"Now I believe that I can get close to you all because I can't open a gap for you."

Yunfeng explained very seriously that if ordinary people saw it, they would be absolutely moved by his acting skills.

However, the people present were not moved at all, and they all looked at him coldly.

"Xuejing, you must believe me. In fact, you are the one I always love in my heart! I didn't accept you because I was afraid of other people's nonsense! Xue Jing, if you don't care, well, we'll get married right away! Xue Jing, I love you


After hearing such a shameless lie from her partner, Li Xuejing finally couldn't help it. She let Yunfeng be stunned.

Suddenly, Yunfeng completely stay, as if a face of disbelief.

"Yunfeng, you hypocrite, even now you are still acting and saying you love me! Do you know what you look like now? Just a mouse crossing the street! Don't be disgusting. I used to be totally blind before I fell in love with you. "

"Xuejing, Xuejing, listen to me..."

"Go away!" Suddenly, the dead silence on Yunfeng's face seemed to have despaired.

It was not until a long time that Yunfeng burst out laughing, but his tears could not help staying.

Finally, he bowed to Li Guoliang and walked out of the base of Hualong Group with heavy steps.

But along the way, I don't know how many people are calling him to get out!



Waves surging, Yunfeng lonely standing on the beach, eyes full of complex look.

I don't know when a voice came from behind him.

"Elder martial Brother Yun..."

Hearing this call, Yunfeng turned his head slowly, as if he had expected.

"Here you are at last."

Liang Yu said with a smile: "elder martial Brother Yun, it seems that you are not surprised."

"Ha ha..." Yunfeng said with a bitter smile: "Liang Yu, do you think you covet my position and I don't know anything? I'm afraid you have to kneel down and lick Ye Pengfei. "

But Liang Yu laughed and said, "so what? Elder martial Brother Yun, the strength and strength of the dark king are not what you can imagine. What's more, the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. Now you are a street mouse. "

"Hum, you are not afraid that I will tell your secret to Hualong Group."

"Go, you can go now, but the question is, will anyone believe you?"

Yunfeng's face changed for a while, but eventually sneered: "Liang Yu, remember, sooner or later, you will kneel down and cry in front of me."

"Ha ha ha Yun Da Shao, since you are so cruel, I have to show it. "

With that, more than ten people immediately appeared around the other side and surrounded Yunfeng.

But Yunfeng was not afraid at all and said, "do you think Can you kill me with your strength? "

Liang Yu also said with a smile: "yundashao, you are too confident, but you didn't know my real strength from the beginning."

With that, an extremely huge momentum suddenly appeared on the other side, which made Yunfeng's face change wildly.

"You! You have such strength

Seeing each other's frightened face, Liang Yu immediately sneered, "so now you know who is the most powerful expert in our class."

Immediately, Liang Yu's body was in a flash. He rushed over and hit him with a slap, which made Yunfeng spit out a mouthful of blood. Then he flew out and fell into the sea with a puff.

"Elder martial Brother Yun, you threw yourself into the sea. Why did you do that?"

Liang Yu made a look of exclamation. His acting skill was even better than that of Yunfeng before.

The person on the side suddenly asked: "Liang Shao, is this Yunfeng still alive?"

Liang Yu said with a sneer, "did you think that was for nothing? I've wasted all his power and meridians, and he's seriously injured, so it's strange that he won't drown if he falls into the sea. "

"Ha ha ha Liang Shao, Gao, it's really high. Ha ha ha... "


I don't know how long later, Yunfeng woke up, but he felt like he had been at the scene of a car accident, and his whole body was scattered.

It was only when he slowly opened his eyes that he found that he was at the edge of a beach, and even there were waves surging.


Yunfeng was stunned and found that there was a mysterious man who was covered in black robes.

"You Who are you? " Yunfeng subconsciously asked a sentence, but say this sentence, as if completely exhausted all his strength in general.

The mysterious man gave a strange laugh: "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is, do you want revenge? Do you want to have stronger and more terrifying strength than ye Pengfei? "Yunfeng's eyes flashed two lights in an instant. Just as he was ready to stand up, he found that he had no strength.

But he still stares at the mysterious humanity: "yes."

"Good! You have chosen an answer that satisfies me. I will give you my wish. Of course, there are conditions... "

Yunfeng knows that there is no pie in the sky, but now he has nothing.

All this is caused by Ye Pengfei!

Without Ye Pengfei, he would not have become like this!

So at this moment, Yunfeng counts everything on Ye Pengfei's head.

"As long as you can make me strong, I will listen to you. I'll go up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of fire. "

Yunfeng is almost gnashing his teeth to finish this sentence, even if the pain left all over, but still can see his determination.

"Good. You're smart. I like to deal with smart people. Beijing It's time to be a little more lively. "

Hearing each other's words, Yunfeng's eyes lit up again.


"Ye Pengfei, you Are you really OK? "

See ye Pengfei appear in front of him, Shen Yanbing a face of ignorant force.

Ye Pengfei blinked his eyes and said, "now I can kill 90 cows with one blow!"


Shen Yanbing immediately laughed, "no serious, OK, grandpa is waiting for you."


Ye Pengfei smiles and soon enters Shen Weiping's room.

"Old Shen."

After seeing Shen Weiping, ye Pengfei immediately laughs, but this old guy is too secretive to be an expert.

"Xiao Ye, it's so nice to see you again." Shen Weiping immediately laughed.

Ye Pengfei walked to the sofa and sat down with a smile on his face and said: "Mr. Shen, after I came back, I thought about it for a long time and found that the reason why the guardian of Huaxia withdrew is that there must be other reasons besides my own factors?"


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