She was raped by him in the hotel, and her two younger brothers were killed by him. Normally, based on the enmity between her and him, it would be light for Fu Mingzhu to tear Qin Zhao into pieces, but the same It was this man who helped her see through Wang Chongxun's plot and uncovered those Shuoshu hidden in Fu's house.

After personal grievances collided with the interests of the whole family, Sister Fu became confused and depraved. She didn't know how to maintain her relationship with this man, which was why she seldom appeared in front of Qin Zhao.

Some people say that distance creates beauty, and this saying is most suitable for Sister Fu, especially the domineering style of Qin when he was with her, which made her wake up in the dark countless times and touch herself* While making a seductive moan, she also burst into tears...

Today, after being kissed so affectionately by Qin Zhao in a ignorant way, the lovesickness buried deep in her heart suddenly broke out, especially the arrogance of a certain man when he didn't allow her to contact other men, which made her heart move so much that she couldn't care less Those worldly eyes expressed the inner words: "Xiao Zhao, I like it so much!"

"Well, then let's go!" How could Qin Zhao not know Fu Mingzhu's excitement now, stretched out his hand to scrape her little nose, and without looking at Fu Rushan and others, hugged her waist and walked away. go outside.

"Qin Zhao, you are too deceitful!" When Fu Mingzhu was half-embraced by Qin Zhao and walked to the center of the living room, Fu Rushan, who was the first to wake up, slapped the table again, and shouted loudly in embarrassment: "Come on, Take him down!"

Thanks to a bird, the commander finally spoke.

Those school-level officers who were considered trash by someone Qin had their lungs exploded, not to mention that a certain man guarded everyone and kissed Miss Mingzhu passionately. Everyone is a man with a younger brother. If it is not for the concern that this is the commander's house, they would have rushed up to beat a certain man into a pig's head.

Now, since the commander has given the order, what are you still worried about? let's go!

So, amidst Fu Xiaodie's excited screams and Fu's sister's exclamation, a dozen school-level officers, stimulated by male hormones, did not hesitate to use the reputation of bullying the few, facing them like wolves and tigers. Qin Zhao rushed over, with the ruthlessness to tear this kid into pieces immediately.

As I said earlier, when it comes to melee combat, Qin can be counted among Long Teng's gang of birds, let alone facing these soldiers at this time.

"Mingzhu, be careful!" Seeing her rushing towards her, Qin Zhao took Fu Mingzhu in his arms and took a few steps back quickly. He put her on a chair on the side of the living room, raised his hand and put his hat away, and punched Fu Mingzhu. Entering the crowd, he made a side step on the hips, knocked Zhou Xun over first, then turned around, raised his bent left elbow, and slammed it on Di Ying's left cheek.

For a while, the table was overturned, the chairs fell, the plates were broken, and the cooked duck flew away...

Scared, mom! This guy didn't run away but took the initiative to deliver the goods to the door. Could it be that he was scared stupid? Damn, it's better to be scared and stupid, I don't like him a long time ago, it's best that these uncles can abolish his thief eyes, although Fu Xiaodie didn't join the battle group "in person", but This didn't stop her from clapping her hands and jumping her feet to cheer: "Hit, kill this guy!"

"Xiaodie!" After the conflict between his officer and Qin Zhaozhen, Fu Rushan immediately regretted it, but his precious girl was still there to stir up trouble, so he glared angrily: "You stand aside!"

"Hit, hit, oh!" Fu Xiaodie, who was bluffing vigorously, heard her father scolding herself loudly. When she turned her head, she happened to see Aunt Mingzhu's anxious and worried face. She immediately knew that this was not the time to stir up trouble, so she vomited He bit his tongue, walked obediently to the side, but muttered in his mouth: "Damn, Zhou Xun, you bastard is so stupid, catch his eyeballs... Oh, Di Ying, you're a piece of wood, you're kneeling on his lifeblood Ah! Damn, can you guys do it? There are so many people serving one of them, and they are all beaten up, useless!"

"Rushan, tell everyone not to fight! If anything happens to Captain Qin, Mingzhu will definitely be angry. If it doesn't work out, the Operations Strategy Department will intervene!" Mrs. Fu saw more than a dozen officers Fighting around Qin Zhao, she was so panicked that she grabbed Fu Rushan: "Tell everyone to stop!"

"Oh, what do you know!" Fu Rushan pushed his wife's hand away, puffed his cheeks and said, "Do you think that guy will suffer?"

Others didn't know what Qin Zhao was doing, but Fu Rushan knew his origins. If he hadn't been dizzy with anger just now, he wouldn't have wanted these people under him to fight with Long Teng's people. Isn't that a typical idiot? What did Long Teng and his gang eat? It was a murderous weapon created by the state. Although these officers were not raised as vegetarians, they were not at the same level as fighting experts.

