on October 4th, after receiving a distress call from Princess Anna, Lieutenant Colonel Michael, the British commander in Basra, Iraq, immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity, and immediately found all excuses to cancel the contact with the US side. For a certain task at the port, on the one hand, it was urgently reported to the United Kingdom, and on the other hand, a group of twelve people was sent to the Hanboer area at the fastest speed.

In order not to let the allies know of his intention to monopolize Hanboar, although Lieutenant Colonel Michael did not send a helicopter this time, the mobile force of the squad this time is the strongest in the Basra area. After driving through the small town of Wandapu, at the place where Anna and her party were attacked yesterday, they met Aliena who was escorting Kaya back to Basra, and Mr. Dai, an official from the local government of Humble.

After Mr. Dai briefly introduced everything that happened last night to the team leader, the confused Kaya and the team who were really unwilling to go back like this had to go home early.

At the same time, the British army in Basra also had to terminate the large-scale investigation of the attack on the princess. They only strongly condemned the illegal militants on TV. After seeing the speech of the British spokesperson on TV Only then did the United States know why their old partner canceled today's mission...

Just when the United States was dissatisfied with the unilateral action of the British side, Qin Zhao, who was staying at the Hanboer Hotel, also welcomed Ruan Pinglai, the person in charge of the Vietnamese side in the Hanboer Oilfield, at six o'clock in the evening.

Speaking of Ruan Ping, I have to repeat some old sayings.

Ruan Pinglai, a native of Hanoi, Vietnam, used to serve in a Vietnamese spy brigade. He is 33 years old this year, and he is in the prime of his life. Nine years ago, he retired and joined the Vietnamese Water Lotus Gang. With the good skills he learned in the secret service brigade Ability, after several years of hard work, he became the boss of the gang.

Under Ruan Pinglai's leadership, the Shuilian Gang, which already collected protection fees and sold Vietnamese women to developed countries for a living, gradually involved big businesses such as arms smuggling and drug trafficking directly to the Golden Triangle. He became the undisputed powerhouse of the entire Vietnamese underworld.

If it hadn't been for the encounter four years ago, Ruan Pinglai would have been fully confident that the power of the Water Lotus Gang would develop internationally.

Four years ago, Ruan Pinglai, who came to the Golden Triangle to 'negotiate business' in person, was brought back from the Golden Triangle by his subordinates. He seemed to have become stupid. He would put his hands on his back and scream 'Don't come here, don't come here' Come over, 'that trip to the Golden Triangle became the biggest nightmare in his life.

Countless times, he would dream in his dreams that he was being cut open on the skin in the middle of the spine by a sharp boning knife, and a copper nozzle full of mercury high-pressure pump was stuffed in hard and fixed. ...then turn off the electric switch, and for the next hour, his skin and muscles are full of mercury, and he will watch his face become puffy and his eyeballs gradually lose weight. It fell out of the eye socket, as if there was a hand pushing...

At this time, Ruan Pinglai would wake up yelling, trembling all over, chanting the name, Hu Mietang.

After encountering this catastrophe, Ruan Pinglai gradually understood the truth that no matter how big the gang is, it cannot be put on the table after all. In the constant exploration of time, he settled on an identity that could be bleached, which was to plunder resources from outside in disguise for the Vietnamese government.

After two years of unremitting efforts, relying on those shady means, Ruan Binh Lai barely gained a foothold in the Middle East and began to continuously deliver crude oil to Vietnam, and thus won the approval of the Vietnamese government, especially two months ago , he succeeded in becoming the only purchaser of Iraq's Khamber Oilfield. Although it was only 500 tons per day, the crude oil he purchased at an ultra-low price and the unlimited development momentum in the future won him the favor of guests from Vietnamese political officials. qualifications.

Ruan Pinglai knows who the real boss of Hanboer Oilfield is, and he is also very afraid of him, but in the face of huge interests, he always believes that Hu Mietang, who has been abandoned by the Chinese government, is no longer the man he was four years ago. Long Teng Eryue, who would risk his life for China's interests, has already tied their relationship firmly together by personal interests. He no longer has to be woken up by that nightmare in the middle of the night...

Just when Ruan Pinglai let go of the biggest concern in his heart and was about to let go, he learned on October 3 that Hu Mietang had recruited another partner for Hanboer Oilfield, and this partner, Just another Chinese.

Now the conflict between Vietnam and China in the South China Sea has made the hostility between the two countries more and more intense, and gradually affected the business exchanges between the two countries. In such a sensitive period, a Chinese shareholder appeared in Hanboer Oilfield, who would buy it from the Shuilian Gang Ruan Pinglai didn't need anyone to remind him of the impact of Hanboer crude oil.

