Qin Zhao looked at Julia leisurely.

"Since I recovered from my injury, I have found a public welfare job, and now I am an honorary consultant of the British Museum!" Knowing that Qin Zhao was waiting for her to speak, Julia organized her words a little and said, "Last year's Christmas On the eve of the festival, when I was sorting out the museum archives, I accidentally found a map from China!"

"It's just a very ordinary map. It was hand-drawn with a brush, and the color is already very yellow!" Julia saw that Qin Zhao didn't ask any questions. He went on to say: "At that time, I wondered why such an ordinary map would be collected by the British Museum as a treasure, so I looked up the origin of this map, and I found that this map is from the middle of the fifteenth century. At that time, a British businessman in China accidentally got it in China, and he gave a brief introduction to this map!"

"Is that map the terrain somewhere in China's Daliao and Changbai Mountains!"

"Hey, is that a map of Changbai Mountain in your country? I don't know, it's not written on it, ah, how do you know!" Julia snorted, "Impossible, that map was already in the fifteenth century. It’s here in England, and it’s still hand-drawn, it’s definitely a rare copy, you, you won’t have seen it before!”

"I haven't seen it, I just guessed it, maybe not, you continue to talk!" Qin Zhao replied calmly.

There must be a big secret in this map, otherwise Long Tai and the others wouldn’t be so interested, and Qin Zhao wouldn’t know the things on this map for hundreds of years. Julia quickly analyzed it in her heart, I also have a strong interest in this map, but in the end I think it's better not to mix in with these oriental people. They turn their faces ruthlessly faster than turning a book, especially the one in front of me, who speaks out of his own words it's fart...

"At that time, I found out when I was researching the data!" After making up her mind not to mix it up, Julia settled down and said, "This map is not a simple map. It seems to be telling people a story about legends. Above, there is a round moon. At the bottom of the map, there is a strange-shaped short knife and something similar to a ring. It is already very impressive to have these things that have nothing to do with the map on a map. Interested, but this is definitely not what interests you the most!"

"Oh, what else?"

"In the center of the map, there is also a jar, a kind of container from ancient China. On the mouth of this jar, there are a few black worms drawn!" Julia seemed to be completely immersed in the map, with a pale expression on her face. Also gradually replaced by blush.

Even Fu Xiaodie, who was crying silently, was attracted by the story of this map, and her tears stopped falling.

The full moon, the demon blue dagger, the flying wolf jade finger, these are all understandable, but why is there a jar? Why is there a kind of black worm in the jar? Qin Zhao's eyes flickered, as if he understood something? But he didn't understand at all: "What else is on the map!"

"Also, there is a phoenix!" Julia said affirmatively, "I didn't know that bird was a phoenix at first, and it was only by chance that I found out that it is a divine bird in your Chinese legends. This bird The phoenix, just above the altar and under the moon, is in the shape of singing, and there are rays on the edge of the entire map, that is, halos, other than that, this map is nothing else!"

Phoenix Legend.

Regarding the legend of the legend of the Phoenix, Qin Zhao heard Haoyue tell it. Originally, he was skeptical about this legend, but after knowing that these things appeared on the map hundreds of years ago, he couldn't help but get excited, and he had a premonition that it would not be long. will solve the mystery.

After slowly breathing a sigh of relief, Qin Zhao asked lightly: "Long Tai appeared in England tonight because of this map too!"

"um, yes!"

"How did he know, how long has he known!"

"One day I went to Charlie...you know Charlie!" Julie Arden paused and said, "At Charlie's place, I mentioned this incident by accident, and joked that if I had the chance, I could go to China to hunt for treasures, and maybe I would send a message. A windfall, I forgot about it after I said it at the time, after all, the map is old, and I can't confirm the location it depicts!"

"However, Long Tai found out about this through Charlie three days ago!" Julia said, "As you know, Charlie has always had a good relationship with the Japanese. It is very possible that he told Long Tai about the map." Yes, so, last night, Long Tai came to the UK, but I happened to be busy with this high school sponsorship party, and I didn't have time to talk to him in detail, so I simply invited him to attend today's party jokingly, And persuaded him to make some contributions to the school, he agreed very happily, and arrived on time, when we met you, we were discussing how much money he would sponsor the high school... As for the next thing, you already know, I don't need to say any more!"

"Well, I'm very satisfied with your answer!" Qin Zhao nodded, then said with a slight sinking, "Julia, I have a piece of advice, I wonder if you can listen to it!"

"Tell me, I don't think you'll hurt me!" Julia nodded vigorously.

