Mrs. Song San couldn't bear her daughter, and Song Lanyue couldn't bear it, but as long as Yingxia didn't give up the idea of ​​being with his nephew, he couldn't recognize this daughter for a day, and could only regard her as the daughter of the Su family. After the news that his daughter secretly brought it home, he was in no mood to work, so he rushed home to have a 'reunion dinner' with his daughter.

After the meal, Song Lanyue naturally wanted to ask Qin Zhao if he treated his daughter well and if he could adapt to life with him. This is also human nature.

However, although Yingxia is already Lao Qin's woman in name, the relationship between them has not yet occurred. Today, when I asked her about this, she began to murmur and couldn't tell why. Daughter As far as he was concerned, Song San and his wife were very worried, so they asked Yingxia to call Suning to learn more about the situation. Of course, when Yingxia called Suning again, he must say that it was because It's about work.

"Sister, I have to go to Chief Counselor Song's place. There may be some things that I need to explain!" Su Ning knew the purpose of Yingxia's call very well, and felt that he had to come forward to explain this matter for Lao Qin. After all, Yingxia is now The official name is Su Yingxia, she is her cousin, she should show up, so she quickly changed into a formal dress, and said to the sister who lowered her head and made dumplings: "If Xiao Zhao wakes up later, let him drink the soup Already!"

"Understood, don't worry! I will take good care of your man. He is just drunk, and it's not a big deal. Okay, okay, your second lady, let's go!" Su Jing didn't care Waving his hand, he didn't care with a look of 'I'm better at taking care of drunks than you'.

Su Ning smiled and walked out with her bag.

After Su Ning left, the house was still lively just now, but suddenly she was left alone, Su Jing felt a little lonely, looked at the dozen or so 'dumplings' made by her sister, and cursed softly with a smile He said a word, and just as he was about to go back to work when he pinched it, he heard the faint ringing of a mobile phone outside.

Su Jing was stunned for a moment and walked out of the dining room. She stood in the living room and listened for a while before she realized that the phone ringing came from the guest room, the room where Qin Zhao was resting.

Su Jing knew that Qin Zhao would never hear a call from his cell phone after he was drunk, so she went to remind him or help him answer the phone, but there was no nanny at home except her, so she walked into the strange man's room alone, She still has some taboos in her heart, so let it go! The ringing of the mobile phone kept ringing, with the determination to keep calling me if you don't answer it.

Rubbing her hands together, Su Jing shook her head with a smile, and said to herself: "Hey, I'm not an outsider anyway, why bother with these things, if it delays his business, that girl Xiao Ning should be so pedantic... ...However, if that guy is really like what Guan Ning said, having a drink and having sex after drinking, then what should I do!"

Su Jingqiao blushed when she thought about drinking and having sex here, and thought it was better not to go in, lest she be hit by the unlucky words of Guan Ning's unlucky child again, then this matter would be a big blow, don't look at her and her sister She speaks out loud, but she is really the kind of lady who received aristocratic education since she was a child. Although because of Han Xiangdong's problem, she can't have children like her sister, but the relationship between the two is very good, so, she I feel that it is best not to join in this kind of occasion where the suspicion of melon fields and plums may arise.

Didi Didi... But the damn cell phone rang after a pause for a few seconds, and then rang again, but there was still no answer from Qin Zhao's room.

The continuous ringing made Su Jing feel as if a kitten was scratching and scratching in her heart, itching and uncomfortable. After walking around the living room, she saw the bowl of sober up that Su's mother put on the coffee table when she went out. Soup, it was this bowl of hangover soup that seemed to give her an excuse to go in.

So, after lightly stomping her feet, Su Jing went to the tea table, picked up the bowl of hangover soup, and walked into Qin Zhao's room.

Qin Zhao was lying on his back on the bed. The stamina of Moutai made his face redder than when he was outside. However, even if this guy was drunk, he didn't seem to saliva, and his thin lips were still tight. Pursing it, the corners of his mouth showed an unyielding arrogance.

Not to mention, this kid Huahuagui Huahua looks really cute, Su Jing murmured in her heart, put the hangover soup on the bedside table, then walked to the bed, and whispered: "Hey, little Zhao, wake up, you're calling!"

Su Jing yelled like this a few times, louder and louder, but Qin Zhao still stood there without moving.

This man was so exaggeratedly drunk, Su Jing felt amused and shook her head, stretched out her right hand, and pinched his nose with her fingers: "Hi, there's a call!"

"Pfft..." Qin Zhao, whose nose was pinched, felt short of breath, opened his mouth and spit out the smell of alcohol, and Su Jing, who was so smoked, quickly withdrew her hand and covered her mouth.

