Facing the soldiers who are like god soldiers and generals, Qin Zhao also felt a little strange.

After hearing those sonorous and forceful orders, Qin Zhao had never raised his hands so obediently as before, and kindly reminded Chu Shahua who was holding a gun to his forehead: "Miss Chu, I will give you a piece of advice! You'd better learn what I'm doing now, or you'll be hit like a hailstorm. Didn't you see that there's a squad machine gun on the roof of that truck? Don't be impulsive, I'll give you an explanation !"

"Who listens to your nonsense, you and these people are a family, they must take this opportunity to hunt us down!" Chu Shahua said bitterly, glanced at his father, saw his gloomy face and did not say anything What? So he directly put the muzzle of the gun on Lao Qin's forehead: "Despicable guy, I won't be caught even if I die. I will definitely solve it before they shoot... ah!"

As soon as Chu Shahua said this, Qin Zhao suddenly turned his hand over his head, grabbed her wrist tightly, and tied an unusually gorgeous flower. A certain woman's gun fell into his hand, and was immediately caught He wrapped his other arm around his neck and put it in his arms, pointing the gun at her forehead.

From snatching the gun to restraining Chu Shahua, this series of actions was as fast as a ghost. As soon as Zhang Jinlong wanted to make a move, his daughter was blocked in front of the gun, with a gun on his forehead.

"Miss Chu, I don't like people pointing guns at my head!" Qin Zhao slowly raised the gun in his hand without even looking at Zhang Jinlong. During the tumbling, a pistol turned into six or seven parts, which fell to the ground below with a crackle: "Remember, don't do this next time we meet, I never give someone a gun against my head twice. Chance to leave alive!"

After pushing the silly Chu Shahua out of his arms, Qin Zhao said to Zhang Jinlong in an apologetic tone: "Mr. Zhang, please believe me, I don't know what's going on, but I can guarantee that you will be safe." Leave China!"

This bastard, this bastard, actually talked to me like this, actually treated me like this, after being pushed away from his arms by Qin Zhao, Chu Shahua's face was flushed, especially his two cold words made her eyes even more inexplicable At this moment, she had completely forgotten what relationship she had with Qin Zhao, completely ignored that her father was by her side, and even turned a blind eye to the soldiers who jumped off the truck, and turned around abruptly with a cry She raised her fist, like a girl in a couple fighting on the street, and smashed someone's chest without thinking: "You, how could you do this to me!"

"Uh, what did I do to you!" When Qin Zhao fought with Zhang Jinlong just now, his hands and feet were so capable and steady, but when facing the small fist that Chu Shahua was waving at this time, he could only know what to do. Cuo put his hands in front of his face, kept stepping back, and kept saying, "Hey, what did I do to you... Alas! Please stop, please!"

"Kill Hua!" The corners of Zhang Jinlong's mouth twitched a few times, and finally, after someone from Qin grabbed his daughter's hands in embarrassment, he dragged her into his arms: "Don't mess around, look first before talking!"

"Yes, yes, give me a chance to explain to you first, okay!" Qin Zhao wiped his forehead, turned to the soldiers running over continuously, and shouted: "Which unit do you belong to? Can you let your chief come out and speak!"

At this time, a school officer carrying the rank of lieutenant colonel walked out from among the soldiers who were out of the way. He was taken aback when he saw Qin Zhao, and then he was ecstatic: "Ah, Lieutenant Qin, it's you!"

This school official was Li Jianfeng who had helped Qin Zhao rescue Ye Qingling on Yuhuang Mountain back then.

Ever since he helped someone that time, Li Jianfeng's official career has been prosperous. In less than a year, he was promoted from a lieutenant to a lieutenant colonel. I also wondered which great god deserves so much attention from above, but after seeing Qin Zhao, he suddenly woke up.

Someone Qin was Li Jianfeng's lucky star, it would be a lie if he wasn't excited after seeing him today: "Lieutenant Qin, I don't think you may remember my coming, so you still remember what happened on Yuhuang Mountain last year! I am that lieutenant Li Jianfeng!"

"Oh, I remembered, I'm scared, how long has it been? You have been promoted to lieutenant colonel first, it's amazing, it's amazing, I should congratulate you, haha!" Li Jianfeng helped Qin Zhao rescue Ye Qingling back then, and sent Li Er The scene when Wa and others were taking care of her in the hospital came to mind at this time. Seeing his promotion, I was really happy for him in my heart. I immediately held hands and had a good meal, and finally asked: "Lieutenant Colonel Li, do you have any questions?" What's the matter, could it be that an exercise mission just happened to pass by here!"

"Hey, how can there be any exercise missions!"

"Then why are you carrying so many light and heavy weapons!"

