Ye Pengfei didn't expect that this frass had such ability.

This kind of mental strength is a natural intelligence stealer. As long as he wants to, he can get the information of anyone.

This kind of mental strength is just a bug. No wonder there are so many legends left behind.

"If you dare to kill me, you are looking for death!"

The next moment, Fraser roared: "spiritual storm!"


The other side's mental lever was released, but several silver needles of Ye Pengfei flew in an instant and hit several acupoints on his head.

"Er, ah..."

The other party immediately screamed, and then the whole body seemed to have no strength, quickly collapsed on the ground.


On the other side, the silence of the night has instantly put an end to Inoue Xiuyi's life.

"Well? Is that you

Seeing the silence of the night, grev recognized it immediately.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here to kill you! Die

Soon, he was caught by the night and pressed on the ground. He kept waving his fist and yelling wildly in his mouth.

I don't know how many punches I've put out, but the silent action of the night doesn't stop.

"Well, well, man is dead."

Seeing the silent night, ye Pengfei can't help reminding him that he seems to be waving his fist.

Also until now, the night silent just stopped, but in the eye obviously some tears, obviously is because his fiancee flows.

"Boss, I've got my revenge at last."

"Well, now we need to control these people on board. By the way, FRAs will give it to you. Remember, don't damage his head. "


Soon, there were all kinds of sounds on the ship, most of them were wails. About five minutes later, the cruise ship was controlled.

At this time, Catherine and Chris came to the ship in a speedboat.

"Your Highness, someone already knows what's going on here. Let's go faster."

"Well, I see."

Soon, ye Pengfei came to Chris and found that FRAs had been tortured to death. I think the hatred between yesilent and these people is more serious than I imagined.

But the matter has finally passed, ye Pengfei does not want to mention each other's sad things.

"Chris, this man's brain has mental power. Give me a complete copy of his brain structure."

"OK, I'll scan it with the machine."

After that, Chris began to do all kinds of work.

"Your Highness, I found a network of people selling these Chinese girls. This is the list." Katherine on the side shakes the USB flash drive in her hand and says solemnly.

Ye Pengfei nodded, quickly took the USB flash drive away, and then said, "go back to St. Petersburg first."

"Your Highness, what about these girls?" Catherine looked worried.

Ye Pengfei asked, "who are the people who are chasing us?"

"In addition to the Zhivag family and underground power, the rest are special departments of Russian official organizations."

"Good. They'll take care of it."

Later, ye Pengfei and others left the cruise ship and went to St. Petersburg again.

The reason why I came back here is that it's the fastest way to Moscow from here, but after I came back here, I still searched the whole city.

Along the way, the night silent, the whole person is somewhat disappointed, lost, as if lost the goal of life in general.

"I don't think you have the courage to come back."

When they came back again, ye Pengfei and others saw the fake Ye Pengfei in the natural gas pipeline.

Before leaving, in order to prevent being found, so Pengfei and other talents put him here, even if the other party was tied, and sealed a body of skill, but the other party still seems very arrogant.

Ye Pengfei sneered: "do you really think we can't go out? I just think this city is the closest to Moscow. I can't do it. It's a big deal. Let's have a good fight. "

Suddenly, fake Ye Pengfei no longer talks.

Later, ye Pengfei and others walked on the street and found that the city was completely under martial law, with people everywhere.

"It seems that it's not easy to escape here. You all wait. I'll go out and have a look."

Ye Pengfei quickly found a small hotel which had been checked, let everyone wait first!

And he himself went to the railway station and other places to see if there was any way to leave here.

Because of the snow, ye Pengfei's mood is not very good, the car is full of vehicles, mini that is to search people.

"Hey, man, it's cold."

Ye Pengfei was stunned, turned his head and saw a stranger looking at him with a smile, indicating the bread in his hand.

"Would you like one?" The bearded man in the hat said with a smile.Ye Pengfei immediately refused: "thank you, no, I have eaten it before."

"Come on, it doesn't matter."

Ye Pengfei smiles and accepts the other party's kindness.

"Ah, the bad weather, coupled with the recent martial law, my seafood has become salted fish in Moscow."

Bearded face of helplessness.

"Well? Are you going to Moscow? " Ye Pengfei's eyes brightened immediately.


"Are you shipping seafood?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" The other side asked in doubt.

Ye Pengfei said quickly, "can you show me? I bought it. "

"Ah? OK, over here

When he heard that the other party wanted to buy it, even though he was excited, he quickly brought Ye Pengfei to the back of the cart here.

Soon, the cabin door opened, and suddenly a cold air came. It was full of seafood.

"Man, I'll take all your seafood." Ye Pengfei said seriously immediately.

"What?" Mustache was surprised, and even thought his ears were wrong.

"Take it easy, man, but you have to help me with one thing."

"What's the matter?" Asked bearded immediately.

"You have to send me to Moscow," he said

"Er..." Mustache was curious and didn't know why.

Ye Pengfei said: "ha ha ha I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I've done some smuggling, so you know, once it's found out, it's definitely over. "

Smell speech, the other side immediately vigilant, thought that the other side is touched by what drugs.

"Don't worry, it's just some smuggled goods, not poisons, hehe..."

The other side is still a little hesitant, and ye Pengfei is direct way: "so, double the price, how?"

"Deal." The other party immediately moved.

After all, in the face of money, taking a little risk is nothing.

About ten minutes later, night silent and others appeared.

Because it was night, ye Pengfei and others easily entered the cold room.

Afterwards, all the seafood in the safe was poured out, and ye Pengfei lay down and covered it with seafood. I believe no one will guess that there will be people below.


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