The Fifth Fleet, which belongs to the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet, currently has 4 guided missile destroyers, 3 guided missile frigates, 3 nuclear submarines, 14 conventional submarines, and hundreds of small ships such as landing ships and gunboats. It can be said that it has a part of the entire East China Sea Fleet. Most of the force value is the ace fleet among the three major fleets of Huaxia East Sea, South China Sea, and Beihai. It is also called the pride of Huaxia Navy.

However, it is regrettable that the Fifth Fleet has not experienced a war since the day it was formed. After hearing Su Chonghe's order to dispatch the Fifth Fleet, his first reaction was: It seems that a big battle is about to take place, and the Fifth Fleet will change the history of zero actual combat.

When he thought of this, he became a little inexplicably excited, as if all the aggressive cells in his body were activated by Su Chonghe's order. However, as an excellent senior commander, his calmness before and during the battle is essential for him. Yes, for example, when such a large combat fleet is dispatched, a series of necessary procedures such as its combat procedures must be followed in accordance with the framework. , It seems a bit too childish to mobilize such a large fleet.

Therefore, after Fu Rushan calmed down the excitement in his heart, he replied in a deep voice: "Vice Chairman Su, are you sure that the Fifth Fleet must prepare for battle immediately and gather near the sea area No. 37!"

After hearing Fu Rushan's question, why didn't Su Chonghe understand what he meant, but right now, the situation in the East China Sea is extremely urgent, a minute's delay may cause a sound of regret, similarly, a minute's impulsiveness will also cause Huge adverse consequences, after a moment of silence, Su Chonghe finally issued another order: "Yes, immediately get the Fifth Fleet ready for battle, and immediately gather near No. 37 sea area, waiting for orders!"

Now that the vice chairman of the Military Commission had said this, Fu Rushan, who also knew that if he delayed by just a minute, he might suffer heavy losses, immediately put all his worries behind him, answered yes concisely and forcefully, and began to call for the combat staff ...

Like Fu Rushan, Su Chonghe also quickly picked up the phone after the conversation between the two of them ended...

Six minutes and thirty-four seconds later, Su Chonghe's red flag car left the Villa of the Military Commission and headed for Zhongnanhai.

This is a small conference room with luxurious decoration but giving people a sense of calmness. Nine old people are sitting beside the oval conference table in the center of the conference room.

Song Lanjiang listened to Su Chonghe's report with a stern expression, and tapped the pineapple tabletop rhythmically with the fingers of both hands on the conference table. In the early morning of this morning, someone from Qin's private armed force was going to attack Japan in the 37th sea area. He also knew about the small transport ship. After reading the battle plan sent by the combat staff, he also felt that this was just a small game that cannot be seen. He did it without anyone noticing, but he definitely wouldn't cause trouble for Huaxia. He still has this little confidence in his nephew.

However, as long as the word "but" appears after the expected event, it means that the expected event may deviate from the norm. For example, Song Lanjiang's precious nephew was driving a small broken boat in a whimsical way. , hijacked one of Japan's most advanced "Mizuho" class patrol ships, and attracted the very powerful Nine Ten Fleet of the Japanese army. This must give Lao Song a headache.

Song Lanjiang knew that this matter was no longer as simple as saving or not saving Qin Zhao, but a choice of whether to fight or not to fight against the Japanese navy.

To fight, or not to fight, Song Lanjiang's mind was running rapidly, and he was calculating the pros and cons of those big positions.

"Let me say something!" After Su Chonghe's voice fell, there was three or four minutes of silence in the meeting room, and it was Yue Lao who broke the silence: "I agree that the Fifth Fleet will gather in the No. 37 sea area. It is appropriate to put pressure on the Japanese army, but it is not in favor of causing large-scale conflicts!"

"Well, I also have the same opinion!" Mr. Zhao said after squinting his eyes, "Although this time the Japanese navy approached our territorial waters and chased our citizens, there is a reason for this. If our naval ships are hijacked by the enemy , We will also make such a move, there is no doubt about it, I also know that the courage of the people who hijacked the Japanese warships really boosted the morale of our three armed forces, but if it is because of this... I think that in our country When the strength of the navy is obviously inferior to that of the Japanese army, it is better to resolve it through peaceful means!"

Song Lanjiang and Su Chonghe glanced at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes. Yes, Yue Lao and Zhao Lao said this after careful consideration, putting the country's great interests first, and negotiating peacefully. Although there are suspicions of weakness, there is no way to do it. After all, a few private armed forces "spontaneously organized" by the people are not worth the huge sacrifice that the entire Huaxia Navy may have to pay for them.

well! Song Lanjiang sighed inwardly, just when he was about to speak, he heard Mr. Zhang say slowly: "I disagree with Mr. Yue and Mr. Zhao's point of view!"

