The three-day recruitment conference finally came to a successful conclusion, and the result was satisfactory.

Especially on Yan Ruyu's side, on the last day of the job fair, they recruited more than a dozen elites from famous international schools. This will definitely play a very important role in strengthening the strength of Tianhe Group, and the refinery is also good. , I heard that there are foreigners rushing to apply for workers' positions, which makes Roth and others feel very honored. Whether it is Yan Ruyu's side or Roth's oil refinery recruiting workers, there are special personnel to train them. Qin What Zhao is worried about is the shadow.

since three days. Although not many people like Zhang Long or Liu Ningfang were recruited, overall the harvest was good. At least 70 to 80 people were retired soldiers from the army.

From among these people, Qin Zhao, Liu Dinghui and others identified twelve people after several days of investigation and screening, and formed the Black Night Team as they wished.

A team that must play a major role in the future cannot rely solely on daily training. No matter how fierce it is, it is only on paper. The only way to hone them is to let them see their blood. Only soldiers who have been on the real battlefield are the best. real warrior.

Nowadays, the land of China is full of prosperity, and the black shadows belong to civil organizations, and they cannot participate in underground battles like the government's shadow troops. Therefore, it is really difficult to find a place to train troops if you want to cultivate a bloody team. However, this did not bother Qin Zhao, he just made a phone call to a certain person whom the government did not want to mention, and these twelve people quietly disappeared a week later, and even Liu Dinghui didn't know where they went.

As the weather got colder, the construction of the refinery building was accelerated, trying to complete the main body before freezing to three feet, and the crude oil production at the Iraqi Khamber Oilfield also increased from 500 tons to 1,500 tons per day. The oil tanker was forced to change from half a month to once a week. Seeing that so many barrels of crude oil came to Qilu every week for free, Li Yueming, the governor of the province, was delighted to see it, and his view of Qin had really changed. a lot of.

The construction of the drilling platform in the East China Sea Oilfield has almost entered the late stage. After the spring of the Chinese New Year, more resources will go to China through the Tianhe Group... In short, if it is not that Yingxia's body is too weak and often catches a cold, this period Time may be the happiest day Qin Zhao has had since returning home.

As for Xue Haoyue, who was willing to join Sombra, Qin Zhaocai didn't care so much, and just casually sealed her a small job as a security instructor. Sister Haoyue seemed to have been beaten into chicken blood, leading a group of men and men to train every day with arrogance. , and claimed to live a full life, so someone secretly ridiculed whether this girl had a tendency to be abused.

Before you know it, New Year's Day is here.

On this day, Qin Zhao was hiding in Yingxia's room to talk with her, when Su Ning suddenly called and asked him to go to her office.

At the end of November, Suning had resigned as the director of the Pearl Intelligence Bureau and handed over the business there to Sun Zhongbo. She transferred her working relationship back to the mainland and moved her office to the Jiaodong area.

The sign on the office is no longer related to intelligence, but Jinghua’s office in Qingdao. Although the name sounds nondescript, the level is not low. Even the mayor of Qingdao wants to enter the office compound. , You have to be notified before you can go in. The ranks of the dozens of clerks in Gein are a bit dizzying, the lowest is the deputy director level, and they are from Jinghua, the local leaders are really not taken seriously by them.

It is said that everything is abnormal because it is a monster, and the Jiaodong area has set up a nondescript office, and it is also mysterious. It has indeed aroused many people's speculation, but no one dares to inquire about the real purpose of this office. It's useless, because ordinary people can't get in at all, but Mr. Qin Zhao can go in, and he doesn't need to bring a notice. His little white face is the pass for entering and leaving the office. He salutes earnestly.

At this time, Captain Qin, who has the rank of captain of the Operational Strategy Department, would also sit in the car and return the salute solemnly, and at this time he did not have the posture of a playboy at all.

Suning, who was standing at the window, saw Qin Zhao driving into the yard of the office, and quickly made a cup of green tea for him, then put a pack of cigarettes on the coffee table, and sent the secretary of the office away. Sister Ning is so flattering Qin Zhao, in addition to really loving him, also has a promise for him: at the end of the year, Qin Guanning will be brought from Jinghua to Qingdao, so that she can enjoy the family happiness between mother and child after get off work , thus avoiding the embarrassment of competing with Ye Qingling and Zhan Zhao...

The current Zhan Zhao doesn't know what's wrong with him. He has been guarding Suning and the others several times to ask for a baby, which makes Ye and Su feel embarrassed, so they take the initiative to have a good time at night! Give it to her.

In fact, Ye Qingling also had the same meaning, but she knew that when Tianhe Group was waiting for a hundred flowers to bloom, she was still inseparable from her as the chairman. In addition, she was much younger than Zhan Zhao, so it was better to have children or not. There was no sense of urgency.