Therefore, he wants to squeeze out or, kill this Huaxia shareholder.

As for Hu Mietang's reaction afterwards, Ruan Pinglai believed that as long as he covered up properly and benefited, he would settle the matter. That's why Qin Zhao was met with inexplicable hostility by the Vietnamese when he first arrived in Hanboer Oilfield. scene.

Of course, if Mr. Qin didn't beat him up so arrogantly, Big Brother Ruan still couldn't bear to kill him, but Mr. Qin was so arrogant without knowing what to do. Brother Ruan was angry.

According to Ruan Pinglai's plan, even if he didn't take the opportunity to ambush Qin Zhao on the road last night, he would have to send someone to Hanboer Hotel to take his life. Anyway, the Shuilian gang can do this kind of thing smoothly... …

But what Ruan Pinglai didn't expect was that at five o'clock in the morning, he received the news that the dozen or so people who went out to act last night were wiped out. After being shocked, he realized that he had underestimated that Chinese man. So he immediately summoned a group of subordinates, began to re-investigate the new shareholder, and began to make preparations for how to deal with the failure.

In fact, Qin Zhao was afraid that after the defeat of the Vietnamese personnel, he would destroy the oil field in private and arrange for Ali to raise the price. I don't want to dream of that scary scene again.

After many inquiries, Ruan Pinglai only told Madavia that the new boss's surname was Qin. I know, the only thing that is certain is that this guy has a very good relationship with Aliena, and Aliena is Hu Mietang's lover... When Ruan Ping came to analyze this point, he was a little confused, and finally decided to go out in person. This Mr. Qin, even if Ali didn't ask him to raise the price, he would still come to Hanboer Hotel.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening on October 4th, brother Ruan Pinglai, chairman of Vietnam Meda Company, surrounded by seven or eight security guards with guns, drove two authentic American Hummers to Hanboer Hotel.

"Mr. Ali!" Before getting out of the car, Ruan Pinglai politely said to Ali who was in the same car: "Please go and inform Mr. Qin that Ruan Ping from Meida Company is here to pay a visit!"

"Okay!" Ali went to raise the price this time, and secretly received a small gift from Meida Company, so he agreed happily, got out of the car and walked into the hotel.

"Brother!" While waiting for Ali to come back, Ruan Pingyun, the brother of Ruan Pinglai, who was almost crippled by Wang Yashan on the streets of Qingdao, quickly got into his car: "Just now I looked carefully, guarding the The people here are all local helpers recruited by vampire bats, and they usually have a good relationship with us. They don't have the ability to catch Li Gonglong and others at all. It seems that behind the Huaxia man surnamed Qin, there must be There are also hidden strengths that we don't know about!"

"Yeah!" Ruan Pinglai nodded, and put the cigarette butt in the ashtray: "Don't worry, I'll see what this surname Qin means later, if he is looking for money, then we might as well give him some sweets, if He's a stickler, heh heh, after you figure out his strength, you don't necessarily have to kill him from here!"

Ruan Pingyun nodded with a sneer and said with a sneer: "Hey! Our Water Lotus Gang in Iraq, except for vampire bats, have never encountered such a hard stubble. I am very interested in this Mr. Qin! I am very interested..."

"Mr. Ruan, our boss has invited you!" At this moment, Ali walked out of the hotel, stood at the door and made a gesture of invitation to Ruan Pinglai.

After the boss's car stopped, there were several security guards from the Meda Company with guns guarding around the hotel. After confirming that there were no dangerous missions around, several taller security guards ran over and opened the door. After Ruan Pinglai got out of the car, they immediately surrounded the boss and approached the hotel very vigilantly.

"Hehe, these Vietnamese are not small! Hugging from front to back...Hey, why do I look familiar to the two people surrounded by them? I seem to have seen them somewhere, Ruan Dong, Ruan Dong, could it be It's him!" Qin Zhao, who had been standing at the window watching all this, gave a faint smile, turned to Aliena and said, "Alianna, go and greet the Vietnamese distinguished guests for me, this also shows that we are sincere!"

Someone from Qin didn't recognize the Ruan family brothers for a while, it can't be blamed on his bad memory, it's just that he never regarded the two brothers as a person at all.

"Dong Ruan!" Aliena stood at the door of the guest room, and when Ruan Pinglai and others came over, she didn't even have a smile on her face: "Our boss is waiting for you inside, because the room is not too big, so your subordinates There is no need to go in!"

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