Song Lanjiang and Su Chong's eyes lit up, and they couldn't help straightening their backs. There was no way, one of them was Qin's uncle and the other was his father-in-law, and they could be regarded as close relatives. A person is willing to sit back and watch their relatives gradually fall into death, whether it is out of selfishness or business, they all hope to respond to that with a tough attitude, the island country.

It's just that this matter concerns their relatives, so they can't say clearly that if they cause huge losses, they will immediately fall into the accusations of domestic politicians. This is also a fact that has not happened yet.

"Regardless of who the person who dared to hijack the Japanese warship is, with their courage alone, they are worthy of our country's rescue!" Mr. Zhang stared at the teacup, and continued: "If this time because of our gentle means, Because of the fear of the strength of the Japanese navy, I ignore those warriors who are about to fall into a place of eternal doom. Not only can I not spare myself, but all the descendants of Yan and Huang will poke our spines and call us cowards. In that case , what we have lost is not only a few passionate youths, but also my dignity in Huaxia!"

"I agree with what Zhang Lao said!" Tian Lao waited for Zhang Lao to speak, and he simply expressed his meaning: "Facing the Japanese army with a tough attitude, and sternly warning the established fleet that entered the 37th sea area, don't Listen, hit!"

Two to two, Song Lanjiang made a silent calculation in his heart, and turned his attention to the few giants who hadn't spoken yet.

"Caution!" Fu Lao just said these two words and kept silent, but he had already made his position clear.

Three to two, Su Chonghe slowly clenched his right hand.

"If you can't do it, hit me!" Zhan Lao said, but there were also not many words.

Three to three, Song Lanjiang breathed a sigh of relief: There are nine members of the Politburo, and now six people have expressed their attitudes. Vice Chairman Su will definitely agree to fight. If this is the case, it will be four to three... Mr. Li, hehe According to the impression Xiao Zhao left on him, the result might be four to four.

Although Song Lanjiang, the general secretary, has the final decision-making power, before such a major event, he still has to use his "big squad leader" power cautiously. Of course, if the final vote is really four to four, he will definitely make a decision and decide to support it. A hardliner, he did this not only because Qin Zhao was his nephew, but also because he had a stubbornness that would never admit defeat.

Sometimes, stubbornness is also a shining character for senior leaders.

"Old Li, what do you mean!" Song Lanjiang asked Li Tianxiu in such a gentle voice without waiting for Su to come together for a vote: "What kind of attitude should we adopt to resolve this matter!"

Li Tianxiu put the cigarette in his hand slowly into the ashtray, looked at the curling smoke, smiled, and said word by word: "Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away.

Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away... Following Li Tianxiu's final word, Admiral Fu Rushan, the supreme commander of the East China Sea Fleet, received a call from the Chairman of the Military Commission, the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, and the Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army at one minute to three o'clock. Joint call: The Fifth Fleet is headed to the No. 37 sea area at full speed, and immediately prepares for special-level battles at any time.

General Yue Qinghua, the supreme commander of the Second Artillery Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, received the highest order from the Central Department at one minute after three o'clock in the morning: order that a certain anti-aircraft artillery mobile brigade stationed at the base facing the Taiwan Strait must be dispatched within half an hour. Align all targets including short-range (within 1,000 km), medium-range (within 1,000-3,000 km), long-range (with a range of 3,000-8,000 km), and intercontinental ballistic (with a range of 8,000 km or more) missiles at the East China Sea Sea area 37, waiting for the launch order at any time.

Admiral Zhao Xianfeng, the supreme commander of the Huaxia South China Sea Fleet, put down the phone at 3:03 in the morning, and immediately summoned all the combat staff, and strictly ordered them to let the most elite Third Fleet of the South China Sea Fleet finish their work and report to them within 13 minutes. Preparations for departure in the direction of Diaoyu Island, and formally marched towards the waters of Diaoyu Island in 19 minutes.

General Zhan Yunping, the supreme commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, issued an order to a certain fighter aviation brigade at 3:05 in the morning. , Transporting fighter planes of various types, soaring into the dark night in the east roaring.

Governor Li Yueming of Qilu Province, at 3:07 in the morning, spoke with General Yang Pengju, Commander of the Southern Hebei Military Region, and said that she would block the entire Jiqing Expressway and the route from Southern Hebei to Qingdao to prepare for the A combat unit of a certain division of the military region rushed to Qing Island as quickly as possible...

In just half an hour, four days before the Spring Festival, the most elite ace troops of China's navy, land and air forces all aimed at the target, the 37th sea area of ​​the East China Sea.

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