"Didn't I receive an order from the head of the military region to lead a team to protect you?" At this moment, Li Jianfeng remembered what he was here for, and quickly let go of Qin Zhao's hand, and snapped to attention: "Report to Lieutenant Qin , Li Jianfeng, the 3rd Battalion of the 69th Regiment of the Yan 21487 Army Division Garrisoned in the Southern Hebei Military Division, led his troops to wait for orders, please give instructions!"

Ordinarily, Li Jianfeng is now a lieutenant colonel, don't say that Qin Zhao is only a captain, even with his uniform, Li Jianfeng shouldn't salute him so solemnly.

But then again, what kind of person Qin Zhao is, Li Jianfeng is naturally very clear in his heart, Hugh said that it is the etiquette for a subordinate to meet a superior, and Li Jianfeng does not respect anything more than this. will frown.

"Hehe, you're being polite!" Qin Zhao smiled, although it was too much to pretend to be the chief, he still accepted Li Jianfeng's military salute calmly, and then said: "What instructions can I give you, the thing is like this... "

Qin Zhao briefly introduced the truth and falsehood, and then said: "Lieutenant Colonel Li, I am just chatting with a few friends here, it's not a big deal, you'd better let the soldiers go back!"

"That can't be done!" Li Jianfeng glanced at Buck on the ground, then at Zhang Jinlong and the others, slowly shook his head and said seriously, "Qin Lieutenant..."

"Hehe, I'm Captain Qin now, low-key and low-key!" Qin Zhao interrupted him jokingly: "I know you came this time to protect me, and I'm very touched, but they are really just my friends. Let them leave here, let's talk slowly if we have something to say!"

Zhang Jinlong's status was too special, and Qin Zhao was afraid that he would cause unnecessary trouble if he stayed here for a long time, so he wanted to let them leave first.

"Okay!" Li Jianfeng was indeed suspicious of the origins of Zhang Jinlong and the others, but he was not from the Public Security Bureau, and Qin Zhao said to let them go, so he didn't say much. Anyway, as long as Qin Zhao is safe, he will be there again. There is merit to be earned, so after agreeing, he waved to the soldiers and ordered to make way.

"Mr. Zhang, I hope you don't forget the promise you made. Before this evening, I will see those things!" When Zhang Jinlong turned around with his daughter in his arms, Qin Zhao reminded him appropriately.

"Okay, I will. I hope Mr. Qin will not forget your promise!" Zhang Jinlong just stopped and said something without turning his head. Before Qin Zhao could answer, he led his daughter and The men got into the car and left in a hurry.

"Okay, everyone put the guys away! Let's go back to the team!" After the two cars could not see the rear taillights, the sky was already twilight. After Li Jianfeng gave the order, he happily took Qin Zhao's hand, and also Without his consent, he got into the off-road vehicle very familiarly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Li, we don't seem to be going the same way! Hehe, don't get me wrong! When I am free, I will set up a table for you to congratulate you on your promotion. However, I have some things to do right now!"

Those wives of mine have placed a 48-hour restraining order on me. In order to express my sincerity, I have to go back a few hours before anything else. When Qin Zhao was thinking this way, the old god Li Jianfeng spoke: " Hey, Captain Qin, why are you still being polite to me? I don't expect you to serve me wine. I got into your car and was ordered to protect you. Well, have you seen it? I have pulled out the most stalwart second company in the battalion, and together we will send you to the provincial capital safely, so I got into your car!"

"What? You, you were ordered to send me to the provincial capital, who said that!" Qin Zhao was taken aback: "I didn't say I was going to the provincial capital, and there are still many things waiting for me to do at home? "

"Why, don't you know!" Li Jianfeng was also stunned, and quickly said, "Captain Qin, wait a minute, I'll call and ask!" He hurriedly got out of the car, went to the side of the road and took out his mobile phone to call the head of the military region I got on the phone and went over there for a while, and then came over with a smile: "Captain Qin, the chief said that my most important task is to send you to the provincial capital safely, and , the chief said that this was a special order from Governor Li, and I was not allowed to report anything, if I can't send you to the provincial capital, he will evacuate me later!"

Damn, what the hell is Li Yueming doing, I don't have time to go to the provincial capital now! Even if you really care about me, there is no need to send a company of soldiers to escort me! It seems that the treatment of the head of state is nothing more than that... Under Li Jianfeng's insistence, Qin Zhao got into the car speechlessly. Just when he was about to say something, he saw that he had already pushed the left and right brothers who wanted to get into the car to the military car behind , I sat in the driver's seat, waved my hand to the back, and started the car without saying anything.

So, half an hour later, an inconspicuous Great Wall off-road vehicle, surrounded by more than a dozen military vehicles loaded with guns and live ammunition, appeared on the Jiqing Highway heading for the provincial capital, a toll booth He and the staff on the expressway were stunned for a while, wondering what kind of fairy this is, driving a cross-country car worth more than 100,000 yuan, but showing such a big show, could it be said: This is the most awesome low-key in the legend.

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