There are many things in the world, just like snow falling from the sky onto the road. Although it was frozen due to the cold weather, as the new sun rose the next morning, the ice on these roads would melt and evaporate, as if it had never been here before.

Many things are like this. For example, a week ago, the naval conflict between China and Japan that shocked the world occurred in the East China Sea. The leaders of the two countries also shook hands with the lofty thought of "world peace" as their own responsibility. Therefore, the "Washington Post" of the United States gave a very high evaluation, praising the leaders of the two countries as "reasonable and responsible", and their calmness is what people all over the world want to see...etc.

Regarding how the leaders of the two countries dealt with the two 'Russian pirate ships', the "Washington Post" expressed a high degree of concern, but also vaguely said: Japan's request to return one of the ships was met by China. Declined politely.

As for whether the two ships are pirate ships, until now, both China and Japan have refused to disclose to the outside world. It is precisely because of the attitude of the two sides that they are "seeing flowers in the fog" that has caused many versions to be circulated...

The real party involved in the conflict in the East China Sea, Mr. Qin Zhao returned to Qing Island on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

As the 'culprit' of this incident, Mr. Qin didn't have to pretend to be anything? Just relying on the spring-like smile on his face, it is difficult for outsiders to connect him with the Donghai incident, just as Sister Ning who came to pick up the plane said: Mr. Qin's smile is so sunny, so human and animal Harmless, who is willing to compare him with pirates.

To Sister Ning's words, Mr. Qin nodded his head in agreement. In order to express his gratitude to her for giving birth to Suning, who was born to my parents and knew me, he hid in Liu Yeming before returning to Fengqiuhuang. Qin Guanning, who was behind Xue Haoyue, was dragged out, causing Sister Ning to completely forget the ladylike demeanor she should maintain at the gate of the airport hall. The high-heeled shoes stepped forward quickly, and hugged the son who wanted to turn around and slip away, followed by a wild kiss.

Sister Ning's seductive posture of squatting on the ground, as well as her red lips shining with the word "sexy", attracted many men's attention: If only I were this kid...'s father, it would be great.

Because Qin has not had the habit of giving New Year's greetings to others for many years, he did not say hello to his second uncle and seven aunts this year, and he did not even go to Zhan's house, which was eager for him, which caused the old Zhan and his wife to fight The phone severely scolded her daughter.

After debiting his parents' phone number, Zhan Zhao clutched his lower abdomen angrily, and took big strides to go to Qin Zhao's house, but suddenly remembered something? The raised right foot fell down very ladylikely, and walked out of the room with small steps. After seeing her walking like this, she gave a gentle smile to the waiter who widened her eyes, and knocked on the door of Qin Zhao's presidential suite No. 707. .

"Xiao Zhao, I think so! This year is our first year of marriage, according to the customs of Qing Island, you should pay your old father-in-law a New Year's greeting in a serious manner!"

After Zhan Zhao closed the door, he came to the sofa where Qin Zhao was sitting with his arms in his arms, and slowly sat down next to him: "Hey, what am I talking to you? Did you hear, what are you looking at so engrossed?" , which girl gave you a love letter again!"

"Sakura Shangdao!" Qin Zhao smiled faintly, and put away the letter: "Tell Uncle Zhan and Aunt Yang that I will visit them after I finish my work in a few days!"

"Yeah!" Isn't Uejima Sakura... dead? Why would she still give you a love letter? Zhan Zhao already knew something about Uejima Sakura from Suning. Putting aside the matter of New Year's greetings, he said in a persuasive tone: "Xiao Zhao, the matter has already happened, so don't be sad, and forget about it as soon as possible... I, I don't know how to persuade you!"

"Xiao Zhao, you don't need to persuade me, can you call me the third from the left and the second from the right who are recuperating on the fourth floor, I have something to ask them!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Zhan Zhao agreed, and stood up with a low sigh.

After Zhan Zhao left, Qin Zhao opened the letter again.

: Qin Jun, I am Uejima Sakura.

When you read this letter, I should be in another world. I know that there is a very famous Zhuge Liang in your Chinese history. It is said that he can know five hundred years at the top and five hundred years at the bottom. I am not like that Great skill, but I know the date of my own death: when you lead people to the No. 37 sea area of ​​the East China Sea.

Qin Jun, you used to be my enemy, but in the end you became the person I think of every night before going to bed. Therefore, I want to tell you something that I have never said to anyone. I have no extravagant hope that you will remember it. , but I hope you can understand my feelings.

Qin Jun, my name is Uejima Sakura.

I was an orphan and never knew who my biological parents were. When I handed myself over to a man named Serizawa Tamao at the age of thirteen, my life was doomed to be an unhappy life, but I still I am grateful to him, for he gave me a life without starving or freezing. Although his real purpose is to make me a killer, I really appreciate him.

