But soon, the shadow disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


Luo Tang quickly blinked his eyes, but found that there was nothing.

"No, I have to go over and have a look."

Luo Tang summoned up courage, quickly walked past, just saw, a shadow passing, pull out the shadow.

"This man is..."

Luotang's heart beat, and then he saw the other side standing in the distance, tall and straight, the figure

"My God

Luo Tang's head is booming for a while, as if instantly then returned to many years ago.

That night, the other side stood aloof, fighting in the crowd, the scene, the atmosphere

"Could it be that He's not dead? "

Luotang felt extremely shocked in his heart, and his mouth and body were constantly shaking.

As if all this is like a dream in general, people feel very unreal.


After returning to his mind, Luo Tang quickly thought, is this really true, or is it deliberately designed by others?

Shua Shua!

Soon, several mysterious people appeared around.

"Is there something wrong, miss?"

"I saw someone running through here just now."


Several mysterious people were shocked immediately, then said with one knee: "Miss, forgive me, it's dereliction of duty."

"Are you all ok. Step up the patrol force. "


Because of this, Luo Tang couldn't sleep, so he called Ye Pengfei quickly.

"Well? What's up? Call so late? " Ye Pengfei asked suspiciously.

Luo Tang said very seriously: "Ye Pengfei, at night, maybe I saw him

"He, who is he?" Ye Pengfei's face was puzzled, and then his face changed: "do you mean The person who used to be very similar to me... "

"Well, I don't know why, he should appear again. Anyway, I'm in a mess now."

Then, the convenience will be good before said again, make ye Pengfei's eyes gradually narrowed up.

"When it's bad, just at this time, OK, I know. Be careful."

After hanging up the phone, ye Pengfei's eyes gradually narrowed. He guessed that this person would not be related to her previous illness.


That night, in the dark sea.

The sea is beating the coastline, and I don't know when, more than a dozen mysterious people in night clothes quickly appear in the field of vision.

And there is a strange mark on his wrist, which obviously belongs to a block.

When these people came ashore, they were very cautious. First, they were followed by one person, and then the people behind them, to make sure that there was no danger around, and then they left quickly.

The next moment, these people have come to a building in the capital.

And in a spacious conference room, Jiang Chuan Yijian is lying on the sofa, quietly watching the arrival of these people.

"Lord Jiangchuan! We have entered Huaxia Kyoto, and now it has been confirmed that no one has found our whereabouts. " One of them said very respectfully, but what he said was the island language.

Jiangchuan Yijian said with a smile: "good, then next, I need you to play for me."


Then, a housekeeper came quickly and handed in a file to Jiangchuan Yijian.

After taking over the file, Jiangchuan Yijian casually turned over, and then called a person's name with a smile: "Yoshida!"

"Lord Jiangchuan!" Among these people in black, one came out quickly with a respectful face.

"Go and find a way for me to test the strength of this leaf."

"Take orders."

Yoshida soon disappeared after he got the files.

"Leaves Tut tut It's said that you have been in the limelight recently. OK, I'll be the first one to cut you off, so that you Chinese pigs can know how powerful our big island empire is. "


The next night, ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue were in the company to entertain the meritorious officials of Xiao group.

One of them is bingqinlan.

When the banquet is over, Xiao rushue leaves, because she knows that ye Pengfei may have to have a relationship with bingqinlan, but she really doesn't know what to say.

"Didn't you go back to Binjiang?" Ye Pengfei asked.

"No, after all, the company is busy, but my parents expect to see me in two days, so I don't have to go back to Binjiang."

"Oh." Ye Pengfei is in a complicated mood. After all, he hasn't spoken to each other for a long time, and he is almost unfamiliar.

"You should also pay more attention to your health. I heard that you are very busy recently."

Although bingqinlan at this level can't touch many things, she can still hear about them."Good."


In this way, they walked all the time, just like old friends.

Until a certain moment, ye Pengfei stopped and said, "I'll take you back. You wait for me for a while. I'll pick up the car."

The other side nodded, looking very clever.

But when ye Pengfei just walked out a few steps, he suddenly felt awe inspiring.

Because he felt murderous.

A man in black appeared not far away, with a cold smell all over his body.


Perhaps feeling strange, bingqinlan subconsciously looked not far away, and then saw a man in night clothes, looking coldly.


Bingqinlan almost didn't get a fright.

Because he didn't see how this man came into being.

And this person is the mysterious master Yoshida Daxian sent by Jiangchuan Yijian!

"Ha ha It's kind of interesting. "

Ye Pengfei suddenly Bata, for himself lit a cigarette, looking at the mysterious man in black, full of banter.


Yoshida has doubts on his face, because under such circumstances, the other party should be very passive. But why is the other party so calm instead of worrying at all?

However, it is also at this moment, suddenly, a firework burst like a bullet.


The speed and fury almost scared Yoshida's eyes.


At the critical moment, the other party's body suddenly changes, just like bone reduction, and quickly avoids.

The next second, he heard a loud bang coming from the wall not far away. He was knocked out of a big hole by this cigarette end.


Yoshida was shocked in his heart. Looking at where he was, there were no two of them.

"Baga! A * * cunning schins! "

Yoshida quickly scolded, and then quickly pursued in a certain direction.

Just in a turning place, ye Pengfei has smoked again, and lightly waiting.

"Well? How dare you come back? How bold

Yoshida's eyes are cold. Looking at Ye Pengfei is like looking at a fool.


Island people?

Ye Pengfei suddenly laughed.

Before he just suspected, not sure, but each other a mouth, ye Pengfei will be sure.


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