Qin Zhao eloped with others, which was a family affair of the old Qin's family.

When Xiao Xiao and the others heard Su Ning's words, they immediately felt that it was inconvenient to continue asking. They quickly supported Suning to sit on the sofa by the wall, and began to treat her wound. When Tao Zi quickly retrieved the gauze, Band-Aid and other things, Ye Qing Ling and the others also came down in a mighty 'kill'. Seeing that Sister Ning was in such a mess in the room just now, she didn't care to ask why she couldn't see Qin Zhao, so she hurried over and chattered Ask what's wrong.

"Qingling, Qin Zhao is gone. I can't even call him. He, he must have gone to do something dangerous again. Otherwise, he wouldn't say hello to us, let alone leave us a letter to explain. !" Su Ning said, and handed the letter to Ye Qingling that hadn't been opened in time, remembering that in order to make him happy last night, he gave up his dignity by guarding so many women, but when he left, he only took He Xiaoda with him , but didn't say a word to himself, couldn't help feeling sad, sobbing and crying again.

"Why did he run away with someone... Sister Ning, don't cry yet!" Ye Qingling comforted Suning, and then said to Yang Lian, Liu Dinghui and others who came over after hearing the news: "Everyone close the door first, and go back. Rest! I will arrange something tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Now that the eldest mistress had spoken, although Yang Lian and Liu Dinghui were full of doubts, he didn't dare to look any further when he saw that the young mistresses were all disheveled in their clothes, so he agreed to close the door.

"Xiao Xiao, help Sister Ning back to the room, okay, let's all go back too! Don't worry about Yu, that bastard, didn't he run away? Run well, and never come back after running away this time!" Ye At this time, Qing Ling really showed her bossy airs, arranged the work below in a few words, and helped Xiao Xiao and Suning into the elevator.

"Ye Dong, do you want us to chase Captain Qin back!" After Xiao Xiao and the others helped Suning into the room, they asked Ye Qingling: "It's just that we don't know where he went, so call him first and ask." !"

"Forget it!" Ye Qingling shook her head: "Since he doesn't even bother to help Sister Ning when she falls, he won't answer your calls, um, how about this! Go back and rest first, and I'll talk to you when something happens." Call you again!"

"Okay, Ye Dong, you don't have to be polite to us!" Xiao Xiao and the others agreed and left the room.

"He ran out at this time, it must be the ghost of the phone call at noon yesterday!" Suning wiped the tears on his face, and said with self-blame: "I should have noticed this, but why did I ignore it? Sigh! If I had known this, I would have tried hard not to sleep last night, so I should have tortured him severely, it should have prevented him from getting out of bed..."

"Sister Ning, don't blame yourself for being sad. In fact, I think he probably planned to go out at this time. Even if we don't sleep, he will find a way to slip away. Let's take a look at him first. Let's write the letter!" My heart was sweating, Ye Qingling patted Suning's hand, then took out the crumpled letter, and said to the group of women standing aside in the clothes: "This letter Let me read the letter!"

All the girls nodded silently, and sat on the sofa one after another. They all held their cheeks with their hands in an elegant appearance. Only the panic in their eyes revealed their inner anxiety. You must know that since they knew someone Qin, he traveled so much all over the world. It has been many times, but he has never left a letter. What makes them feel even more disturbed is that this time he not only left a letter unprecedentedly, but also gave up the opportunity to sleep with all his wives, and "fleeed" in a panic in the early morning , and even watching Suning fall, all this can only show that what he is going to do is very dangerous, very dangerous.

After Ye Qingling flattened the letter paper, she only glanced at it before raising her head.

"Qingling, what's wrong? Did you leave some bad news!" Seeing Ye Qingling's strange expression, Su Ning didn't care to sob softly, with a nervous expression on his face.

"No!" Ye Qingling shook her head slowly: "What this guy wrote is too nasty!"

"Hey, you guys just got up from the same bed, so why are you afraid that it's not stinky? It's really... well, I was wrong!" Seeing Ye Qingling swaying, Zhan Zhao interjected impatiently. But he was stared at by several women and hastily raised his hand in surrender.

"Cough, then I'll start reading!" Ye Qingling coughed softly: "Dear, dear wives, you must be angry with me! Hehe! Let me guess if your mouth is pursed or not. Lao Gao, it's like Xiao Ning'er's ass when lying on the bed... Sister Ning, this is what he said in his letter, I dare not say that about you!"

"I know, he's the one who dares to say that to me!" Su Ning's originally pale face blushed slightly: "It's okay, keep reading, I want to see what kind of fart this guy is going to fart, Only then can we muddle through!"