"What's the matter!" Qin Zhao pushed the door in without knocking, even walked straight to the sofa without closing the door, put his feet on the coffee table, touched the cigarette on the coffee table, and started to swallow the clouds Spitting fog, someone is more honest, always showing his true qualities in front of his wife.

"Xiao Zhao, take a look at this document!" After closing the door, Suning took out a document from the safe and handed it to Qin Zhao, then stood behind the sofa and began to rub his ass. First Young Master Qin has always been well-deserved of his tenderness, with a cigarette in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the document.

This is a detailed document about the iron mines in Gabon, Central Africa. After drinking two cups of tea, Qin Zhao slowly figured out what was going on.

Vietnam, this matter is related to the Vietnamese again.

According to the data, a large iron mine was discovered in the dense equatorial forest in the northeast of Gabon. It's commonplace, and I don't have the ability to mine these iron ores alone, so I picked up a few countries that have a good relationship with Gabon in the world, and invited everyone to make a fortune together.

The two countries, Canada and Vietnam, were the first to send their own troops, and they originally gave the Chinese government an 'invitation', but due to various reasons, the Chinese delegation never went, so the first to arrive, Canada and Vietnam The two countries started an open or covert battle for the mining rights of the 500 million tons of iron ore, which made the local officials in Gabon smile. Only competition can benefit. No matter who mines the iron ore in the end, Gabon is undoubtedly benefit the most.

However, what the local Gabonese officials did not expect was that the struggle between Canada and Vietnam had reached the point of secretly dispatching special teams from various countries to fight it out. People have reasons! Because in October, the Vietnamese in Iraq used extraordinary means to assassinate Lai Changxing, a lackey who had been raised by Canada for several years.

If you don't avenge this revenge, you will act presumptuously.

And what about the Vietnamese? After seeing Canada dispatching a special team, they also transferred the elite "Jungle Tiger Company" of the Vietnamese special elite force under the pretext that the Vietnamese entrepreneur Nguyen Binh Lai brothers were assassinated by Canadians in Iraq.

So a battle for the purpose of competing for mineral resources started in Belinga Forest.

It is said that the battle was extremely cruel. From the very beginning, the Canadian First Special Service Force squad suffered heavy losses. The Vietnamese with a strong will like steel beat the self-righteous Canadians dizzy on weekdays. The fact that 36 people countered and suppressed 92 Canadians let Canadians know what real special forces are.

Seeing that all the Canadians were about to die in Belinga Forest, a mercenary army of various races appeared at this time. They relied on ten times more troops than the Vietnamese to force the Jungle Tigers to withdraw from their positions. The highest "chief" of the mercenaries who controlled the entire battle situation was Comrade Hu Mietang, China's most wanted criminal. Moreover, there were more than a dozen Chinese people of unknown origin accompanying him in the battle.

The Canadians, who were almost mauled by the Vietnamese, naturally didn't care which country Hu Mietang was from. When their team's deputy captain, Lieutenant Galas, expressed his heartfelt thanks to Hu Mietang on behalf of the seriously injured captain, he didn't know. He was stunned by the other party's cold 'Canadians better get out of Gabon, or they will be killed without mercy'.

The strength and cold-bloodedness shown by Mr. Hu Mietang made the always proud Canadians lower their noble heads. They are all of the blood of the empire on which the sun never sets. There is no need to be as knowledgeable as these barbarians for an iron mine. I still have to talk about it, this document is about a strong condemnation expressed by the Canadian government to the Chinese government...

After reading this several-page-long document, Qin Zhao pondered for a moment, then said casually, "Show me this document, it's the meaning above!"

"Yes!" Suning did not hide it: "The relationship between you and Hu Mietang has long been known by the people above, and now. Although he has temporarily dominated the Belinga Iron Mine with force and money, as long as the iron ore is not mined for a day , there will be a change one day, so..."

"That's why the higher-ups plan to let me do business with Hu Mietang again!"

"That's what it means!" Suning nodded: "Xiao Zhao, there are people who doubt, I'm just saying doubt! There are Chinese people among Hu Mietang's mercenaries. It's likely that you are secretly supporting him, and then you think of it. Come out and go to Gabon, the current Gabon government doesn’t seem to dare to provoke Hu Mietang’s black tiger mercenaries, after all, it doesn’t matter who mines the iron ore!”

"Then do you think I should go!"

"We should go!" Suning nodded affirmatively: "As long as it is a resource, we can fight for it. Anyway, we can grow Tianhe Group while doing things for the country. Why not go?"

"Let me think again."

"Don't think about it, you should go to Beijing in person!" Su Ning shook his head: "I called you here today not only for this matter, but also..."

"And what?"

"It is very likely that there will be a war!"

"War!" Qin Zhao was taken aback: "Where is the war!"

"South China Sea!" Suning said, "Vietnamese Jungle Tiger Company has arrived in South China Sea!"

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