There was a night when the drifting drizzle extinguished someone's youthful arrogance and made him realize that with his current status, he could no longer fight with those gangsters. There was once a girl who , using her weak physique to tell him: Your responsibilities are heavy and the road is long, you need to know that you have to be restrained, and open-mindedness is the necessary condition for success.

Since then, a certain person has been very honest for several days, at least when those women are asleep, he is honest. As for why he still feels sleepy during the day, it is really because at three or four o'clock in the morning these two days, he has to sleep. Infiltrate a place where the dead are refrigerated and study the corpse of someone who was once alive and well.

Combining the words of Zhan Zhao and Xue Haoyue, Qin Zhao gradually understood: the reason why this dandy young man died so miserably was because someone wanted to use his eyes and brains to study the mysterious human head locust voodoo, and then determine his How those people died in the 9.24 case of Changbai Mountain in Liao Dynasty, but these people are definitely not trying to solve the mystery of the 9.24 case, but are interested in certain things under Changbai Mountain, for example, how to avoid it when taking out certain things? Open that poison.

Therefore, Song Yingxia and Xue's mother became the targets of Qin Zhao's extra careful protection. Xue's mother has lived in peace for so many years, so there is naturally a reason for her to make those people dare not touch her, but what about Yingxia? How to protect her for a long time.

For this reason, even when Qin Zhao was talking about his ideals with Duke Zhou, he always had this question in his head, but when he was thinking about whether the thirty-fourth plan was feasible, his lovely wife, Comrade Ye Qingling, He even arranged a position as a recruiter for him, and asked him to talk to the senior executives of the company sitting here.

Let me waste those useless words like those officials, let me be a recruiter, isn't this a big joke in the world, isn't this trying to drive ducks to the shelves, Qin Zhao is a little helpless Rubbing his eyes with his hands, he showed a pure and modest smile: "Ye Dong, you should leave this glorious and great job to the colleagues in the human resources department. Just work as your personal secretary!"

Ye Qingling's pretty face flushed when she heard someone say the word 'personal secretary' a little emphatically, but her eyes were bright, indirectly proving that someone's 'personal secretary' is very competent, at least In the past few days, I have been very competent. I looked at him again with tender eyes and said, "Secretary Qin, the company's job of recruiting talents from all aspects is very important. Your ability is obvious to all. You are the one who checks it out. I'm relieved, you, you agree!"

You, you agree!

Ye Qingling's last words made Qin Zhao feel goosebumps all over his body. He didn't know what to say, because he thought of a classic line: "Little lady, just obey your brother!"

Seeing that Qin Zhao was still hesitating, Yan Ruyu jumped out at this time: "Let Secretary Qin check it out personally. I very much agree with Director Ye's proposal. With your experience and vision, you will definitely recruit available talents for the company. Everyone Say, isn't it!"

Qin Zhao is the boss of the company behind the scenes, and all the top executives have known it for a long time. In addition, Director Ye and Deputy Director Yan strongly recommended him as a recruiter. If the top executives raise any different objections, it will be a stick. Therefore, before Yan Ruyu finished speaking, all the high-level officials clapped their hands, especially Li Dan and Zhao Min, who clapped their hands so loudly that Qin once wondered if he was really hired. officer's talent.

well! It doesn't matter whether you have ulterior motives or not, it seems that letting me be the recruiter is something that these women have already discussed. If I continue to evade, it will only save their face. Forget it, I will do it Let them! After the applause gradually stopped, Qin Zhao stood up, tried his best to imitate those leaders who spoke without drafts, and gave an impassioned speech. Finally, he expressed his sincerity to the company and to Ye Dong of the company. Xin: "I will try my best to be a good recruiter and never let the leaders down. Please wait and see!"

Although Secretary Qin's determination was suspected of being bullshit, he still earned a lot of applause. Without him, because with his current status, even if he farts, someone will probably say it's pleasant...

November 2nd was the season of early winter, but it was not the best time to recruit talents, because as early as a few months ago, outstanding graduates from various colleges and universities had already landed in his family.

However, if everything is going to be abnormal, it is likely that this 'but' will be the turning point.

However, Qingdao Tianhe Group can now be called a large international company. The strength of the company is beyond doubt, and the company has a bright future. Being able to serve Tianhe Group is the ultimate ideal of countless business elites.