When all the girls heard Ye Qingling read these words. Although he knew that the guy was trying to be mean-spirited on purpose, but the tension just now relaxed a lot, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and some even crossed their legs, their snow-white feet dangling, it's a pity that no man appreciates it.

"Alas!" I don't know whether Ye Qingling's sigh came from the letter or from her heart: "On the way back from Admiral Fu's house, the scary refrigerator faces put on by the obedient Xiaoxue'er and Xiaoning'er made me laugh I had a terrible nightmare that night. When I woke up, I sadly found that my little brother didn’t raise his head. What a terrible reality. From this, it can be concluded that my pure The little one has been greatly intimidated, I will be ravaged by countless white eyes, and I may be punished inhumanely, such as being banned from going out alone!"

"But, dear wives, do you think that the great working people would succumb to your majesty so easily? No, I want to fight for my ideals, I want to fight for my freedom, even if you Repay me with the most senseless cruelty, and you can't stop a real fighter from advancing!" Ye Qingling took a breath: "Hehe, everyone, don't be angry, the above words are just my nonsense , if you guys are not happy, just treat me as a fart... Uh, let me explain first! The latter sentence was written by that guy's letter, not me. Don't get me wrong. I can say it myself Let yourself go, fart!"

Oh, it's okay, it doesn't matter which of you farts, the important thing is to quickly think about what he said later, the corners of Zhan Zhao's mouth twitched a few times, trying not to say these words.

"Dear wives, today I will tell you one of my biggest secrets!" Ye Qingling read: "Actually, I am not from Earth, I am from Mars, and my mission to Earth from Mars is to maintain world peace." Come on, wherever there is evil, there will be me, just like where there is beauty, I will be there. However, there is a saying that I believe you should have heard, that is, there is no banquet that lasts forever. If, I said that if, if one day I complete my glorious and great mission, then I will return to Mars!"

"If one day I leave quietly, then, please follow the instructions in this letter. First, the Qingdao Tianhe Group will be owned by my parents and Ye Qingling. Second, hand over the 'Blue Blood' technology to the country. (Now it is hidden under the bed board in my villa room. You must be careful when you remove it.) Third, transfer the Iraqi Khamber oil field immediately, and divide the proceeds into three parts, leaving it to Qin Guanning, Xiao Menger and Zhan Zhaomei For the baby who was born, four, Guo Jing holds 80% of the shares in Pearl International Tianhe, and Ye Qingling holds 20%!"

"Five, withdraw the capital from the East China Sea Oilfield. 90% of the funds will be divided into eleven shares, each woman will get one share, and the remaining 10% will be given to He Xiaoda and others. The ship that Admiral Fu promised to give can be handed over to Francis. Operation, specifically whether it is selling or renting, you can decide. Sixth, in the tropical rainforest of Gabon, I still have a large undeveloped iron mine, which is temporarily handed over to Hu Mietang for safekeeping. The development of this iron mine is very troublesome. Don't worry about it, everyone, leave it to Xiang Nantian and others, I guess, the country will give us a bonus no matter what happens, you can divide it into eleven shares!"

"In addition, I have something that I want to hand over to Yingxia. Don't fight for it. I believe you are not interested in grabbing it, because that thing is related to the terrible poison. Now I have written those things on a piece of paper. Put it in the middle of the sole of the left leather shoe in the fourth shoe box under the bed in the bedroom of the villa. Yingxia can take it out only if I never come back, and contact the relevant state departments. Remember, this is Very important, so important that it concerns world peace!"

"Is this a suicide note?" Upon hearing this, Yingxia burst into tears, walked up to Su Ning and Ye Qingling, knelt down on the ground with her knees bent, and grabbed their hands: " Sister Qingling, Sister Ning, hurry up and find a way to get brother back, I don't want anything, I just want him to come back to me!"

"Yingxia, don't cry, cry, let's see what he wrote next?" Su Ning pulled Yingxia into his arms, and all the hatred for Qin was gone, leaving only deep regret sad.

"I know, when you heard this, you might think it's my suicide note, but it's not. I'm just taking precautions to prevent problems before they happen!" Wiping the corners of her eyes, Ye Qingling continued to read: "I There are still unfulfilled wishes, how can you be willing to leave? Hehe! If you want to ask me what unfulfilled wish, I am really a little embarrassed... You bastard, I still have something embarrassing!" Ye Qingling cursed in a low voice: " Because I haven't pushed Sister Haoyue down yet! If you don't eat such a juicy and tender cabbage, you won't be reconciled even if you die!"

Hearing this, Haoyue who was tearful just now, the tears in her eyes suddenly turned into a pool of spring water and bowed her head.

"Let me say one last thing! Don't be too nagging. I didn't intend to hand this letter to you when I finished writing it. However, if I'm cornered, it will appear in front of you, Qin Zhao! "


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