"Those women haven't come out yet!" Qin Zhao, who walked out of the lobby of the entertainment center, asked He Xiaoda, who was right next to him, "They won't see that I'm acting! Are they forcing me to really tear down this hall? They believe it!"

"No way! Maybe discuss things inside?" He Xiaoda stretched his neck and glanced inside: "Here we come, the young mistress is here!"

"Little young lady!"

"That's right, it's Young Mistress Yingxia!" He Xiaoda wiped his nose, and quickly stepped aside, leaving someone with a pretending appearance with his hands behind his back and his face facing the sky.

"Brother!" Yingxia walked up to Qin Zhao quickly, and under the envious eyes of many men, she hugged Qin's arm tenderly and softly: "Brother, you are really angry. Sister Ning and Qingling just now My sister and the others have said it, and everyone knows it’s wrong! Let’s go home now, okay, do you see that many people here are looking at us?”

Yingxia really wanted to follow Su Ning's instructions, guard the old man and flirt with someone Qin a few times, for example, stand on tiptoe and give him a sweet kiss, or even rub his upturned breasts against his arm or something, But she hasn't made up her mind yet? Qin Zhao smiled wryly and asked her in a low voice, "Did those women pick you up!"

"Yeah!" Yingxia nodded obediently and straightforwardly: "They also said, if you don't agree, tell me to make out with you here and here, so maybe you will calm down! Brother, In fact, you can’t blame sister Ning and the others too much for this matter. After all, you left in such a hurry that night, everyone was worried about your safety! Don’t you, just calm down! Anyway, we are angry at you for not thinking about us !"

"Hey!" Qin Zhao sighed, shook his head, and said without showing off, "Yingxia, you should have heard a saying before, a man does something and doesn't do it, don't I know that I will guard you at home and take good care of you?" Do you want to live? I just like to be so stupid that I take the risk of being slaughtered to take care of those things, haha, look at my ass!"

As Qin Zhao said, he turned to face Yingxia, pulled off his clothes with a thud, and leaned against the cold wind with his strong shoulders with bumpy muscles. He turned slightly sideways, and said in a deep voice under the surprised eyes of many people: " Did you see the wound? If I reacted slowly at the time, maybe the wound was not on the shoulder, but on the throat. I am not using this wound to scare you, but I hope you can understand me. There are some things that I must Doing it is like taking you to the UK to see a doctor, it must be done, and you must do it with your heart, there is no reason, Yingxia, do you understand?!"

"Brother, you, you...you should be careful, I don't want you to fight like this anymore, I, I'm afraid that one day, after you go out, you will never come back, you won't come back, I'm really afraid!" Tears flowed from Yingxia Her face slipped down, and she could see that Qin Zhao was really agitated. No matter how many people were watching, she gently touched the wound with her little hand, and tiptoed to imprint her red mouth on the wound. on his lips.

Qin Zhao closed his eyes, hugged the girl who loved him the most in his life, and hugged her tightly. At this moment, he suddenly remembered a song, the song from "Joking about Qianlong" in the last century. Theme song "Ask Love": Mountains and rivers can't carry too much sorrow, years can't stand too long a wait, spring loves to sway in the wind, and yellow sand wants to bury infatuation and resentment...

The two kissed so ecstatically that they forgot about the tens of thousands of people around them and the other women in the entertainment center hall.

Suddenly, there was applause, it belonged to He Xiaoda. Although no one came to respond to him, but he didn't care at all, he just clapped his hands desperately, the applause was lonely, but clear, just like someone swung his remnant soul towards the opponent, dazzling...

The issue of the entertainment center in the urban area was eventually mediated by Li Ming, secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, and the Qingdao Tianhe Group compensated 1 million yuan. The lawyers of both sides settled the matter amicably that afternoon. As Qin Zhao said, It didn't cause such a big Tianhe in the media. Instead, the moment when he and Yingxia ignored everyone at the entrance of the center and He Xiaoda's lonely applause was exaggerated by major websites and became a hot spot just after the Spring Festival. Called: Lonely, Love.

Qin Zhao's kiss in the entertainment center, which welcomes summer, has become a signature move for a white-collar brother to court a beautiful sister for a long time. Of course, finding a fat boy to applaud is indispensable. If If you are lucky enough to be able to ask Brother Xiaoda to applaud with a black market price of about 5,000 yuan, it will be a matter of great honor to the girl being pursued.

In fact, at the entrance of the entertainment center that day, some overseas reporters also took pictures of the PLA smashing the scene and sent them back to their home countries. The threat of the De family, er, the fate of being targeted by the old family is not optimistic...

The above are all things for later, let’s ignore it for now, let’s talk about what happened after Qin Zhao returned to Fengqiuhuang first!

