As the saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, you can't explain why you are justified.

Those soldiers who are so suffocated that they have nothing to do, after receiving the battalion commander's order to smash everything that can be smashed, who has the patience to talk to those in charge! Roaring and yelling, they completely released the suffocation in their bones, one by one swung the guys in their hands, and smashed at the facility as if they were excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

At the beginning, when He Xiaoda saw these soldiers barging in, he was also extremely nervous. He hurriedly shouted that the bodyguards were all leaning over to protect the young ladies, but when he saw that they were not hurting anyone but just smashing things, he thought of Immediately after the young master said those words on the phone, he yelled excitedly: "Haha, haha, it's good to smash it, it's wonderful to smash it, it's a croak..."

Is He Xiaoda slapping his butt and jumping happily? I felt like someone slapped me on the head.

"Who the hell dare to beat you, Mr. He..." He Xiaoda turned his head cursingly, and then smiled all over his face: "Director Su, it's you, don't blame me for my stinky mouth, hehe! I'm the first to Let me tell you! These soldiers are definitely not called by me!"

"I know you didn't call me here, and you don't have the ability to shout!" Su Ninghan said with a straight face: "Qin Zhao, this bastard, knows what the consequences of doing this are, He Xiaoda, go and take these soldiers as soldiers!" Call me boss!"

"Actually, they...well, well, I'll call you right away!" In fact, they smashed it lightly, and if I smashed it, they would tear down this bullshit center. He Xiaoda originally wanted to say this, but he saw that Suning Really angry, he quickly shook his hands, nodded and bowed, turned around and squeezed towards the door.

"Hey, hello, Brother Soldier, which one of you is the leader!" He Xiaoda squeezed to the front, stretched out his hand and grabbed a soldier: "Can you tell me which one is your leader, hey, I said buddy, you can't smash it! Didn’t you see the stage in front? There’s also the big audio screen on it, that’s the most valuable thing in the entertainment center, you can smash it just to have fun!”

"Hey! You're right, our battalion commander said, except that the people here can't smash it, even if this house is demolished, someone will hold it back. Wang Xiaohu, Li Xiaoming, take your second and third squads with me. Smashing that stage, smashing, smashing, smashing!" That seemed to be a second lieutenant platoon leader, his eyes lit up immediately after hearing He Xiaoda's suggestion, and he led a dozen people towards the stage.

"Hey! These stupid soldiers, if you talk about messing around, you really have to learn from me?" He Xiaoda boasted proudly, dragged his fat body, and ran outside with the chaotic crowd...

Chaos, this is the only word to describe the current situation.

After about 200 soldiers barged in with sabers dancing, the entire central hall of thousands of square meters was completely messed up. Fortunately, these soldiers strictly followed Li Jianfeng's orders and must not injure or accidentally injure Any people, but even so, they are as fierce as wolves and tigers, and they still frighten the people who come to participate in the event. No one dares to stay in the hall anymore, screaming one by one , shouting and ran out.

As for Li Jianfeng, he was really good at leading soldiers. Thousands of people squeezed out from the door, because he led dozens of soldiers to maintain order at the door, so there was no stampede.

Of course, after the last few female white-collar workers in swaying long skirts ran out of the central hall, there were still quite a few high-heeled shoes, small bags, and gold-rimmed glasses on the ground.

Looking at the messy scene in front of them, Ye Qingling, Suning and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Although there are many witty and sensitive people among them, they still felt helpless in the face of this sudden 'riot'. Under the support of the soldiers, they temporarily hid in a corner of the central hall, watching those soldiers smashing and chattering.

These women who think they are very smart and wise, waited until the soldiers had smashed almost everything in the hall, and after they were a little tired, they released Ying Xia, who had long wanted to go and help smash. Find out what's going on.

"Hey, let me tell you, have you smashed enough?" Yingxia shouldered the committee's task of spying on the military situation, and happily took a soldier's hand: "If you haven't smashed enough, keep smashing. If you get tired, I'll ask you one thing!"

"Hey! Hehe, you can ask!" The soldier turned his head and saw that such a pure and lovely little sister asked him, and immediately felt embarrassed. Embarrassed, he wiped the sweat off his face and smiled honestly. .

"Ah! Then let me ask you! Why are you here to smash things? Don't you know that doing so is illegal!"

"Hehe, our Battalion Commander said, as long as you don't hurt anyone, whatever can be smashed is damn... all smashed, he said that someone will pay the bill anyway!"

"Who is the one paying the bill, can you tell me!"

"I don't know, the battalion commander said he is rich!"

"He's always rich, so he won't come here to mess things up!" Ying Xia was so happy in his heart, and his voice became louder and louder, deliberately so that Ye Qingling and others could hear clearly.