"General Fu, I think something is wrong. Di Ying and the others don't seem to be his opponents!" Qin Zhao was beating up and down by himself, and after a closer look, he could see that he was beating a group of people by himself.

"Oh! That's right!" The corners of Fu Rushan's mouth twitched a few times: "Compared with Long Teng's people, our officers are indeed still a bit behind!"

"It's more than a little gap... what? Commander Fu, you say he, he is from Longteng!"

"Ah! Yes! He is Longteng Qiyue Qin Zhao! You don't know!" Fu Rushan was stunned, and suddenly realized: "Hey, I was so angry that I forgot to introduce you. This Qin Zhao belongs to Vice Chairman Su. The son-in-law is also the nephew of the general secretary!"

Grass, after Tang Yuanqing and others heard Fu Rushan's words, their cheeks trembled a few times: Boss! Why didn't you say it earlier! Vice Chairman Su's son-in-law, General Secretary's nephew, Long Teng's July, no matter what his status is, we can't afford to mess with him... Oh, I know why you revealed his identity at this time, what are you doing? Let us help you find a step down?

After comprehending what the commander meant in a very short period of time, Xiang Jun immediately picked up a bottle of Moutai, dropped it on the ground with a bang, and yelled like a thunderbolt: "Stop it!"

Boss, you just said stop, covering Di Ying and the others with their swollen cheeks, after hearing Xiang Jun's shout, although the surface is still fierce, "If it wasn't for the chief, I would have to beat you into a pig's head" They looked like this, but they backed away in unison, there was no way, this little boy in front of him was too fucking capable of hitting! Facing so many officers alone is like playing games, it is almost a pervert.

After all the officers grinned and retreated, Qin Zhao shook his hands vigorously a few times, and took the time to tidy up his somewhat messy military uniforms, and looked at the ones who suffered the least: "You guys can punch fast, I have also reached the level of ruthlessness, but I don’t know how to be flexible, I only know that I don’t need to use my brain when fighting hard, but this is not bad, it’s not a problem to deal with a few ordinary punks, but if you meet a master like me, these shortcomings will disappear. It has become your fatal point, and you, it is very timely to be flexible, but you are too pursuing posture to look good. When kicking sideways, you need to raise your legs so high. You think fighting is to practice that kind of good looks. I used Taekwondo! If I hadn’t been merciful just now, I would have turned you into a eunuch..."

Listening to Qin Zhao's eloquent talk, when he came up, his face was full of 'You don't care about me! ' The officers with the expression on his face slowly put away their expressions of displeasure, and their eyes were filled with admiration when they looked at him.

The army is a place that respects the strong. Although the modern army has a relatively high technological content, it is the dream of every soldier to have a good skill. In a few words, they pointed out the shortcomings in their skills. The hostility of "wife has been robbed" just now is gone. They all looked at this little boy with devout eyes, and listened attentively to his explanation of everyone's actions one by one.

Damn, why are these guys so spineless? Just because this kid is better than you, you forget that he is here to snatch your woman. Look at the adoration on your faces. This is still a group of men. Fu Xiaodie is not interested in listening to Qin Zhao's explanation. Her eyeballs were rolling back and forth, thinking hard about how to make this guy look ugly, but when she saw Tang Yuanqing Xiangjun and even her own father were listening silently, she felt that it was best not to cause trouble at this time Okay, but the idea of ​​wanting to know who this kid is arises.

Coincidentally, Zhou Xun, who was convinced by Qin Zhao's guidance, said: "Hey, you are really from the action strategy department, but my brother is also in the action strategy department. Why didn't he tell me that there is such a powerful character like you!"

"Hehe!" Qin Zhao smiled: "Actually, like you, I used to be in the army, and now I'm in the Operations Strategy Department, just as a part-time job!"

"Damn, you're awesome!" Zhou Xun was stunned for a moment, and raised his thumb: "Others want to enter the operation strategy department, but they can't get in if they squeeze their heads, but your buddy actually said that it's just a part-time job. It's amazing. I admire it." You, but can you tell me which unit you were in before? I have competed with people from the special brigade before, but they are not as good as you!"

Qin Zhao still has a good impression of soldiers. He heard him ask about his military background, and was thinking about whether to tell the truth, but he heard Xiang Jun say: "You lost today, don't feel ashamed, because he has already disbanded." It’s gone, but it will always be kept in July of the Dragon Teng’s twelve months!"

"Ah! Soaring Dragon, the myth of eternal invincibility!" Zhou Xun and the others heard this, and the admiration on their faces immediately turned into ecstasy. Subconsciously, they surrounded Qin Zhao with a whimper. When we deepened the communication, I saw the guard Xiao Lu running to the door of the living room. Seeing the chaos in the living room, he was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "Report to the chief, the sentry outside said that there is a Mrs. Qin asking to see!"

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