After returning to Fengqiuhuang, Qin Zhaoxian helped Zhan Zhao fulfill the promise she and her colleagues made, and arranged for Chu Xiangxiang to reward the policemen in the hall of Fengqiuhuang, and sealed a red envelope of 2,000 yuan each. Although most of the police are determined not to accept him, this is not something he worries about, and everything will be dealt with clearly.

As for Li Jianfeng's side, it seems impossible to entertain them or give them red envelopes. In the end, Ye Qingling decided to donate 200 home-made desktop computers to the army in the name of Tianhe Group on the grounds that the stationed soldiers had a rich spare time life. When all these things were dealt with, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night on the ninth day of the new year.

"Xiaoxue, Kailins, you have been in Qing Island for several days, go back and have a look tomorrow!" After all the girls gathered in Qin Zhao's room in silence, he lowered his head and smoked a cigarette Finally, he said: "Guo Jing, I originally wanted to take you abroad to discuss the Gabon iron mine, but something happened. I have to go to Russia. I'm afraid I will let you go this time!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, after you finish your work, we can go out together again!" Guo Jing covered up the disappointment on her face with a flattering smile, making Qin Zhao feel a little apologetic, but Hu Mie Tang asked him to go to see Aliena, and it was really inconvenient to take her there.

"Well, we've had enough fun, it's time to go back and have a look!" Although Kailinsi and Jing Hongxue were very dissatisfied with Qin Zhao's driving them away, because today's incident hurt someone's self-esteem, they didn't dare to go any further. What more?

"Okay!" Qin Zhao nodded and looked at Fu Mingzhu: "Mingzhu, you go back to Daliao first! Where is Mr. Fu, I will ask my uncle to explain. Believe me, no one can marry you except me. yours!"

"I'll wait for you!" Fu Mingzhu blushed, and lowered her head with a little happiness.


"I'll go out with you, you don't have to persuade me to go back to Sichuan!" Waiting for Qin Zhao to say anything? Haoyue said decisively: "Don't worry, I won't be a burden to you. If you think I talk too much, at worst I won't talk!"

"Okay then!" Qin Zhao nodded: "Xiao Zhao, tell my aunt tomorrow and ask her to wait for news from me at any time. Also, you'd better go through the resignation procedures, and it's okay to come out to work after * fully approves." Not too late!"

"Well, I know!" Zhan Zhao hesitated for a moment: "Xiao Zhao, don't you have such an expression of confessing the funeral, please. Although I didn't go to the dating event with everyone this time, the main reason is that I am pregnant with a baby. Inconvenient, you should understand why Qingling and Suning did this? We are all women, and there is no woman who does not want her man to be by her side. It is true that, as you said, there are some things you have to face Yes, but can't you talk it over with everyone before you go?"

"I'm afraid you are worried!" Qin Zhao replied lightly.

"But won't everyone be worried in this way?" Zhan Zhao bowed his body: "If you leave without saying a word, everyone will be more worried. I know, what we did this time made you feel ashamed, but This also shows how much everyone is afraid of losing you! You are so smart, it should be easy to think of this, and you shouldn't be so stern when you come back!"

I know! But if I just nodded and apologized when I came back, then why should I let others make trouble? I also hope that when I come back, I will happily hug you and sleep together, but if that's the case, you have to raise your tails to the sky! So, since you have already pretended to be cool, you should pretend to be cool to the end, Qin Zhao thought in his heart, but said: "Humph, you all know that doing this makes me feel ashamed! I am so busy in southern Ji , I am so busy that I am almost on my feet, but I still have to worry about the text message you sent... Alas! This woman, she will go to the house without calling for three days!"

"Okay, okay, that's all for today, and no one will mention it again from now on!" Qin Zhao waved his hand; "I'm tired today, everyone please go back!"

Oh, when you were at the entrance of the entertainment center, you and Yingxia had a lonely kiss, and after you got home, you explained to the rest of the people more or less, why did you just flash off the two of us without saying a word, Hurry up and go out, we are all to blame for this matter.

Ye Qingling and Suning glanced at each other. Chairman Ye was about to say something angrily, but he saw Vice Chairman Su winking. He stood up and walked to Qin Zhao's side. The man was astonished, "You want to say something?" In her eyes, she leaned on his lap as if she had no bones, reached out to touch his crotch, and said sweetly: "Master Qin, it's easier for me to admit that this time it's *brainless, you The adults don't care about villains, so don't be as knowledgeable as our sisters, okay, tell me, what happened to me and Qingling, you will forgive us!"

This is implying that I can raise some unreasonable ideas with you! The hard-hearted Qin couldn't hold back Sister Ning's groping with her hands up and down, and all the bones in her body softened.

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