Those messy things between Qin Zhao and Julia had to be traced back to when he brought Yingxia to England to see a doctor in April last year.

At that time, I first met her at Duke Philip's party, and Julia wanted to 'raise' him. Later, it developed to the point where he kicked this pretentious woman's ribs three or four times. The relationship between the two people, It can be said that apart from the hostility, he didn't leave a good impression on First Young Master Qin.

As Qin Zhao said, the reason why he didn't recognize Julia was that he begged Fu Xiaodie to take him in to have a look. If he had thought it was her, let alone he begged someone to come in, it was Julia. He knelt down and begged him to take off his clothes, but he didn't bother to come in.

"Wow, Qin Zhao, I didn't realize until now that you are not only a playboy, but also an egomaniac?" After hearing what Qin Zhao said, Fu Xiaodie stared at her beautiful eyes: "Listen! When you say that, it seems like you don’t take Miss Julia seriously at all! Then, do you know how many wealthy and nobles in England who wanted to invite Julia were rejected?”

"Cut, I'm too lazy to explain to you!" Qin Zhaosun laughed: "Okay! I should go back, that's it!" After finishing speaking, it doesn't matter what Fu Xiaodie said? He turned around and walked towards the door of the storage room.

"Hey, Qin Zhao, what do you mean by that!" Fu Xiaodie saw this man leave as soon as he said so, so she hurried over and grabbed his arm: "I told my classmates that you are my boyfriend now!" , but you left without waiting for the party to start, so where do I save face!"

"Alas!" Qin Zhao sighed, what was he about to say? But when he saw a woman in black appearing at the door with her head bowed and talking with a man, he immediately pushed Fu Xiaodie aside, looked at the two of them coldly, and said in a low voice, "Hide quickly!"

Qin Zhao knew both of these two people, the female was naturally the pretentious Julia, and the male was Long Tai from the Zichuan group in Japan, he was a little puzzled, how this pair of dogs hooked up together.

"Hey, Qin Zhao, what do you mean by this!" Fu Xiaodie, who was pushed by Qin Zhao and almost couldn't stand still, didn't hear his warning at all, but was furious at his rudeness, and put the luggage in her hand Throwing the handle of the box to the side, he pinched his waist and stared, just about to say something? But he also saw the two people at the door, and one of them was Julia.

Feeling that Miss Julia is a member of the British royal family, and she usually has a full aristocratic temperament. In front of her, Fu Xiaodie was embarrassed to yell at Qin Zhao, but took a step back angrily. Leaning on a row of cabinets with arms folded.

How did she know that Qin Zhao pushed her away because he was afraid that Longtai would be disadvantaged if he knew her. Unfortunately, because of Fu Xiaodie's unladylike behavior just now, Longtai and Longtai had already alerted them, and they immediately stopped talking in low voices. Look this way.

Idiot, Bai has a smart appearance, Qin Zhao scolded Fu Xiaodie in his heart, then put his hands in his trouser pockets, swayed his body, and said with a sneer, "Long Tai, it's true that we never meet again in life! I let you run away from Weihai for a few days, but today you come to my door by yourself, it seems that I want to let you go, and God is not happy?"

Qin Zhao only mentioned Long Tai's name, but turned a blind eye to Julia, purely because this woman was far from being worthy of his attention.

But Julia doesn't think so. If she wants to say who is the person she hates the most and wants to torture him to death, Qin Mouman is undoubtedly No.1. Someone grabbed his hair like a sack The tragic experience of being left on the ground and being kicked by him to break three ribs is destined to become a nightmare in her life. She hates and fears Qin Zhao, but now, someone suddenly appeared in front of her, Her eyes widened at first, and then her body began to tremble and her legs became weak. If Long Tai hadn't supported her, she would have collapsed to the ground.

"Qin Zhao, I warn you, you'd better not mess around, you must know that this is England, if you dare to mess around, Huaxia will be responsible for any consequences!" Seeing Qin Zhao's appearance, Long Tai's heart ached. Shocked, no less than Julia, the first reaction was that Qin Zhao came to chase and kill him, so when supporting the crumbling Julia, he had already made a decision to push Julia out as soon as Qin Zhao rushed forward.

"Thank you!" Unfortunately, Julia thought he was kind enough to help her? Due to the aristocratic education he received since he was a child, he stammered his thanks like a conditioned reflex.

Qin Zhao saw what Long Tai was planning in his heart and the movements of his hands. After secretly praising in his heart, "the Japanese's reaction is really fast, and their thoughts are really poisonous", he also considered what he said. For some reason, if he was executed right here, it would be too noticeable. However, it seems that the appearance of him and Julia just now should be unusual. How about provoking them? Lest they be embarrassed.

