Ye Pengfei suddenly appears at the door, which makes Xiao Ruxue dumbfounded.

Then, in Xiao Ruxue's mind, the time with Ye Pengfei immediately emerged.

Ye Pengfei, who always makes people angry, is so kind in Xiao Ruxue's eyes at this moment.

Even at this moment, Xiao Ruxue would like to rush into each other's arms, just like an aggrieved child who suddenly meets his closest friend.

"Why, Xiaoxue, what's the matter with you? Wronged? Come on, let me hug you. "

With that, ye Pengfei immediately hugs Xiao Ruxue in his arms, and almost doesn't scare Xiao Ruxue to death.

"What are you doing! Let go of me

Xiao Ruxue glares angrily, but her despair is broken up because of Ye Pengfei's action.

At the same time, she also subconsciously looked toward her father's side, only to find that each other's face was already gloomy and terrible.


Ye Pengfei suddenly kisses Xiao Ruxue's face, which makes Xiao Ruxue almost not mad.

As for Xiao Wenbo, his eyes burst out with a sharp cold.

Maybe it's the sight of Xiao Wenbo that makes Xiao Ruxue's heart jump. It's just that ye Pengfei is playing tricks in front of him. Her father, Xiao Wenbo, won't give Ye Peng this set of tricks. I don't know how many ways to deal with Ye Pengfei.

I'm afraid he won't even know how ye Pengfei died.

"Who are you?"

The extremely cold sound seemed to make the temperature of the whole room much lower.

Xiao Wenbo's fierce eyes fall on Ye Pengfei, just like a bloodthirsty beast, ready to attack at any time.

Xiao Ruxue had never seen her father before and showed such a look.

This undoubtedly means that his father is angry! And the most angry moment ever!

This kind of anger made Xiao Ruxue scared for a moment. She didn't even know what terrible things would happen next!

However, who is Ye Pengfei? How could Xiao Wenbo's examination have the slightest fear?

At the moment, ye Pengfei's eyes are joking, and even in his smile, there seems to be a touch of ridicule.


Ye Peng threw the flowers in his hand, and then said with a smile, "my father-in-law, you are all right!"

Xiao Ruxue's legs softened and she almost didn't collapse.

Similarly, Xiao Wenbo's eyes narrowed slightly. Seeing that the other person was still wearing sun Lei's clothes, he hummed coldly: "who are you? What have you done to sun Lei? "

"Oh, you said that guy. It happened that he was a friend of one of my younger brothers, so he was also one of my younger brothers. I heard that he came here for a blind date. As soon as I heard that the blind date was my wife xiaoxuexue, I was angry. As a result, when he heard about it, he slapped himself twice on the spot, saying that he had eyes and didn't know Taishan. Later, he said that he didn't dare to make xiaoxuexue's idea any more, and he took off his clothes to me, saying that he could make me more handsome. I thought about it and thought it was good. Look, am I really handsome now? "


Xiao Wenbo was completely speechless by Ye Pengfei's words.

"Hey, hey I know what you want to say, you want to say, I'm really handsome, hehe, hehe, thank you for your father-in-law's praise. You don't have to worry about sun Lei. No matter how stupid he is, he won't rob his boss of women. "

"You..." Xiao Wenbo stares at Ye Pengfei and looks at him for a long time before he suddenly says, "you are qualified to be sun Lei's boss?"

Xiao Wenbo, a wizard of all kinds, has never met him, but it's the first time that he's met this guy who's confused and extremely shameless and narcissistic.

But even so, Xiao Wenbo has instantly labeled Ye Pengfei as carrying silk.

Can you persuade sun Lei to leave with a piece of silk?

A man with silk in his mouth is also qualified to marry the daughter of Xiao's group?

What a dream!

"Where is sun Lei now? What have you done to him?"

Xiao Wenbo's eyes become sharp again. Up to now, Xiao Wenbo guesses that the boy mostly used force to knock sun Lei unconscious and then change his clothes.

Otherwise, Xiao can't think of any other reason.

Seeing that Xiao Wenbo didn't seem to believe it, ye Pengfei said solemnly: "he is really a friend of my younger brother. When he heard my eldest brother's name, he was almost scared to pee. Then he ran to hold my thigh and begged me to forgive him. Even when he was excited, he slapped himself. In order to show his sincerity, he even took off his clothes to me."

Seeing that the other party is still talking, Xiao Wenbo can't listen any more and calls sun Lei directly.

Soon the phone was connected unexpectedly, and sun Lei's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Xiao Wenbo was stunned, frowned and asked, "Sun Lei, where are you now?"Naturally, he won't believe Ye Pengfei's lies. It's strange that Xiao Wenbo believes what his younger brother's friends are.

Who knows the phone there, sun Lei quickly said: "uncle, I'm sorry, since Ye Shao likes Miss Xiao, where can I dare to rob a woman with Ye Shao? Uncle, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't fulfill the promise I made to you before, but I'll show my utmost sincerity and apologize to you."

Xiao Wenbo took a deep breath. Up to now, he finally encountered something beyond his expectation.

"Ye Shao in your mouth, who is it?"

"One of his younger brothers is my friend, so in a sense, I'm similar to his younger brother. How can he rob a woman with his elder brother?"

Xiao Wenbo finally hung up, but he couldn't believe it.

Does it mean that sun Lei has something to hide?

So, what's the identity of this young man who suddenly ran out? What's the background? Even sun Lei is so scared?

Xiao Wenbo looked at Ye Pengfei, and ye Pengfei also looked at Xiao Wenbo. Finally, he said with a smile, "father-in-law, if there is nothing wrong, I will take xiaoxuexue away."

"Don't call me father-in-law."

Xiao Wenbo's face was livid, and he obviously had an impulse to vomit blood.


"You Xiao Wenbo almost didn't die of anger, and even shivered with anger.

As for Xiao Ruxue, she is also shy and angry, but ye Pengfei can make her father so angry. Xiao Ruxue is really angry, but she also feels a little bit of revenge.

But in Xiao Ruxue's stupefied mind, ye Pengfei suddenly hugs Xiao Ruxue to his thigh and sits down, with a serious face: "Dad, I discussed with Xiao Xuexue before and said that I want to give you good news."

Xiao Ruxue hasn't even recovered from ye Pengfei's bad behavior. When she heard this, she almost lost sight.


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