"Qingling, when we were at Commander Fu's house just now, for the sake of Xiao Zhao and Mingzhu's face, we had to leave as soon as possible!" When Qin Zhao drove the car to the city, Suning said to Ye Qingling who was sitting in the back row with him. Said: "So I acted a little bit of a show, please don't mind!"

You are the No.1 daughter-in-law of the Qin family. What I did just now exceeded my authority. Please forgive me... That's what Su Ning said to Ye Qingling.

"Sister Ning, why would I mind?" Ye Qingling blushed, and said sincerely: "If you hadn't arrived in time, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Besides, what kind of relationship do we sisters have? Is it? As long as it can help Xiao Zhao and this family solve problems, it doesn't matter who comes forward!"

"That's right, what Qingling said is right..." Qin, who was silent after getting in the car, glanced at Yingxia, who was sitting on the co-pilot covering her mouth and snickering, and was about to say something 'Unity is strength' The words were interrupted by Suning in a cold voice: "Xiao Zhao, I'm not talking about you. Sometimes you do things completely willfully. In view of your domineering personality, I have long wanted to do something!"

"What!" Qin Zhao glanced at Suning from the rearview mirror, and said lazily, "Look at your serious look, do you want to gather those women together and hold some kind of criticism meeting against me!"

"You are very self-aware. As I said earlier, you are no longer what you were back then. You already have a wife and children, and a huge foundation. It’s not as obscure as it used to be!”

Suning said: "Your every move now, don't you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at you? I am afraid that others have been collecting your black materials for a long time, and they are waiting for a suitable opportunity to take out and give you a fatal blow. But what about you? You always do things without thinking, do things rashly, don’t know how to bend and stretch, always do things for your own preferences, but don’t know how to cooperate with each other for the benefit. In this world, there are no eternal enemies, and there is no eternal You should understand such a simple truth as a friend who has only eternal interests!"

"Let's just talk about today! When you were holding Mingzhu and wanted to leave Fu's house, did you think about the consequences of doing so? When you jumped into the ice hole to save her, did you think that if you have troubles because of this matter, your What about the wives and children? Isn’t everything that happened on the eve of the Gabon War not worthy of your vigilance?” Suning’s words were quite severe, and there was nothing like the love between husband and wife in the past, making Qin Zhao’s face slowly sink. After getting down, Yingxia was so anxious that she secretly gestured to Suning to stop her from talking.

Ye Qingling felt that Suning's words made sense. Someone from Qin always does things according to his own preferences, so someone should beat him up, so he added embellishments and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't listen to what you said. Not happy, I think what Sister Ning said is very reasonable, you should keep a low profile in your actions in the future, don't always think of yourself as a hero who is happy and enmity, or a lover who wanders in the flowers, even if you are alone, you are a big man Ability, his energy is always limited, you can't do everything in every way..."

"Okay, I got it, don't talk about it, I will give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow morning!" After Qin Zhao interrupted Ye Qingling's words, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly accelerated, rubbing against an Alto. The front of the car jumped over an intersection with a red light on, and roared away.

"You idiot, you're looking for death. You'd be great if you drove a broken Mercedes-Benz. Damn it!" Alto's driver wiped the sweat from his brow, and was about to start the suffocated car when he saw the traffic police come over and tell him to hurry up. Click to go, and immediately shouted: "Comrade traffic police, did you see that illegal Mercedes-Benz just now? Damn, I want to reincarnate in a hurry. I remember his license plate number, all b6xx66!"

"Let's go, let's go! You were wrong just now, let's go!" The traffic policeman waved impatiently and interrupted the owner of the Alto car, and kept telling him to hurry up and get out of the way. After the Alto car left, he smiled wryly and thought: Damn, You think I'm blind and can't see the license plate of that car! It is true that Qi b6xx66 is true, but do you know? This license plate also has a name called Niubi, which was specially taken care of by our director...

"I'm sorry, I'm expressing my dissatisfaction with the two of you with the behavior of driving a car, please forgive me!" After the car creaked to a stop at the gate of Fengqiuhuang, Qin Zhao opened the door for several ladies with a gracious expression. Apologizing, the old man turned around and walked quickly into the hall before Ye Qingling, who was covering his mouth and making a vomit appearance, reacted.

"Cough, sister Ning, look at him!" Ye Qingling quickly got out of the car, squatted there and coughed several times, then pointed at Qin Zhao's back with a pale face, and shook her head angrily.

"Hey! He's like this, you didn't hear him say that he used a racing car to express his dissatisfaction!" Suning turned around and supported Yingxia who was walking a little bit, and said with some distress: "Look, even Yingxia is so delicate. He didn't pay attention to the girl in the car, hey, he still wants to be lawless! No, this time you can't spoil him anymore, or something bad will happen sooner or later!"