After making up his mind not to provoke Long Tai here, Qin Zhao took another step forward, and when he was fully prepared to use Julia as a shield, he smiled and said to the woman with a very gentle face: "Miss Julia, we meet again, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Long Tai knew that some people were the masters who drew their knives secretly with a smile on their lips, so when Qin Zhao greeted Julia very "enthusiastically", he not only did not relax his vigilance, but became more cautious. He even planned to wait for Qin Zhao Taking another step forward, he immediately pushed Julia out, and then fled away.

Although Julia really hated someone to death, she was also afraid of killing him. Seeing Qin Zhao greeting her with a smile, she froze for a moment, then the corners of her mouth twitched a few times, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying. Muttering answer: "Qin, Mr. Qin, fortunately... yes!"

Ah, see how Julia seems to be afraid of this guy, and she smiles obviously flattering, what's going on! She wouldn't be his lover again, but she happened to be bumped into by Qin Zhao when she was dating that bald man, she must be guilty! Fu Xiaodie looked at them with a pair of beautiful big eyes, and rich associations immediately unfolded in her little head.

In order to stabilize Julia's fear and help her discover Longtai's original intention, Qin Zhao slowly took out a cigarette and lit it.

Sure enough, after seeing that he didn't seem to make a move, Julia's heart gradually calmed down, and her legs became stronger. When she wanted to leave Long Tai's "care" and stand on her own, she realized that he was grabbing hard with one hand. Stretching his left arm, and pressing his right hand against his back, he couldn't help being moved, secretly praising that Japanese men are not all machismo, so he didn't rush to leave him.

"I don't know why Longtai is holding your arm with one hand, but pushing you with the other!" After Qin Zhao breathed out a smoke ring leisurely, before Julia could ask why? He spoke very quickly: "Because it's because Long Tai is afraid that I will harm him, and when he is about to pounce on me, he will push you into my arms as a shield, so that he can buy time to escape, ha ha, ridiculous You, Julia, are considered a smart person. Not only did you not realize this at this time, but you are grateful that he knows how to take care of you! Julia, although we had some unpleasantness, you are far from being able to attract my attention , I don’t need to hurt you, but the man behind you is different, if I kill him ten thousand times, he’s earned it!”

It turned out to be like this, as Qin Zhao said, Julia is not the kind of simple woman like Fu Xiaodie, she is quite scheming, the reason why she didn't think of this just now is purely because she was scared when she first saw someone. Zhi, once he got his 'wake-up call', he immediately understood, besides, someone has made it clear that she is far from being able to get his attention, and there is no deep hatred between the two of them, and he will never What will happen to myself because of some misunderstandings last year.

"Longtai, you are too despicable!" Julia, who had figured it out, pushed Longtai backhand as if avoiding a poisonous snake, and said angrily, "Get out of here!"

If you want to say which talent in the world can compare with the thick skin of the Koreans, the Japanese will definitely cry and say it is them.

After being found out about his nasty behavior, Long Tai not only didn't feel ashamed, but instead held Julia even tighter, he simply pulled her into his arms, and said with a sinister smile, "Qin Zhao deserves to be Long Teng's man. You can see what I think at a glance, and you can even use a few words to separate the close friendship between me and Miss Julia, yes, that's what I planned, what can you do to me!"

"Kill you!" Qin Zhao said two words lightly.

"Huh!" Long Teng's eyeballs were twirling around, and he reached out his hand to cover Julia's mouth, who was about to shout: "Qin Zhao, I warn you again, among the people who will come tonight, there are quite a few of my subordinates, if you dare to If I do it, many people will definitely die, including Miss Julia in my arms, and the little sister next to you, hehe! Moreover, all casualties will be counted on you and Huaxia!"

Qin Zhao looked at this shameless man coldly, and quickly calculated in his mind how to deal with him as soon as possible.

"You, don't act recklessly!" Long Teng clearly felt the fierce murderous aura emanating from Qin Zhao, and hurriedly took a step back, hiding himself behind Julia.

Just when Qin Zhao was thinking about how to get rid of Long Tai, several people who came to store the luggage walked over talking and laughing.

"Longtai, get out of here! Go back and wash it well, and wait for me to chop off your head!" The more people there are, the more inconvenient it is to kill people. Qin Zhao decided to endure it for the time being, so he smoked another cigarette Finally, he said slowly: "There is no need to coerce the poor woman in your arms, let her go, I promise not to kill you here!"

"Okay, I've heard that Mr. Qin always keeps his word, so I won't accompany you tonight!" After putting a high hat on Qin Zhao first, Long Tai pushed Julia in his arms forward violently. His fat body was like a loach, rubbing against the bodies of those who came in to put their luggage, and jumped out.

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