The woman in purple looked at Ye Pengfei from a distance, but when she turned around, she suddenly said, "Ye Pengfei is very high-key, but he always says he is low-key. It's very interesting."

The woman's voice is very beautiful, just like a ray of sounds of nature on the nine days. When she says this, there is endless mystery in her beautiful eyes, as if she can make people fall into it.

Micro pursed red lips, corners of the mouth also slowly evoke a smile, as if in a twinkling of an eye there is infinite amorous feelings!

"Knock it!" At that moment, the woman in purple disappeared in the original place.

As for the cold woman next to her, she was happy for a moment, because she didn't like the smiley Ye Pengfei at all, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Soon, the cold woman disappeared and disappeared in the night with the woman in purple.

But at that moment, ye Pengfei turned around almost instantaneously and his eyes narrowed gradually, because just now he felt that he was being peeped at.

"Little doctor, what's the matter?" The old mayor asked suspiciously.

Ye Pengfei frowned slightly and said in his heart, did he feel wrong just now?


I've been making mistakes for so many years. It's definitely a problem!

"Ha ha, it's all right, just a few mice."

"Mouse?" The old mayor was stunned.

Ye Pengfei waved his hand and said, "well, if there is nothing else, I will go."

But the old mayor said quickly, "well, in order to express my gratitude to the little miracle doctor, I want to invite him to my home. I don't know if I have the honor?"

Ye Pengfei didn't want to go, but the old mayor hastened to say, "I hope the little miracle doctor can't refuse. I really want to thank you."

No way, ye Pengfei also had to reluctantly agree to come down.

Later, ye Pengfei said goodbye to the old mayor, and with the feeling before, he turned around in the villa, trying to find out the clues.

As a result, in the villa, but because of the arrival of a woman, instantly burst the pot.

"My God, it's su muyue of Yingxue Pavilion!"

"Su muyue is the most mysterious goddess of temperament in Binjiang city!"

"Yes, it's a woman who not only has a beautiful face, but also has all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting

"It's said that I'm still single. It seems that the protagonist tonight is Su muyue."

Originally, the arrival of Xiao Ruxue had made everyone feel very honored. However, after hearing Su muyue's appearance, many male compatriots felt their hearts pounding.

After all, this kind of goddess with unique temperament is very rare in modern cities.

Su muyue, who has been influenced by art and culture, is naturally more popular.

Soon, Su muyue appeared.

An ancient purple dress, full of endless mystery.

A pair of smart eyes, look forward to life, hook people's soul.

Snow white skin, beautiful face, so that countless people seem to suffocate in general.

This is Su muyue!

Xiao Ruxue doesn't exist at all!

"I didn't expect that Su muyue even came to this bidding meeting?"

"Yes, Su muyue always has a lot of followers, and Yingxue Pavilion is beautiful, but it is undeniable that Yingxue pavilion has such strength!"

"Su muyue is really beautiful, but I feel the pain in my heart."


"Because I'm not destined to get her! My heart aches at the thought of it


Because of the appearance of Su muyue, the whole reception was undoubtedly pushed to a climax. Many male compatriots flocked to Su muyue, and even some senior officials laughed and said hello to Su muyue, which shows the power behind Su muyue.

As for ye Pengfei, at the moment, with his subtle feeling, he looks everywhere for people who peeped at him behind his back before.

"Well?" Suddenly, ye Pengfei felt the subtle feeling again.

In the reception hall of the main villa, the banquet has been in full swing, but in other villas, it seems very lonely.

Soon, the shadow of Ye Pengfei disappeared, but the place where ye Pengfei had stayed before disappeared in an instant.

The villas of Ziyu villa are very luxurious

, besides the main villa, there are other villas, and even some connected villas, which look very tasteful.

At this moment, yugongliang, dressed as a hermit, is sticking to the wall, like a ghost, moving rapidly.

Those security guards not far away, in yugongliang's eyes, are nothing.

Soon, after Yu Gongliang came to a pillar outside the villa, he saw the other party's body in a flash, and then he slid to the second floor along the pillar.

Another flash, rain palace cool has disappeared.

Several security guards happened to be here, and the timing was shocking.When several security guards left, yugongliang subconsciously looked at the stairs leading to the third floor on the second floor, and there were several flashes. After avoiding all the security guards, yugongliang finally ushered in a crisis.

Four security guards at one time!

And in the next second, they will appear in front of themselves.


Yugongliang made a quick decision and appeared in front of the four.

Two hands were poked into the two security guards' throats, splashing a piece of blood. When the remaining two people reacted quickly and were about to shout, yugongliang's body turned over, and the blade on his toes had already hit each other's mouth, while the last one was strangled by yugongliang.

Poof! ~

the next dagger has been taken out by Yu Gongliang and inserted into the other person's heart.

Then, it turned over the knife and solved the previous security guard.

After all this, yugongliang had no time to clean up the scene. He came to the third floor like lightning, took out the key prepared in advance and opened the secret door.

It looks like a study, but yugongliang soon finds the mechanism on the leg of a table.

The table is connected to the ground. As long as you press the switch, it will touch instantly.

After a while, there was a slight sound from the vase on the table not far away.

The rain palace cool mouth a hook, quickly walked over, the vase dark grid open, soon found a small box, and inside is a Maitreya jade.

It looks very ordinary, but its back is engraved with extremely subtle lines, extremely mysterious.

Get what you want, rain palace cool face immediately emerged a very big sense of achievement.

However, the next moment, I saw a shadow flash, the hands of Maitreya immediately disappeared.

"Ha ha, sister, has no one ever told me that the mantis catches cicadas and the Yellow sparrow is behind?"

All of a sudden, a smiling voice appeared not far away, wearing a blood colored cape and a tusk mask on his head.

Yugongliang's body tensed quickly and his face was cold.

"No matter who you are? Hand over what you have! Otherwise, die


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