Qin Jun, before I met you, I never knew that there is another kind of emotion in the world called x-love, let alone that there is another kind of belief that is related to the motherland. I am a Japanese woman with Japanese blood flowing on my body. But in my short twenty-five years, there is only one Yamaguchi Shichuan Group in my faith. What does the organization ask me to do? What am I going to do? What my country asks me to do... I don't know what good it will do me to do it for my country.

Hehe, don't laugh at me, I am such a person, a person who has no sense of motherland, a woman who finally found out that people have "love", to celebrate finding love, that's why I rated "Mizuho" The patrol boat will show up in that area at zero o'clock and tell you.

To be honest, I really didn't know if this news would be useful to you at the time, but I knew that I might be treasonous if I did that, and the end could only be death, but I don't regret it... Okay! I don't want to waste any more ink here, let me say something realistic!

Qin Jun, I am Ueshima Sakura.

After I die, I hope you can take care of me, the second brother on the left and the third brother on the right. They are also orphans like me, but they are men, so their fate is much better than mine. At least as long as they are willing to endure hardships and not afraid of death, they can To be able to live the "happy life" that I have in the organization, they are the same as me in their bones, and they also do not have the belief in the motherland. In their hearts, I am their master, and they only obey me in this life. The closest person in the world!

In fact, when I gave you information about the East China Sea, I was selfish. I'm sorry, Qin Jun. For the sake of my death, please forgive me.

At the beginning, I only let the second from the left and they sent you the information that the 'Mizuho' class patrol ship would appear in the sea area of ​​No. 37 at zero o'clock, but let the second from the left and the others keep the nine and ten fleets just a hundred nautical miles away. Please forgive me, don’t be angry, read this letter, okay? When I sent you the information, I knew I had to die, because I never had the confidence to escape Serizawa Tamao's hand, so I chose the road of waiting to die.

The reason why I only gave you that message is to leave a way for the two people on the left and the three on the right. They are the closest people I have in this world besides you, so I have to do this.

I told them like this: "If I die, Serizawa Tamao will definitely not let you go. If you want to live, you must find a backer, and this backer is Qin Zhao. After my death, you will immediately Take another piece of information and go to Fengqiuhuang to seek protection as quickly as possible. If the women of Qin Zhao are willing to help, then tell them the information about the Nine and Ten Fleets. If they ignore it, then there is no need. Take out this information and let Qin Zhao accompany me to that world...'

Qin Jun, I am Ueshima Sakura.

When you see this, do you feel that I am a terrible woman? Hehe, I also feel this way, but I don’t regret it, really, and I feel at ease, because as long as you know from this letter After such a woman, then it proves that your women took them in.

Well, it's windy outside, very cold, and the weather forecast says that there may be heavy snow tonight. I suddenly feel very lonely and cold. Maybe, there are no countries, wind and snow in that world, only warm darkness! Hehe, I suddenly feel like I can't wait to die...

Qin Jun, I am Ueshima Sakura.

well! This letter is the first and the last letter in my life. I feel a little embarrassed after writing so much nonsense. Do you know what I am doing now besides writing letters? Giggle, let me tell you! I am smoking, the same brand of cigarettes as you, and I am still touching my earring, a silver earring that I wear because of you.

I'm going to die soon, because it's midnight in four hours, Serizawa Tamao should be back, alas! Suddenly a little reluctant.

Qin Jun, I am Ueshima Sakura.

Now I have thought a lot, and I feel that there are some things that must be told to you. From the news you have received, you must know that there are four great heavenly kings and four small heavenly kings in the Yamaguchi Zichuan Group, but you don’t know that the Zichuan Group has a more brutal and ruthless power , and their name is 'Crisis'.

'Crisis' is the most mysterious force in the entire Zichuan group. Except for Long Tai, the leader of the Zichuan group, even Serizawa Tamao, the capital of the four heavenly kings, doesn't know, heck, I think you should start to doubt at this time, since even How did I know that he didn't know, hehe, it's actually very simple to say, because I'm a beautiful woman, and Long Tai is a normal man...

The process by which I learned this secret was a bit dirty, so I won’t talk about it here, but you must understand that “crisis” is the most mysterious power of the Zichuan group for thousands of years. The genes of this kind of animal, they can live in an environment of tens of degrees below zero for several hours without becoming stiff, and they can even stand in a dark and cold underground for seven days without eating or drinking. Terrible, I just know that the crisis has existed for thousands of years, but they have never left that terrifying cave. The only reason they live is to retrieve the Phoenix legend.

I won’t write anymore, why did my mind suddenly become confused... There are still many things, let the second from the left and the third from the right tell you! I'm about to die, lol.

Qin Jun, please remember my name, my name is Uejima Sakura.


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