"Hi!" When the simple PLA soldier was face to face with Yingxia, he had long been confused by this lovely sister, so he naturally had something to say: "Our battalion commander said that this entertainment center is not authentic. , dare to accept his buddies’ wives to make friends here, hmph, isn’t this obviously prying my own corner? If we don’t smash this place, the entertainment center won’t know that this is destroying the military marriage!”

"Oh, that old rich man, who is he?"

"I heard that his surname is Qin, but he is a great guy? Our battalion commander said that if he hadn't recklessly snatched the nuclear warhead back from the terrorists, our hometown would probably have been turned into a pile of ruins!" When a soldier talked about someone Qin, he definitely admired him: "Sister, you said that there is such a person who is so desperate for people's lives and property that the entertainment center dares to instigate those little boys to poach his corners, hmph, don't talk about Qin!" The hero is not happy anymore, and those of us who are soldiers have to drive those little faces away!"

"Oh, thank you, brother!" Ying Xia thanked Brother Bing again with a smile on his face, and then walked in front of the girls, repeating what he said just now in a small mouth.

"What? Nuclear warheads, what nuclear warheads, what the hell is going on here!" When Suning heard that Qin Zhao's refusal to say goodbye was probably related to the nuclear warheads, his heart began to beat. If someone from Qin really wanted to recover If the nuclear warhead just ran away from home, then it might be too much for people like himself to do this. It's no wonder he dared to send troops to smash the scene.

"Sister Ning!" Ye Qingling also recalled it at this time, and said in a low voice: "Could it be that we misunderstood him? Scary, what should we do! This is embarrassing for him!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, wait until I ask their officers to come over and ask!" When Suning said this, he saw He Xiaoda leading an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel on his shoulders, and hurried to meet him: "Zhong Comrade school, may I ask what's going on!"

"You are!" Li Jianfeng, who was about to follow He Xiaoda to meet Mr. Qin's wives, saw a mature young woman approaching to strike up a conversation, and guessed her identity in his heart. Sure enough, before Suning said anything ? He Xiaoda said from the side: "Lieutenant Colonel Li, this is one of Mr. Qin Zhao's wives... If you have anything to say, you should explain it to him! I will go out and help the exhibition bureau maintain order outside!"

Without waiting for Suning's permission, He Xiaoda turned around and ran away.

"Hehe, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, hello, I'm Suning, Qin Zhao's lover!" Suning shook hands with Li Jianfeng generously: "Can you tell me what's going on!"

"Sister-in-law!" Li Jianfeng glanced at the other seven beauties who surrounded him, blushed and scolded Qin Zhao in his heart, this bastard is indeed a good fortune, and then he used the attitude of a subordinate reporting work to a superior, and said: "The thing is like this. On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, some overseas terrorists transported a nuclear warhead from overseas for the Dongtu elements. You may understand who the Dongtu elements bought the nuclear warhead to deal with... Coincidentally, Captain Qin Hearing the news, he rushed to Weihai overnight, drove the terrorists to Changle County in Weihai, and fought wits and courage with a group of terrorists there for a day and a night. It was only in the early hours of yesterday that he successfully intercepted the nuclear fuel. The rest of the nuclear bombs were still not recovered, so Captain Qin ignored the two days and one night without rest, and personally negotiated with the terrorists, until last night all the nuclear bombs were recovered!"

"Since he took it back last night, why didn't he hurry back to Qing Island? Even if he couldn't make it back, he should make a phone call!" At this time, Ye Qingling also regretted making friends, but a woman? Naturally, you can't admit your mistake right away, you have to find an excuse no matter what.

"Hey! President Ye, I know you, but let's call you sister-in-law!" It's not that he won't come back, or he won't call you, it's because we got drunk, but Li Jianfeng dare not say these things, He just said something close, and put away his smile: "Sister-in-law, you don't know something, it's not that Captain Qin doesn't want to hurry back, it's because he can't come back!"


"Because he has been in contact with nuclear fuel, the maintenance department of the whole territory must be responsible for his personal safety, so, isolate him!" Li Jianfeng frightened these kind women according to what he had discussed with Qin on the road. They: "Of course! You don't have to worry, after a strict physical examination, Captain Qin is still very safe, but suffered some minor injuries..."

"What a minor injury!"

"Is it nuclear radiation?"

"Where does it hurt!"

"It's okay, sisters-in-law, don't worry!" Damn, with so many beautiful wives, let alone being angry, even caring is enough to bear! Boss Qin, I really don’t know how you usually deal with them, hey, there’s also a foreign girl here… After Li Jianfeng saw that seven or eight women were asking questions in anxious and caring tones, he nervously wiped the pimple on his forehead. Khan: "He's only *slightly injured, and he hasn't suffered from nuclear pollution, nuclear radiation or anything..."

As soon as Li Jianfeng said this, the commander of the second company quickly ran in: "Report to the battalion commander, Captain Qin is here, and he is outside!"

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