Ye Pengfei smiles. It seems that his influence is so strong that people who are not sick want to come and have a look.

In this regard, ye Pengfei has no feelings of resistance. Since he is not ill, he should keep in good health. In this regard, ye Pengfei has a lot of experience, so he tells people some ways to keep healthy.

And ye Pengfei's methods are very simple and easy to understand, as well as a variety of examples, and even on-site verification methods, so that people can't help but broaden their horizons and clap their hands one after another.


The local tyrant even signed a large check and handed it respectfully.

Ye Pengfei laughs, but he doesn't refuse. After all, local tyrants are quite willful.

"By the way, considering that there are many female friends at the scene, next, I'll talk about how to do breast enhancement."


This words, many female friends almost crazy, breast ah!

That's what many women once dreamed of doing.

For this reason, people do not hesitate to do surgery, to fill silica gel, but which woman does not want pure natural?

Ye Pengfei smiles, but when he turns around, he finds that Tatiana is staring at him with burning eyes, which makes Ye Pengfei's face confused.

"Well Why are you looking at me like this? "

Tatyana said, a little wryly: "great knight, people also want breast enhancement."


Ye Pengfei almost didn't laugh out, but Catherine on the side was also shy.

Ye Pengfei immediately said with a smile: "Tatiana, you're big enough. You don't need breast enhancement."

Just the next second, but immediately saw Catherine steal jealous eyes.

"Well Catherine, you have a big one, too, so... "


Ye Pengfei suddenly felt that he was not too direct. After all, there were so many people on the side that he had to face embarrassment and did not dare to go on.

But now, what Prince Harry has not come out, ye Pengfei had to come up with his own mace.

"You wait a little longer. I'll get something ready."

When ye Pengfei comes back, he finds that Catherine and Tatiana are even better than sisters. Catherine has a bad face before.

"Cough Well, ladies, come here if you want to have a breast enhancement. "


Many women even when excited, it seems very much looking forward to Ye Pengfei can create a miracle again.

"Sir That Would you like a massage for me? "

One of them is flat chested, but beautiful, the little girl with a pretty good figure said with a blush on her face.

"Well This... "

Ye Pengfei slightly embarrassed, this contempt has not yet developed.

However, ye Pengfei quickly opened a box, which contained some brown and black pills, but there was a faint fragrance.

"Wow, what's this?"

As soon as people smelled the smell, they immediately fell in love with it.

"The top ten are free to try."

With that, ye Pengfei distributed these pills.

At this time, Tatiana was holding her magnificent chest, biting her lips, winking and throwing: "Dear knight, can you give someone a heart? It seems that they want to... "


Ye Pengfei almost did not spurt blood, this wench is absolutely intentional.

"Cough Well, you're old enough. "

Tatiana said with a smile, "you guys all like our big brother. And You didn't like it that night

The last sentence, of course, was said in a low voice, but it made Ye Pengfei's heart burst out with bursts of fire.

"Well, well, I have some spare here. You can try it too."

No way, ye Pengfei had to admit defeat, otherwise, he was afraid that he would really be unable to help, with each other to diarrhea fire.

For a moment, many women took this special pill.

"How do you feel?"

The people in the back asked quickly.

The first one took it, with a look of surprise, said: "God, it's really amazing. I feel so hot and swollen here. It's like someone is massaging. It's so comfortable, ah..."

The last voice made everyone look strange, but the woman also realized that she had lost her manners.

However, the rest of the people expressed their views one after another. Unexpectedly, this was the case.

Even Tatiana was blushing. Looking at Ye Pengfei, she said, "this medicine is so strange and itchy."

"No, could it be bigger on the spot?"

Someone can't help asking. Of course, even he doesn't believe it.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "this man, you think too much, unless it's silicone."

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a lot of laughter in the crowd. Obviously, this time, people were impressed by Ye Pengfei again.Ye Pengfei quickly said: "well, it's just the effect of drug diffusion. Next, I have to use massage technique, but I can't take advantage of you, so I have printed out the specific operation of this technique.",. However, this thing, you need to take three pills and massage for half a month to take effect

Later, ye Pengfei gave the printed method to the previous ten users.

"Ah? This magical Chinese doctor, we also want pills. The price is no problem. Please sell them to me anyway? "

Soon, these people rush to come here, the purpose is to buy Ye Pengfei's pills.

Even some men have gathered around them. After all, they don't need to use them, but their wives need to use them, and they can also have a fair massage. Why not?

At this time, in the crowd, there is a figure that ye Pengfei has been looking forward to for a long time.

The man made a dress up, and ordinary people would not notice him at all.

but Ye Pengfei has already installed his eye liner here, and instantly locked the target.

Soon, the news spread to Ye Pengfei's ears, ye Pengfei was finally relieved, and then almost scolded.

The purpose of doing so much is to lure this person into the bait, isn't it?

"Well, it's time for me to leave now."

After that, ye Pengfei found a reason to leave immediately. Tatiana held Ye Pengfei's arm intimately, as if ready to follow him all the time.

Ye Pengfei has no choice but to let the other party hold him.

As for Catherine, crazy monk and others, they retreat secretly, not to be discovered.

About ten minutes later, ye Pengfei and Tatiana came to a street intersection. Suddenly, a luxury Rolls Royce phantom appeared on Ye Pengfei's side.

The door opened, and a handsome middle-aged man came down, looking very handsome.

"This gentleman, Miss Tatiana, with all due respect, my master's welcome."

On the surface, the man was polite, but there was an element of command in his tone.

"Oh? But I don't know who your master is? " Ye Pengfei asked deliberately.


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