"You'd better forget about seeing that map in the future, and never mention it to anyone, or you will be in danger of your life!" Qin Zhao said seriously: "In order to repay you and me for telling these things, I will I will take revenge on Long Tai for betraying you just now!"

"You're going to kill him, in England!"

"He deserved to die a long time ago!" Qin Zhao stood up: "Also, you'd better tell that Charlie, if you want to live longer, it's better not to have any ideas about Rothschild Kailins, and it's better Don't associate with the Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi, because soon, the Yamaguchi-gumi will be completely removed!"

"He's very honest now!" Julia said with a wry smile, "You don't know, Kailins made him suffer a lot, and even meant to send him to West Africa as a small agent!"

"That's right!" Bang Bang Bang, just as Qin Zhao said this, he heard someone knocking on the door outside.

"Who is it!" Julia glanced at Qin Zhao and got his tacit approval before walking towards the door.

"Miss Julia, the party is about to start. Principal Zhang and I are here to invite you out to the party!" A girl's voice sounded outside.

Go ahead! Qin Zhao waved to Julia who was looking back at him. Now that he had figured out Long Tai’s purpose and residence in England, he had to go back too. hands, but what if? Don't forget that there is a crisis in the Zichuan group, who knows if they will come to the UK this time.

"Ah! Principal Zhang is here, please come in!" Julia walked quickly to the door, opened the door, and politely let in the man and woman standing outside the door.

Qin Zhao, who was worried about the safety of Jing Hongxue and others, was in no mood to care about Principal Zhang and Principal Li. He planned to comfort Fu Xiaodie a little before leaving, but when he saw a man and a woman at the door, he was stunned. Living.

Not only Qin Zhao was stunned, but the two people outside the door were also stunned after seeing him in Julia's VIP room...

Hilton Hotel, London, England.

When Qin Zhao and Julia were having a 'heart-to-heart talk', Jing Hongxue and Haoyue, who received his call, followed his instructions and stayed in the room to watch TV.

"Haoyue, do you think Xiao Zhao has met someone? Otherwise, why would he tell us like this. Although he said it lightly, I think he must be hiding something from us!" Jing Hongxue stripped Xue Haoyue's skin. An orange, handed her: "I don't know when he will come back!"

"Thank you, sister Xiaoxue!" After receiving the oranges, Haoyue thanked her, and said with a frown, "We only came to England in the evening, and I paid attention on the way to the hotel, and I didn't find anyone following me. No one should know that we live here, Qin Zhao told us like that, maybe he met someone in England! Otherwise, he will definitely come back soon, hehe, Sister Xiaoxue, don’t worry, take it easy, the Hilton Hotel is right The protection measures for the guests are top-notch, let alone me and the left and right brothers are here?"

"Hehe!" Jing Hongxue smiled, "I'm not worried about our safety, I'm just worried about Xiao Zhao..."

Just as Jing Hongxue said this, the door of the guest room suddenly slammed loudly, and then a person knocked the door open and fell in.

"Ah!" Jing Hongxue just had time to let out a scream, Xue Haoyue jumped up from the sofa, stood in front of her, and asked sharply, "Who is it!"

"It's me. The two ladies hide in the suite and call the police. There are killers outside!" The man who fell in quickly stood up, with fear on his wooden face, it was the third from the right, and he waved his hand. With a short knife, he rushed towards the two men in black suits who rushed in.

"Sister Xiaoxue, go in quickly!" While speaking, Haoyue pulled out the army thorn on her leg with her backhand, and leaped to the side of the second man on the right with a stride. As the army thorn flashed, she parried the knife from the man in black suit on the left who slashed at the third man on the right. Wrong, the military thorn pierced into his left shoulder with a swish.

It was so easy to succeed, this idea just popped up in Xue Haoyue's mind, the person stabbed in the shoulder by him smiled sinisterly, * shook violently, raised his arm to clamp the army stab she hadn't retracted, and the stab in his right hand But the dagger pierced her heart with a hiss.

"Ah!" Haoyue didn't expect that after this person was stabbed, not only did the unexpected blood spurt out of the wound, but he was so tough that he clamped her military stab with his arm.

This time, Haoyue was so frightened that she was out of her wits, if she hadn't reacted quickly enough and dodged sideways in time, the knife from the man in the black suit would definitely have pierced her chest.

Long Teng used military stabs in December, not the thing in the crotch of the Chinese man. No matter how powerful a man in a black suit is, he is an individual, and his muscles will never be as difficult to pull out as the thing that an island woman clamps on a Chinese man x So after Haoyue yanked back the military thorn forcefully, he could only stagger a bit and let the military thorn leave his body.

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