Qin Changsong targets Ye Pengfei everywhere, but Chu Yao beside him directly ignores Ye Pengfei, just as if ye Pengfei is totally air.

Qin Feng asked suspiciously: "wait a minute, didn't he disappear a long time ago? Why did he suddenly appear again?"

Qin Changsong hummed coldly: "yes, he really disappeared before, but now he's back, and he's still haunting your sister. It seems that he still doesn't want to leave."


Qin Feng was so angry that he hummed coldly: "Ye Pengfei, you were a waste when you were a child. I didn't expect you to be like this when you grow up. Boy, I tell you, I haven't forgotten the scar on my young master's face. You wait for me."

With a fierce stare at Ye Pengfei, Qin Feng introduced himself to his parents again: "by the way, mom and Dad, I forgot to tell you. This is William, whom I mentioned to you before. Now he is the successor of the Smith family, the first big financial group in South America."

"Ah? Oh, it's William

All of a sudden, Qin Changsong's eyes glared. After all, the other party is the heir of the Smith family. Naturally, he has more potential than ye Pengfei.

In a sense, even the strength of the Qin family may not be able to compare with such a large consortium.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

This sentence, the other side is very smooth, so that Qin Changsong and Chu Yao are in full bloom.

"Ha ha ha He is worthy of being the successor of the Smith family. He is really a young talent. "

Hear the other two praise, William seems to be quite excited, very excited said: "uncle and aunt, first meet, this gift please accept."


Both of them looked forward to it in an instant.

William quickly took out a delicate gift box from the sofa on the side.

I didn't expect that it was a painting.

When it was completely opened, William said with a smile: "uncle and aunt, I heard that you like painting, so I happened to get such a painting by chance. I hope it can make you like it."

"My God, this Look at these masterpieces. They're masterpieces

Chu Yao was also shocked and said: "it's the work of kasimir. It's really eye opening."

William laughed and said, "it's really Casimir's work. Last year I happened to go to Italy and saw someone auction it. It only cost US $8 million."

"The master's works are immeasurable. The price is absolutely worth it." Chu Yao seems very excited.

Even Qin Changsong took a deep breath and said, "but this painting is too precious for you. Do you really want to give it to us?"

"Ha ha Uncle and aunt, this is my gift to you. I hope you like it! Seriously, I was worried you wouldn't like it. "

"How can we not like such works? It's just I'm very lucky to see you. "

Qin Changsong is so infatuated that even Chu Yao on the edge is paying attention to it, as if he is appreciating some peerless treasure.

However, in such a wonderful atmosphere, ye Pengfei said a light sentence.

"Unfortunately, it's a fake."


As soon as the words came out, all the people present were shocked.

Even Qin Qing'er was stunned, because she thought that since William wanted to send a gift to please her parents, he would not be so tasteless. He would take a fake to fool her.

Seeing people's puzzled eyes, ye Pengfei was extremely calm, because he had seen grove draw this painting. Although kasimir was very powerful, he copied Grove's painting.

Although it looks similar, there is still a gap, and the grade can't keep up.

That's why Ye Pengfei said it was a fake.

"Boy, what did you just say? It's a fake. "

Qin Changsong stares at Ye Pengfei fiercely. He seems to be very upset. He thinks that the other party is making trouble. Of course, he is suspicious.

"Well, boy, you're saying that master Kashmir's work is a fake, boy, do you know? That's the biggest joke I've ever heard

Qin Feng also quickly stood up and said: "Ye Pengfei, if you don't understand, don't pretend to be forced. Eight million dollars, NIMA. You said it was a fake. "

Even Chu Yao snorted coldly: "young people like you are really bad. How can you insult the master's works at will? You really make us extremely disgusted."

Qin qinger was completely stunned, because in her impression, her mother seldom lost her temper, but now, she is so angry that she is obviously really angry.

Qin Changsong also narrowed his eyes and said, "Ye Pengfei, you are not only annoying, but also disgusting."

Ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly and said with a cool smile: "some people are clearly frogs at the bottom of the well, but they are so self righteous. It's ridiculous.""What did you say? How can you say that we're looking at the sky from the well? " Qin Feng almost hit people with anger.

Ye Pengfei still said lightly: "OK, you are all high-level people, you continue to force, I have something to say goodbye for the time being."

"Get out of here!" Qin Changsong said very excited.

However, let people completely ignorant force is, after ye Pengfei left, Qin qinger also left.

"Well? Qing'er, what are you doing? " Qin Changsong was stunned.

Originally, they wanted to make a match for Qin qinger and William. This time, William came to China in person and gave such a good gift, but they were very satisfied.

However, Qin qinger ignored them at all and left with Ye Pengfei soon.

This time, William's face finally became ugly. He even doubted whether the young man had an affair with Qin qinger. If so, it would make William very unhappy.

"Who was that?" William tried to suppress the angry inquiry.

Qin Feng quickly told the other party about ye Pengfei, which shocked William.

"This bastard is so shameless to cling to our Qin family. NIMA, it's really shameless. My sister must have been so soft hearted that she didn't drive him away."

"I didn't expect Miss Qin to be so kind. She's a beautiful angel!"

William is finally relieved, such an opponent, he did not pay attention.

"Yes, we don't like him at all, so it's impossible to be with my sister. Only a young man like William can be worthy of my sister. "

"Ha ha I think it's just God's test for me. I There is more and more self-consciousness. Miss Qin is the person I want to find in my life! She will be my wife one day


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