Besides, in order to increase the influence of this job fair, Qin Zhao put in a lot of effort. I don't know how he will be active after that day. Anyway, on November 2nd, the job fair It is definitely not the Tianhe Group, but also includes the three major groups of Pearl Tower, Iron and Steel, and Electronic Technology, as well as the four domestic giants of Southern Hulin Pharmaceutical, Jinghua Tianlong Group, Daliao Chunyu Industry, and Northwest Caiyun Group.

These eight big groups that have absolute influence on China actually gathered in Qingdao to recruit 4,000 jobs across the country for the sake of a certain person's face. Even the first and second leaders of Qilu Province, after confirming the news, personally sent congratulatory messages to Secretary Li Ming and Mayor Zhang Shizong. Of course, they would also congratulate the person who raised the popularity of Qingdao. The content of the conversation But I don't know.

Therefore, the news that Tianhe Group, together with the seven major groups, will recruit 4,000 outstanding talents from all walks of life to the whole society on November 2nd. The elites came one after another, and the grand occasion was unprecedented. It had the taste of an ancient scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam, and made the group of hotel owners in Jincheng District a windfall.

On November 2nd, the weather was sunny and sunny. Before the staff of Tianhe Group entered the talent market, the talent market was already overcrowded.

Looking at all this from the car, Secretary Qin expressed emotion to Luo Si who was sitting next to him: "Mr. Luo, remember when I came to the job fair last year!"

Although Qin Zhao accepted the position of chief recruiter with great determination and confidence, he knew how much money he had, so he called for a few right-hand assistants from Ye Qingling and Luo Si was one of them.

After listening to Qin Zhao talk about those events last year, Roth covered his mouth and smiled: "Of course I will remember? Remember Xiaohui and I laughed at you back then? Hee hee, you were really fierce at that time, as a big man , dare to openly compete with us little girls for the job of selling stockings, and create an excellent sales method for men to wear women's stockings, ha, it's funny when I think about it now? But who knew at the time, Secretary Qin He is the real boss of Tianhe Group, alas! Sitting with you today, I always feel like I am dreaming!"

"Hey, the hero doesn't mention the brave ha!" Remembering that he was forced to wear women's stockings to sell women's stockings and made jokes from the police, Qin Zhao's face turned red, and after coughing, he squinted Looking at Roth, who was smiling very flamboyantly, he said in his heart: "Okay! Don't laugh at me anymore, alas! It seems that this recruiter is not bad, at least with you young people. Are you in a much happier mood together?"

"We young people!" Luo Si was stunned, and the corners of his mouth curled up again: "Secretary Qin, you are the Geng this year!"

"I'm 26!" Qin Zhao said, "Why are you asking this? Now I'm a famous grass!"

"Cut!" Luo Sijiao cut angrily, her face was a little flushed, and she turned her head to look out of the car window with a trace of melancholy in her eyes: "It is said that you are only 30 years old, and you are only 26 years old this year, so you are ashamed to say Others are young people!"

"My heart is already very vicissitudes!" Qin Zhao was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Roth: "Secretary Qin, in fact, everyone knows that without you, Tianhe would not be as strong as it is today. Director Ye, you have provided a platform for everyone to show their strengths... Everyone in the Tianhe Group is grateful to you and Director Ye!"

"Forget it, forget it, don't talk about these things that move me, you can get where you are today, it's all with your own hard work!" Qin Zhao waved his hand, looked out of the car window, and said with a smile: "Look, our group The security guards who maintain order are here, Xiao Sisi, their spiritual outlook must shock a group of people!"

Roth looked back and saw hundreds of foreigners in camouflage uniforms, marine boots, and air headsets hanging from their mouths, jumping out of ten minibuses, one by one full of energy. Like a wolf, he spread his arms, blocked tens of thousands of inaugural candidates, and opened a road to the talent market.

Using all foreigners as security guards is another plan for Qin Zhao to show the world the strength of the Tianhe Group. One hundred people were selected from the 3K Klan, wearing uniforms with the word 'black shadow' printed on the chest and left arm , after a few days of systematic training, when they showed up today, they won a lot of praise, because they are all foreigners, but they serve as security guards for Chinese people to maintain order, which makes the citizens feel proud It feels like this further confirms the strength of Tianhe Group.

"It's not just shocking a group of people! Even us are shocked!" Roth's mouth opened wide, and he looked back at Qin Zhao's eyes, full of adoring little stars: "Secretary Qin, you Where did you get so many foreigners to support the scene! How come I have never seen so many people in the company before!"

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