When Qin Zhao saw the attire of the woman in black standing in front of the headlights, Qin Zhao thought of Trinity in "The Matrix".

It's just that this woman's body is taller and thinner than Trinity's. Although not as sexy as Xiao Cui, she is exquisite and protruding enough to make people fantasize. What she holds in her hand is not a gun, but a sword. It is like a knight's sword in the Middle Ages in Europe. It is extremely narrow and slender. Some strangely notched sword blades glowed killingly under the light, and the handle of the sword was even more exaggerated. It may be inlaid with multicolored gemstones or the like, and it will glow brightly with a slight movement.

Slowly, Qin Zhao's eyes got used to the discomfort caused by the strong light just now, looked at the motionless woman, and took a step forward with great interest: "It seems that you are very conceited about your skills, you didn't even Attacked me when my eyes were not used to the light, but you were the one who kicked open the iron door just now! That action is not something that a seductive woman like you should do, it will easily make men less fond of you !"

The woman in black didn't speak, but slowly raised her left hand. The headlights went out, and a few spotlights lit up above the warehouse, which made Qin Zhao feel a lot more comfortable, and finally saw the woman who was slightly sideways. : She has long light yellow hair tied behind her head by a white ribbon, what color eyes are under the bangs, it's hard to tell them apart under the bright white light, but her nose is very straight, you can see it at a glance Knowing that he is not Asian, the tight lips are as thin as a knife.

According to a man's rich experience in dating a woman, the woman's age is at most in her early twenties, and she may be younger. However, there are two places that are not small, one is the bulging breasts, and the other is the protruding buttocks ... All in all, if this woman posts a post on the Internet that urgently needs a 'one-night stand', the person who replies will probably blow up the website's server.

"Have you seen enough?" The woman in black put down her left hand, and asked Qin Zhao, who was looking up and down unscrupulously, "If you haven't seen enough, I can give you some more time. Tell me when you have seen enough, and I will send it to you." You go somewhere!"

When the iron gate was kicked open, Hu Mietang had already leaned against the wall and walked back. Qin Zhao knew that since his whereabouts had been discovered, he would look for opportunities from behind, and at worst he would come. The attack back and forth is precisely to create time for him to go around, so Qin is in the mood to write here: "I didn't expect you to be fluent in Chinese. It seems that Zhang Jinlong has not forgotten his roots, and he knows how to let his daughter speak her mother tongue." , um, you asked me if I’ve seen enough of you now, I really can’t answer this question, because I’ve always had a very high vision when appreciating women, especially a mixed race like you. How can I have enough if I can see 'inside and out' by dropping clothes?"

"Who are you, and how do you know who I am!" The sword in the woman's hand moved a little, and she took a step forward, so that Qin Zhao finally saw that she was a pair of Chinese eyes.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I know that your name is Chu Shaxiu, and you are the youngest daughter of Zhang Jinlong and his French wife!" Qin Zhao said proudly, "Don't look so murderous, this will reduce Your charm is worth it, oh, by the way, you are not 20 years old this year! A girl of your age is supposed to sit in a spacious and bright university classroom and accept the pursuit of those creamy little boys, why come out with a sword To scare people?"

"Who are you!"

"An enthusiastic person who persuades you to put down the butcher knife and find a good man to marry!" When Qin Zhao said this, a short man appeared behind Chu Shaxiu. After seeing Qin Zhao, the corners of his eyes were obvious. With a sudden jump: "Qin Zhao, I didn't expect you to come to Weihai!"

"Qin Zhao, you are Qiyue Qin Zhao in Huaxia Dragon Teng!" Chu Shaxiu suddenly looked up.

"Hoho, I didn't expect people to know me everywhere I go, I'm really honored, especially you have heard my name before, don't get excited, yes, I am Qin Zhao, the real Qin Zhao! "Qin Zhao smiled harmlessly, and asked the short man: "When I saw Chu Shaxiu just now, I could tell from her appearance that she was of mixed race. Now when I see you, I think you might be from That country that is rich in animals, Japan, are you Long Tai or that hero who should have died long ago but didn't die!"

Being insulted as a beast, the man didn't lose his temper, he just raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and whispered to Chu Shaxiu: "It's about time, the car should start!"

"En!" Chu Shaxiu nodded, suddenly stomped her right foot on the ground, and jumped up, the strangely shaped sword flashed a dazzling halo, and stabbed at Qin Zhao's throat with a bang.

Qin Zhao didn't need to pay too much attention to this ordinary move of piercing the throat with a sword. He just relied on his instinctive reaction to stand still on his feet, but suddenly leaned back almost ninety degrees, taking the opportunity to draw out the pain between his right legs. Army stab, then raised his hand and swung the sword away. Just when he was about to straighten up, he suddenly bent his right leg and kicked the sword that was raised to his crotch aside with the sole of his foot, and then jumped back for a full three meters before he stopped .