"Sister Ning, maybe my brother is in a bad mood!" Ying Xia blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "How do you plan to deal with him!"

"It's very easy to help him completely change this big man's bad idea, but you have to support me, Yingxia!" Su Ning said slowly, crossing his arms.

"In order to live in harmony in the future, I will definitely help you, sister Ning!" Yingxia clenched her fist and waved it vigorously: "Tell me, how to punish him!"

"You are not allowed to tell the truth!"

"My character is unquestionable, hee hee!"

"Well, no one is allowed to accompany him tonight, and let him be cold!" Seeing the clean smile on Yingxia's face, Su Ning never imagined that she would be born as a young lady, and could not help but secretly sigh that the world has changed so fast... …

Although a certain person's body quality is very good, it is fleshy after all. The twenty minutes at the bottom of the water did not cause much damage to his body, but in the end when he broke the ice underwater, he squeezed out his body. With all his potential, he fainted when he surfaced, and finally woke up, but he listened to Fu Rushan's words again.

At that time, when Qin Zhao refused to face Sister Fu's sad eyes, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He was not at all willing to push the delicate Sister Fu out. However, the reality forced him to do that, even though Suning rushed to Seeing that he saved his soon-to-be-lost Sister Fu for him, but those words between her and Ye Qingling "ruthlessly" obliterated the self-esteem of the head of his family. After he returned to his room, he threw himself on the bed and passed out without even having time to change his clothes.

Qin Zhao was woken up by peeing, and when he got up in a daze, he realized that he was still wearing the same military uniform that went into the water.

"Damn it, I don't care if those women are angry, I don't know how to change their clothes, but this is good, clean!" After shaking his head, Qin Zhao walked into the bathroom to solve his physical problems, thinking to himself. I slowly woke up and looked at the time. It was already four o'clock in the morning on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, so I lit a cigarette and lay on the sofa, thinking about how to give those women a satisfactory life after dawn. reply.

At eight o'clock in the morning on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Zhao staggered out of the room, wandered to Ye Qingling's door, pushed the door open and went in, but didn't see anyone, and then went to Suning's room, but there was still no one. He went to Yingxia and Haoyue's rooms again, but there was still no one there, which made him a little surprised: "Hey, these girls have all eloped with the little white faces, why can't I see any of them!" Subconsciously, he took out his phone and wanted to call phone, only to find that the phone had already been flooded.

"He Xiaoda and the others are not here!" Since there was no one upstairs, Qin Zhao had no choice but to come to the Fengqiuhuang hall. After scanning several times, he did not see He Xiaoda, Liu Dinghui and others, so he came to the front desk with the old gods present, and put A long-lost pick-up girl 'Pu Shi' came out, and leaned on the bar to the front desk lady who looked familiar but couldn't remember her name: "Sister, have you seen He Xiaoda and the others!"

"Secretary Qin!" Qin Zhao didn't know the girl, but the girl did know him, leaned back, and said with a smile, "You didn't ask He Xiaoda, you wanted to ask Director Ye where they went!"

"You are very smart, tsk tsk, look at you, you look so peaceful, your big eyes and grape pearls are so attractive, I don't know if you have found a husband's family, if there is no owner, can you consider me?" ..."

"Come on! Secretary Qin, please don't give me the ecstasy x soul medicine, I don't dare to ask you to worry about me!" The girl covered her mouth and giggled, listening to Qin's long-winded sweet words Finally, he pointed to the person behind him: "Here, look at who is behind!"

"Don't coax me, who else can come behind me quietly!" Qin Zhao turned around lazily, and saw Su Ning standing not far behind him, sneering at him with arms folded: "Haha , Secretary Qin, based on your rich experience in picking up girls, isn't it a bit bullying to coax this kind of girl who just walked out of school!"

"Wow, my family wonders when Xiao Ning'er has practiced the light kung fu of walking silently all over. I can't even notice it. It's amazing... Hey, why are Xiaoxue and the others here!" When he was embarrassed, Qin Zhao found that outside the hall, there were seven or eight beautifully dressed women walking up the steps, and the first one was Jing Hongxue.

"Didn't expect that!" Su Ning shook his body triumphantly.

"Cut, I didn't expect this!" Qin Zhao cut disdainfully: "They came to Qing Island suddenly, you called them! Is it to respond to the criticism meeting you want to hold, you guys, alas! A bunch of ignorant fools!" After speaking, without looking at the stunned expressions of Su Ning and the front desk lady, she turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Qin Zhao, stop for me, we are no longer a bunch of ignorant, silly girls!"

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