Although Su Jing didn't drink with much fear, she couldn't enjoy the smell of other people's alcohol, so she shook her head helplessly and had to cover her mouth with one hand and continue to 'harass' Qin Zhao, but no matter what she did, the latter seemed like a Like a dead person, there was no response.

It seems that it is impossible to expect him to answer the phone, so I can only answer it for him. When Su Jing thought of this, she didn't know what was going on, and suddenly she turned around with some guilt and forgot about the open guest room door. , there was no sound at all, only the mobile phone was still beeping abruptly.

The ringing of the mobile phone came from under the quilt covering Qin Zhao's body. When Han Xiangdong and Suning brought him in, they didn't take off his coat and just put the quilt on the bed. What they did was It saves effort, but it is difficult for Su Jing at this time. If you want to answer the phone for Qin Zhao who is unconscious, you have to lift the quilt and take out the phone from him. He had to take out the phone from his pocket... If that was the case, the two of them would definitely have some physical contact.

Hey, what's wrong with me? Isn't it just to help him answer the phone, there is a need for so many scruples, really, no wonder Xiao Ning said that my thoughts are dirty... This girl, dare to say that about my elder sister, Su Jing hesitated for a few seconds, then stretched out her hand. The quilt on Qin Zhao's body was lifted, and the ringing of the mobile phone came from his jacket pocket. It was on the side of his body. Just as she was about to take it, she saw someone's body inadvertently where her eyes were. It seems to be quite high.

"Uh!" Su Ning's face turned red instantly, and he quickly closed his eyes and cursed someone in his heart for not doing it right.

well! Su Jing wronged Lao Qin this time, just like what Qin Guanning said, she can be sexually promiscuous. After a man drinks too much, most of his alcohol power goes to that place. This is just a natural way Just a normal reaction.

Anyway, the quilt has been lifted, anyway, he is so drunk, anyway... After Su Jing found a few reasons for herself to answer the phone for Qin Zhao, she opened her eyes and stared nervously at someone Qin. After seeing that he was still motionless, he bent down in relief, propped one hand on the bed, and leaned over him with the other hand to get the ringing cell phone...

Just when Su Jing's hand touched Qin Zhao's coat pocket, he suddenly let out a 'vomit' sound in his throat, then turned over and sat up, knocking his head down on Su Jing's chest all at once.

"Ah!" Qin Zhao's sudden movement made Su Jing let out a soft cry in fright, and then 37605944 saw him open his dim drunken eyes.

"Huh..." Qin Zhao opened his eyes and breathed out a mouthful of alcohol. He naturally stretched out his right hand to hug Su Jing's neck, then lay flat on the bed again, held her head between his chin, and murmured : "Su Ning, I, I will never drink alcohol again, but it's so fucking uncomfortable!"

After being hugged by Qin Zhao, the sudden shock made Su Jing appear to be stupid for a moment, especially the smell that this guy exuded was different from Han Xiangdong, which made her heart jump. It was so severe that she lost all strength for a while, and just lay on him in a daze.

"Su Ning, I'm embarrassing you this time. I became this kind of character when I came to your house for the first time. They should all laugh at me!" Qin Zhao's words made Su Jing wake up.

"No, no?" It turned out that he regarded me as Xiao Ning. Su Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly stretched out her hand to push his hand around her neck. She stood up, but in a panic, the place she grabbed hard, tsk tsk tsk, it really is a place, it is the part of the man's body that is most sensitive except for the bones and teeth...

Originally, it was not normal for Qin Zhao to be stimulated by alcohol at that time, but married men probably know how he would react when he was caught by Su Jing.

"Damn, you're molesting me! Let me see how I'll deal with you!" Qin Zhao shrank, then put his legs together, pinching Su Jing's hand that was just about to retract, and cursed in a low voice , reached out to hug her body again, hugged her onto the bed, then rolled over and fell on top of her, pinching her crotch from the outside with both hands.

"No, I, I'm Su Jing!" When the most sensitive part of a man is caught, his whole body will be full of fighting spirit. After the most sensitive part of a woman is caught, most of them will soften into a puddle of mud. Now Su Jing is just a puddle of mud, even though she whispered that she is Su Jing, but after a few natural twists and turns of her waist, she didn't even have the slightest strength to resist, and could only watch helplessly. Qin Zhao kissed his mouth down.

At this moment, that damn cell phone stopped ringing... Damn it.

At the entrance of a hotel, Xue Haoyue asked the Su family driver who was taking her to stop the car: "Master, I'll just get off here! Please!"

"Hehe, you're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The driver asked politely, "No!" Haoyue shook her head with a smile, and was quite used to taking out her phone to check the time, but her movements froze: The phone is gone.

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