There are two voices in the world, and Qin Zhao is most familiar with them.

One is the sound of his women murmuring his name softly, and the other is the sound of weapons breaking through the air. Whether it is a bullet or a cold weapon, he will judge the way in the shortest time and then counterattack. This is the biggest foundation of the reputation of Yan Luo, the jade face of Longteng Qiyue. This ability is obtained through extremely cruel training and countless times of life and death.

After hearing the sound of the weapon piercing through the air from behind the door, Qin Zhao was completely conditioned, and suddenly leaned back, as if breaking out of thin air. After flashing the silver-painted weapon, His hand has already stretched between that person's legs, his movements are sinister and vicious, if the attacker is a man, he will grab the opponent's most vulnerable place and squeeze hard... If that person is still alive If he comes down, he can only be regarded as a eunuch from now on.

Don't blame Qin Zhao for being so despicable, shameless, and unscrupulous. When a real master meets an enemy who wants to fight with his life, let alone pinching his balls, as long as he can survive, he will use even more insidious and obscene moves than this. I will not frown a little. In fact, the reason why there are enemies in the world is not just to live better.

However, this time Qin Zhao's grasping dragon claw hand failed, because when he gathered his five fingers, he didn't grab anything substantial... So, he had to grab the man's pants with his backhand and slam down With a pull, his body suddenly grew long with this force, and his left hand was already stuck in the man's throat. At this time, the man's wrist holding the weapon was held by his right hand that let go of the opponent's pants. Then, the two of them They just stood still, staring at each other.

"Alena, what are you playing with!" After seeing that the person who attacked him was Aliena, Qin Zhao was a little puzzled: "Fortunately, you are not a man, otherwise, if you want to have children, you have to wait until the next life." Already!"

"Qin Zhao, you are so nasty!" It was obvious that Qin Zhao's right hand was grabbing at the most hidden place, and Aliena's face was flushed, and she pushed him away.

"Uh, who told you to play with me for real! If I react a little slower, I'm afraid I'll let you pierce a transparent hole! That way you don't need to be obscene, but compared to being obscene and alive, I would rather choose obscenity, hehe Aliena, you need to know a famous saying!" Taking advantage of Aliena's push, Qin Zhao leaned on the door and took out a cigarette.

The general stabbed a flower behind his back, Aliena bit her lip, and waited for him to light the cigarette and the heat on his face gradually receded before asking: "What famous saying!"

"In order to live, I will do whatever it takes!" Qin Zhao smiled and flicked the cigarette ash: "I admit that I said this sentence, but I have always done it like this many times, and you should do the same. I heard from Klauski that you seem to have changed your personality recently, what is the reason? Can you tell me about it!"

"You have such a big property and so many women who love you, of course you have to work hard to survive!" Aliena snorted coldly: "Hmph, what have I changed? I am still me. If you want to talk about the recent changes If not, it may be that I have become the biggest gang leader in Russia!"

"It's great to be a real gang leader, isn't this what you've been looking forward to?"

"But, can!" Aliena pursed her thin lips, and suddenly raised her head: "But who loves me, loves me, cares about me and protects me? Qin Zhao, do you know? What I fear most is It's dark, when the night comes, I live alone in this empty villa, without a lover, without friends, I can only pass the time by watching movies and being in a daze, and then, wait until dawn, and then force myself to go to Work... woohoo, I don't know what I live for?"

Qin Zhao silently looked at this once high-spirited woman, and didn't know how to comfort her, should he tell her: In fact, Hu Mietang cares about you very much, he can testify, but does he have the qualifications? Don't forget that her own father died at the hands of the two of them.

"My only family member in the world is dead, but I can only compromise when faced with the murder of my father and enemy. Why is that!" Aliena wiped the tears on her face with her backhand, took a step forward, her nose almost They have already touched Qin Zhao's nose: "It's like you, you are the accomplice of the murderer who killed my father, but how dare I treat you, hehe, Qin Zhao, please don't think of me as the boss of the vampire bat in the future, I Are you the boss of the biggest gang in Russia? If I am, why would I let you stand here alive? If I were the boss of the gang, why would I, why would I be pregnant with Hu Mietang’s child! "

"What, what? You are pregnant with Hu Mietang's child!" Qin Zhao leaned back hard after hearing this sentence: "No way! Well, there is nothing impossible, two normal When men and women stay together, it should be normal for this kind of thing to happen..."

