In the face of their fierce attack, ye Pengfei's eyes are bright.

Then, the invisible but terrible breath of the king burst out in an instant, locking his body to death.


Finally, the swords in their hands collided with the invisible air, but their faces changed wildly, and then they all flew upside down.

"This is The power of God

Not far away money three Liang, dial the abacus in the hand, the complexion gradually becomes dignified.

"It's my turn."

The little princess suddenly rushed over with guzheng in her arms.


When the string is plucked, suddenly an energy arc is cut, and it flies to Ye Pengfei in an instant.

Ye Pengfei's figure flashed, and the number behind him fell one after another, which made the night silent and Lama zhaxiren scream to escape again.

"Dark king, you can't escape."

Money three Liang cold drink, obviously want to influence Ye Pengfei, increase the momentum of their side.

At the scene, only the preacher in straw sandals has no expression, just a pair of eyes, but always on Ye Pengfei.

"Dark king, how about another move?"

The little princess suddenly laughed, that smile, it's really love.


Ye Pengfei unexpectedly some Lengshen, secret way, this little princess used flattery skill?


All of a sudden, the string vibrated again, but then, the other side's fingers kept moving, making this song almost continuous!

Whew, whew!

The light arc cuts continuously to fly to shoot to come over, but that melody? Particularly sonorous and excited, the war spirit is boundless.

This kind of melody level, completely to the level of global circulation performance!



The trees behind Ye Pengfei keep falling, almost all of them will be overturned, which makes Ye Pengfei look awe inspiring.

But the little princess did not stop at all. She continued to pluck the strings, making a large area of trees fall, and finally, a piece of ruins.

"Well? Where's the boss? I'll go. I won't be under pressure. "

The side of the night silent, a face of shock, the body also began to tremble.


But at this moment, with the ruins burst open, and then, a body full of murderous figure appeared in front of everyone.

This man is Ye Pengfei!

But at the moment, ye Pengfei's body is full of demons, and even covered with a layer of black demons.

The little princess's face changed, but she still pressed her finger on the string, and then she gave a cold drink: "nine kills in the sky! It's time to get up "


It was as if the princess's heart was broken again.

Under such circumstances, even the others in the nine Jue are dignified, obviously seeing the other side's terrible move.

However, it seems that ye Pengfei has not been affected.

The next moment, he seems to be a ghost, there is a long distance between Mingming and the little princess, but the figure of Ye Pengfei comes to the little princess in an instant.


The little princess's face changed wildly.

But ye Pengfei's palm has been quickly patted out.


The zither in each other's hands completely turned into powder, and the little princess also vomited a mouthful of blood, and her body also flew out.

"Wow, the boss is really a bull."

The night on the side is silent and shocked, but it laughs, obviously realizing that ye Pengfei still has extremely powerful strength.

"Ha ha It's finally my turn

Wearing round sunglasses, Qian Sanliang suddenly flew out and threw away his abacus.

There is a terrible sound in the space-time!

Ye Pengfei is not afraid, one palm pats, but this abacus actually suddenly divides into two, flies toward Ye Peng from two directions.


At this time, the straw sandal preacher, who had not moved, finally gave his hand.

The other side is undoubtedly the most powerful among several people. Although they are wearing straw sandals and hats, who knows what a terrible opponent they are!


The other side suddenly flashed a palm. At that moment, a strange totem picture appeared in the front of his palm, which made Ye Pengfei feel awe inspiring!

"Could it be that This man has touched the trace of Tao! "

"Ha ha ha So what! "

All of a sudden, ye Pengfei laughed wildly, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. What's more, he roared wildly, and his whole body was full of breath!

"Bang bang!"

Ye Pengfei's chest is tied with two abacus, at the same time, the hand of the preacher is also printed on Ye Pengfei's shoulder.But then, their faces went crazy.


"It's late!"

Ye Pengfei a sneer, suddenly shot, two palm instant hit out, directly two people hit fly.


Sunglasses money three Liang fell to the ground, lost combat effectiveness for a short time.

But the preacher has come to the distant branches, looking at Ye Pengfei, expressionless.

"Ha ha ha..."

Suddenly, the money on the ground sneered, then slowly stood up and said: "good, dark king, you really didn't let me down! If you are defeated in our hands at the beginning, then you are not the dark king. Next, I will do my best. "

Then, slowly, he took off his sunglasses and showed his golden eyes.

It turns out that the other side is not blind, but because the other side's eyes have problems.


The other side suddenly looked up to the sky and roared!

Then, suddenly there was a change in front of us, as if we were in a dreamland.


Suddenly, a figure appeared, it is the most powerful preacher!

"I see Everything before is to consume my energy, now is your ultimate killing move. But do you think you alone can kill me? "

But soon, ye Pengfei's face changed, because there were more than 30 preachers in front of him! It makes Ye Pengfei's heart jump.

"Damn it

Ye Pengfei immediately understood that everyone here is a preacher, just like the image of a light reflected in countless mirrors.

So, in essence, these 30 odd people are all preachers.

"Yan Huang tribe! OK, this kind of folding space can be made. Today, I'm convinced. "

Ye Pengfei sincerely praised, but at this time, these people have been killed in an instant.

These people's movements are very neat, the long knives in their hands are all shining with cold light.


More than 30 long knives were shot from different directions almost at the same time, locking Ye Pengfei completely, which did not give him any chance to breathe at all.


Suddenly, a nine ring sword appeared in Ye Pengfei's hand. Suddenly, a burst of sparks stirred up and blocked all the more than 30 long knives.


But then, these long knives rushed over again, making Ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed gradually.

This is an indestructible killer team!

And it's just the beginning!

For a time, ye Pengfei's heart can not help but rise a sense of crisis!


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