At night, ye Pengfei left the castle and returned to the headquarters of the dark king.

"Well, now everything is in order. We'll take our things and leave tomorrow night."

As soon as ye Pengfei saw the crowd, he brought the good news, which made the crowd feel relieved.

After all, when the other party goes there for two days, of course people will be worried.

"By the way, your highness, I forgot to tell you something." Catherine's face was dignified.

"What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei frowned.

"The spear of killing God has appeared!"


As soon as his face changed, he asked, "isn't that thing destroyed? How can it still appear? "

"I don't know, but the news should be OK. And they will show the spear of killing gods in some mysterious sea area tomorrow night, so now many people are converging there

But the crazy monk frowned and said, "boss, is there any deceit? Are these people going to lead you there on purpose? After all, this spear of killing gods is very restraining you. "

"In my opinion, it's probably from Laoda." Silent night is very direct, and then said: "boss, as I said, simply ignore these people."

"Amitabha, benefactor ye, I said before that you will encounter great difficulties when you come here this time. In this case, you can't escape anyway."

"What are you talking about Silent night, very uncomfortable staring at that zaziren.

Ye Pengfei laughs, and then agrees with him: "zhaxiren is right, but I can't avoid disaster. In this case, I don't need to hide at all. Instead of hiding, we should take the initiative and seize the opportunity. "

"Your Highness, why don't you take care of the moet champagne first and leave the rest to us."

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "well, with Shura, there should be no problem. At that time, ye silent and zhaxiren will follow me. When I find the champagne, I'll join you. "

At night, ye Pengfei returns to Princess Harry's Castle again.

But he didn't see Tatiana, didn't he Was he taken to the vampire?


Think of here, ye Pengfei's heart is that uncomfortable ah.

But ye Pengfei didn't think much, so he had to go directly to Princess Harry and ask her to help find out the whereabouts of Tatiana.

It turns out that the other party is in a mysterious castle at the moment.

Ye Pengfei directly borrowed a car from him and rushed to the mysterious castle.

"Wow, vampire? Why am I so excited all of a sudden? " The night was silent and excited.

"Well? Zhaxiren? Why do you look like you don't expect it at all? " Night silent see this zhaxiren is indifferent, can't help but start to become curious.

Zhaxiren said calmly: "vampire Hehe, can that thing be more terrible than the fierce demons in Tibet? "


Night silent, this just remember each other but from Tibet, that place don't know once have how many ghosts?

"Well, when I didn't say it." The night is silent when you shut your mouth.

About half an hour later, ye Pengfei finally arrived at their destination.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three entered the castle quietly.

Tonight, the moon is high, but the castle looks gloomy.

"There are vampires in this castle?" The night is silent, can't help but shrink the neck, although afraid, but it is obvious that there is a trace of expectation.

"Shua Shua!"

Soon, there were several figures around, with high facial values, but their eyes were obviously chilly.

"You wait here for my signal."


In a flash, ye Pengfei's figure also disappeared quickly.

After a while, ye Pengfei came to the hall. Unexpectedly, there were dozens of people here.

These people are totally divided into two groups. One is FRAs, the leader of ice coffin organization. But at the moment, it is obvious that there seems to be more anxious mood on his face.

On the contrary, the guards around him seemed very calm, like mountains.

As for Tatiana, her face was not happy and her expression was very cold.

And opposite them, a pale, evil man with a cold breath was holding a glass, and his mouth slowly curved.

And the thing in that glass, at a glance, is not red wine, but real blood.

Klaus, the successor of this term of the Dracula family!

"Don't worry, Mr. frass. As long as we can reach an agreement, the first family in Europe will be the zwags."

Then, the other side sipped a mouthful of blood again. Suddenly, a smell of blood came, which made Tatiana feel cold. It was hard to imagine that she would marry him in the future.

However, it seems that frass didn't care about this at all. When he heard that the first family in Europe was exciting to the future owner of the zhivage family."Don't worry, Mr. Klaus. We will follow your request, but we still have many competitors in Russia, so I hope Mr. Klaus will help us on behalf of the Dracula family

"Ha ha It's natural. Don't worry. If necessary, I'll do it myself. "


On hearing this news, even if frasdam was excited, after all, with the strength of the other side, he would never have any more problems.

Klaus is a face of indifference, but his eyes fell on Tatiana's body, but obviously flashed a touch of excitement.

This kind of eyes is not men and women, but something else.

"By the way, Mr. Claus, this is Tatiana, the little girl, who mentioned it to you before." Frass hastened to introduce.

Klaus nodded and said, "OK, I hope you remember your promise. Now, you can go."


Immediately, frass quickly stood up and was ready to leave.

Tatiana, however, could not help shivering, and quickly stood up, not wanting to stay here.


Klaus suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes fell on Tatiana, and his eyes were full of blazing heat.

Frass took a deep breath and then said to Tatiana, "daughter, you can stay here. After all, you are also a member of their family."

"Father I I don't want to stay here. "

Because she was so scared, Tatiana had to tell the truth.

"Oh?" Before FRAs spoke, Klaus said with a smile, "why don't you want to stay here?"

Tatiana looked at Klaus and said coldly, "I don't want to stay here. It's that simple."

"Do you hate me?" Klaus asked with interest.

"Well, so what? You drink human blood. It's totally different. Naturally, I don't like you


A few people behind Klaus suddenly burst out of the fierce air, which made Tatyana pale.


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