"I've been thinking about what kind of woman I am these days!" Aliena leaned forward again, still maintaining the previous movement: "I have asked myself countless times, what kind of woman should this child be?" I shouldn't have been born, if I was born, how would I have the face to face my father, if not, why every time I want to kill him, I feel so distressed that I almost faint, Qin Zhao, hehe, Tell me, what kind of woman am I? In order to avenge my father, I married Hu Mietang and became pregnant with his child, but I would rather die than kill him!"

"This matter is indeed a bit tangled! Can you, can you step back, we will be misunderstood if we are so close!" Qin Zhao slowly turned his head to the side: "Alena, about your father , I have a few words to tell you!"

"Say, I'm listening!"

"Your father has such a fate, in fact, you should have thought about it long ago when he created the vampire bat!" Qin Zhao said: "We have an old saying in China that generals will inevitably die in battle, and earthen pots cannot be broken without leaving the well. Since you have chosen to take this path, you should pay a certain price for it. If, I mean if! If he hadn’t sent people to kidnap Ye Qingling and others in Hongye Valley of Qing Island, if it hadn’t been for you when you went to Daliao I will not team up with Hu Mietang to come to Emerald Manor if I have those entanglements with me!"

"Similarly, if your father hadn't fished Hu Mietang out of the sea and kept him as a baby, he might have fed the fish long ago!" Qin Zhao said, "Carefully sort out what I said! See if it is the karma that Buddhists often say!"

"What you said, I have thought about it countless times!"

"Yes, so you have to look away!" Qin Zhao nodded: "You must know that there is no hatred for no reason in the world, and there is no love for no reason. Now that things have developed to this point, you should Just look at it!"

"How can I look away from all this!"

Qin Zhao was stunned: "Don't be angry if I say something pretentious!"

"I'm listening, now I don't even know what anger is!"

"Cough, you can't stay away from me..." Qin Zhao smiled bitterly: "I advise you, turn your hatred for Hu Mietang into love for your children, cheer yourself up, and raise your children well, maybe , at that time, you will know that life is really beautiful!"

"But what if I can't see it?"

"Then I can't help it!" Qin Zhao shook his head, just about to say something else? But Aliena said: "You can do it!"

"What can I do!" Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment, then avoided Aliena's blue eyes that seemed to be burning with some guilt.

"Back then, that night in Daliao!" The hot air from Aliena's mouth penetrated directly into someone's nostrils: "I mean the night you took off my clothes, if you were my Raped, raped me, according to your character towards women, you will definitely feel a little bit of guilt towards me, even if it is a little bit, in that case, you will not choose to come to Emerald Manor with Hu Mietang, my father He won't die, and I won't fall into this kind of situation!"

"Alena, if you say this, I admit that something may change? But the facts are already in front of you!" Qin Zhao said seriously: "You should face these facts and re-plan your future life..."

"I don't want to plan my future life, I just know that if you had done that, my life would not be what it is now, Qin Zhao, look!" Aliena turned around sharply, pointing at the room: " This is the scene where my father died that night, do you know why I have not changed? Because only after seeing all this, when I think of you, I will remind you that you are my father-killing enemy, not the one who has been in my heart. The man I was thinking of, hehe!"

Aliena turned around slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks: "My group can't forget the humiliation you brought me in Daliao, but I also can't forget the time you hugged me in Qingdao Cemetery. The part of the road that followed me, yes, I admit that at a certain time, I really planned to love Hu Mietang, but that was the feeling I developed after I couldn't see hope in you!"

"I'm speechless when you say that!" Qin Zhao said, "Then tell me, what should I do for you? Only then can you get out of the shadows, and you can completely cut off your entangled feelings for me!"

"Kiss me once! Kiss with your heart!" After a while, Aliena whispered, "It's a way to let me say goodbye to those distracting thoughts, and I may change my current mentality in the future!" After finishing speaking, before Qin What did Zhao say? She just put her arms around his neck, her movements were frenzied and irresistible...

"Okay, let's go! If you need my help in the future, just call me!" Only after she could no longer breathe, Aliena let go of Qin Zhao's neck, turned around and said, "A kiss After that, we are friends!"

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