After shaking the military thorn in his hand, Qin Zhao put away the smile on his face. He didn't need to look down to know that his trousers on the inside of his left breast were torn because of the cold wind blowing inward along the opening. I even felt a little hot: shame, shame, for a woman to be injured, and it was still in such an important part.

"Why, you know how to be afraid now, heh heh, the legendary Dragon Teng July is nothing more than that!" Chu Shaxiu flipped both wrists, and combined the two swords, with a coldness that was colder than the weather, slowly forced over.

"If you want me to be afraid, unless you are on the bed. As for being afraid of fighting with you, then it's not so bad. I just didn't expect that your sword is a male and female sword!" Qin Zhao said, shaking his body, as if being caught. A stretched spring shot out, before Chu Shaxiu raised his arm, he came to her, nose to nose, looking into her eyes.

"Ah!" Chu Shaxiu never imagined that a person's speed could be so fast.

According to the common sense of human body movement, when a person walks, the body should move a little bit, the left leg shakes the right shoulder, the right leg shakes the left shoulder, but this man, when she caught the shake of the left shoulder with her keen eyes, she had already arrived. In front of her, and the distance is still so close, she only had time to let out a low breath before she smelled his breath.

"Don't think of yourself as a master next time, or it will be very dangerous!" If Qin Zhao didn't know Chu Shaxiu's background, he might directly stab the army into her body, because of the injustice her father suffered. The treatment was not fair, so he tried to persuade her with "painful words". After saying that, looking at those big brown eyes, he suddenly stuck out his tongue in a rascally way, licked her upper lip slightly opened, and then lightly With a laugh, he wiped her body and floated into the workshop.

In the workshop, there was only one person that Qin Zhao really wanted to kill. This handsome Chu Shaxiu who made people want to have a "one-night stand" with her hadn't aroused his killing intent yet.

Chu Shaxiu, who had her lips licked as if struck by lightning, stood there stupidly, her eyes staring at the last dark place before dawn, the faint smell of tobacco that the man gave her still remained on her lips, and she was thinking for a while. There was a blank space in the room, and I don't know how long it took until there was the sound of weapons colliding behind her, and she suddenly turned around, with a blush that couldn't be stopped by the night, and rushed into the workshop with two swords in her hands.

According to the real level, Chu Shaxiu is definitely not Qin Zhao's opponent, let alone almost destroy his life in a face-to-face meeting. Just now, she just took advantage of a certain man's carelessness. Of course, according to her own She won't be licked by someone from Qin in the blink of an eye, and she can support it for three to five minutes. The reason why this scene makes her feel hot all over is nothing more than thanks to "carelessness" Words are given.

How else can we say that a pervert is a pervert? This can be seen from Qin Zhao's ability to let go of Chu Shaxiu and kill Serizawa Tamao. He can give beautiful women a chance to "rehabilitate", but he will never let go of a chance to save Japanese men. It can be seen from this , this person is really 'preferring women over men, not to be handed over'.

Serizawa Tamao was able to become the head of the four heavenly kings in the Zichuan group, so he naturally has his advantages. However, in recent years, his comfortable life without wind and rain has greatly limited his reaction speed, but Qin Zhao is different. In addition to being unable to move during those days when Yingxia accidentally injured and lay on the bed, he almost never stopped walking on the killing path, especially the battle of Gabon and the East China Sea before the Spring Festival, which represented the peak period of his state.

Originally, Serizawa Tamao was slightly inferior to Qin Zhao, and coupled with these objective factors that ebb and flow, it is not surprising that he was forced into danger in less than a few minutes. I'm afraid he will become a wandering soul stabbed by Qin Zhao again.

The joining of Chu Shaxiu gave Qin Zhao a headache, not that he couldn't greet this man and woman, he just felt that fate had already taken away some things from Zhang Jinlong, and he really couldn't bear the heart of Lao Zhang's daughter to die in a daze Here, just because he felt pity for her in his heart, he consciously showed some sympathy for her attack, thus imprisoning his performance that should have been ghostly, with a touch of tenderness and tenderness.

In this way, Serizawa Tama Yuke slowly breathed out, and he seemed to see Qin Zhao's deliberate mercy towards Chu Shaxiu. Therefore, the Japanese people's heart is dark and merciless, so he always cleverly The half-breed girl pushed the front, but he took the opportunity to take advantage of it.

If you continue to play like this, I will definitely suffer. It seems that the saying that winking at the poisonous snake that is close at hand is courting death is very reasonable. Heh heh, since you are so confused, then don’t worry about me destroying flowers with your hands , after Qin Zhao brushed away Serizawa Tamao's sword and half-turned to avoid Chu Shaxiu's sword, he suddenly shouted: "Chu Shaxiu, for your grandfather's sake, hurry up and give it to me!" Get out, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

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