"Mysterious oriental man, you are really interesting, which makes me deeply curious about you. I suddenly want to know everything about you!"

The girl does not blink staring at Ye Pengfei, seems to have a feeling of being attracted.

Ye Pengfei was a bit embarrassed, then blinked his eyes and said: "girl, do you know? When a woman is curious about a man, that's the beginning of falling in love with that man. Don't fall in love with me. "

"Well What if I fell in love with you? " The girl suddenly raised her chin and said with a smile.


Ye Pengfei almost didn't spray. Could the girl be more bold and dare to tease herself.

"Cluck, cluck..."

See ye Pengfei confused force, girl suddenly laugh very happy.

"Mysterious oriental man, I think I like you a little bit."

Ye Pengfei said, "how can I turn my eyes to you for the first time?"

"Well, mysterious oriental man, I don't know how you escaped the arrest of the whole city, or how you entered our manor and my castle. Everything is too mysterious and dreamy, just like many heroes in classical love stories I have seen before, full of mystery and romance..."

Ye Pengfei

"Well, dear Miss Tatiana, though I am a legend, I hope you will not be infatuated with me." Ye Pengfei's face is full of force.


"How do you know my name?" Tatyana said in horror

Ye Pengfei is holding a card in his hand, on which is all the information of the other party.

"Ah?" Tatiana froze again because it was her identification. Then she quickly went to the side and picked up her bag. She looked unbelievable.

"My God, how did you do it? So far away? How can you do that? "

But ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly and said: "beautiful miss Tatiana, it's not the time to care about my mystery. Now I'm the enemy your father and grandfather are looking for. We are antagonistic. You should ask someone to arrest me. At this time, it's ridiculous to say that you like me a little."

Tatiana said with a smile, "it's just their business. It has nothing to do with me."

Ye Pengfei couldn't help smiling and then said, "lovely girl, you are really special. I think I will remember you in the future, but I have to go now, so Goodbye

With that, ye Pengfei is ready to leave, but is suddenly stopped by Tatiana.

"Wait You, you're leaving now? "

"Otherwise Life is in a hurry. Everyone has something to do. I'm just a passer-by. Goodbye. Maybe I'll never see you again. "

"Don't go!"

Tatiana suddenly cried out.

Especially when she heard that she would never see again, she felt as if it would become the biggest regret in her life.

So at the last moment, she suddenly summoned up the courage and boldly walked over to keep Ye Pengfei.

"Well?" Ye Pengfei was stunned immediately.

But Tatiana said in a nervous voice, "I don't know why. I It seems that I can't bear you to leave, and I don't want to leave any regrets for myself. "

Then, she slowly opened the belt of Ye Pengfei, but can clearly see that the other party's action, seems particularly clumsy.

Ye Pengfei is about to stop, but Tatiana suddenly makes a silent gesture and says with a smile: "man, I hope I can make you happy."


Until the night, a few hours, ye Pengfei and the girl were fighting in the room.

On the floor, there are traces everywhere on the bed, even in the bathroom, balcony and toilet, and clothes are scattered everywhere. But what makes Ye Pengfei feel especially sad is that there is a touch of bright red on the bed.

In the end, Tatiana fell asleep after she was satisfied.

Although it's the first time for the other party, it's good that Tatiana grew up in such a powerful family, so the system is relatively good and naturally can withstand the impact of Ye Pengfei.

"It's time to go."

Ye Pengfei drinks red wine, looks at Tatiana, and finally leaves here.

He has said for a long time that he is just a passer-by here and will leave sooner or later.

Night fell.

Ye Pengfei and a few people meet, the result just came here, a few people's nose came together.

"Your Highness, how do you smell all the perfume of women? Where have you been before?"

"Ha ha ha What do you say? It's just the taste of red wine. I'll show you if you don't believe it. "

Immediately, ye Pengfei quickly huff, making a few people quickly Dodge, let Ye Pengfei can't help laughing.

"All right, my warriors, let's go."

At the moment, on a certain coastline in St. Petersburg, after ye Pengfei came here, he saw a huge cruise ship not far away, which could carry thousands of people."The jerovises, right, gillieb, FRAs. Congratulations. It's over."


After embarking on the cruise, ye Pengfei and others began to check up and figure out the escape route at the same time.

"Well? What's this? "

After coming to a corridor, ye Pengfei found a room, which seemed strange, as if something was hidden.

But because he wanted to do business, he didn't think much about it and soon disappeared in the same place.

After a while, the cruise ship started, people immediately began to revel, constantly roaring, it is extremely lively.

Ye Pengfei was stunned and quickly asked, "Catherine, what are these people doing?"

"I don't know," said Catherine doubtfully? Now I'm looking into it. "

"Let's go and have a look."

Ye Pengfei frowned tightly and quickly went to the crowd. As a result, after some exploration, ye Pengfei said: "this cruise ship leads to the island country."

"Ah? "Island country?" The night is silent and the face changes slightly.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "it's OK. It's no big deal. There's more trouble."

After a while, Catherine quickly stood up and said, "Your Highness, I have found out that glib is going to talk business with the Inoue family of the island country, but we don't know what to talk about."

Ye Pengfei's eyes flashed to show that he understood.

"Boss, that grebe doesn't know what he's up to. He hasn't shown up yet." Silent night, I can't help worrying.

"You watch first."

With that, ye Pengfei left quickly.

Because he saw a mysterious room before, ye Pengfei felt very strange, so he tried to find a way to enter it, only to find that it was a passage to a certain place.

"With a guard?"

Ye Pengfei was surprised to find that these people were particularly vigilant. They were all equipped with professional equipment, and their combat effectiveness was absolutely explosive.

In this way, ye Pengfei is like a bat, the whole person is attached to the top, moving forward slowly.

Soon, ye Pengfei came to the end of the passage.


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