"Xiao Rou, listen to my explanation. I'm quite angry recently, so..."

Ye Pengfei lies with his eyes open, but he has to find a step. Otherwise, we will be more embarrassed.

But Tang Rou always covers her face, obviously still in the shy stage, which makes Ye Pengfei feel guilty.

"Finished, my young master's glorious image has been destroyed. In xiaorou's eyes, I'm sure I'm no different from those lewd sex wolves."

When ye Pengfei was extremely worried, Tang Rou finally spoke.

"Brother ye, do you think I'm beautiful?"


Then Tang Rou opened her hands and raised her head. Her face turned red and said, "brother ye, don't you think I'm beautiful?"

Ye Pengfei hastened to say: "beautiful, absolute school flower beauty!"

Tang Rou pursed her lips slightly. She was very shy in her heart. Then she came close to Ye Pengfei again and said, "brother ye, I think you're very good, too. There's one thing. Your eyes are always colorful."

Ye Pengfei

"But if it's brother ye, it's also It doesn't matter. "

With these words, Tang Rou's head is almost buried in her chest, and her face and ears are red with shame. It's obvious that this sentence seems to have made her lose all her courage.

As for ye Pengfei, his face was unbelievable, and he even thought he had heard wrong.

This little girl even said that it doesn't matter if she has eyes?

"Is it..."

Just as ye Pengfei's heart was beating rapidly, Tang Rou stood up quickly and said she was going to have a rest. Then suddenly she seemed to think of something. She came back quickly to pick up the toiletries and quickly ran to the bathroom, leaving Ye Pengfei with a wonderful figure.

"This little girl It's a goblin, too. "

At night, ye Pengfei told Tang Rou to go to bed early and get up to work together tomorrow morning.

"Mm-hmm So is brother Ye! Good night, brother Ye

"Good night, xiaorou!"

As a result, when ye Pengfei just walked out of Tang Rou's bedroom, it suddenly began to blow and rain outside. Then, with a click, there was still thunder, which almost didn't scare Ye Pengfei.

Originally, ye Pengfei thought that the rain would stop after a while, but who knows that the rain is getting bigger and bigger, lightning and thunder, and the wind is still blowing, a terrible scene.

"Brother ye..."

In the middle of the night, Tang Rou finally couldn't stand it. She ran to Ye Pengfei's bedroom and knocked on the door to find him.

"What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei quickly gets up, opens the door, sees Tang Rou a pair of afraid appearance.


There was another thunder, which made Tang Rou tremble.

"Brother ye, I'm afraid..." Tang Rou's voice was obviously crying, and she looked at Ye Pengfei pitifully, and subconsciously pulled Ye Pengfei's sleeve.

Ye Pengfei is totally stupid, won't it, so bloody bridge actually let himself to meet?

"Do you mean..."

So next, in the case of Tang Rou difficult to say, she finally said, to sleep with Ye Pengfei proposal.

Ye Pengfei severely pinched his thigh, almost thought he was dreaming!

But when Tang Ruzhen lay beside him, ye Pengfei found that all this was not a dream.

Not only is it not a dream, but also incomparable reality!

The wind was still sweeping, and the rain was beating against the window. Their hearts were beating hard. Although they didn't speak, they seemed to feel each other's heartbeat.


The thunder and lightning roared again, making Tang Rou's body tremble.

Finally, Tang Rou plucks up her courage and embraces one of Ye Pengfei's arms, making Ye Pengfei's heart jump out.

"Brother ye, who are there in your family?"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Tang Rou immediately found a topic.

And she also very much want to know ye Pengfei, always feel that ye Pengfei is clearly around, but there is a sense of distance, unreal.

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "my mother passed away when I was young. As for my father I don't want to talk about him. In a word, my mother and I had a hard time when we were children. Later, I went to my father's family and didn't live very well there. Then I left them and met two masters who were very good to me. I just don't know where they are now. "

Tang Rou sighed and then said, "brother ye, my life experience is a little similar to mine. My mother left me since childhood. Later, my father married my stepmother and brought a sister. I always feel estranged from them. So during this time, I rented a house outside and didn't want to go home."

"Well, where do you rent? The rent is very expensive."

"Yes, the rent is very expensive. It costs twelve yuan to rent a house in Yunfu District, wuwuwu..."Yunfu district?

It seems not far from here.

Ye Pengfei knew that Tang Roucai had no money for his internship, so he thought about it and said, "this Xiangsong time is about ten minutes away from you. Why don't you move over and live with me for the time being? Anyway, I'm empty and I don't have a problem for long."

"Ah? This How can that be? "

Tang Rou's first thought is that she is not ye Pengfei's girlfriend after all. How can she promise to live with him without reserve.

Seeing the other party's reaction, ye Pengfei knew that the other party had misunderstood, so he quickly said, "don't misunderstand. The reason why I asked you to move here is because I don't live here now, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Perhaps thinking of something, Tang Rou said with a flat mouth: "do you live with the president and the director

"Well, how do you know?" Ye Pengfei asked in surprise.

Tang Rou said with a dejected tone: "last time, when you rescued me, I heard the president call you. And before, director Bing also told you to go back to the villa quickly?"

Ye Pengfei was a little embarrassed, then said: "xiaorou, in fact, the reason why they will live with me is that I am good at cooking. The two girls want me to be their free cook."

"Ah? Brother ye, can you cook

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "of course, and it's the top level in the world."


"You'll soon know if it's bragging."

The next day, when ye Pengfei woke up and was ready to surprise Tang Rou, he was stunned.

Because at the moment, Tang Rou, even more than half of the people are lying on him, and ye Pengfei's hand, even press on the other party's little butt, almost did not scare Ye Pengfei's hand.

As a result, it doesn't matter. Tang Rou's mouth is subconsciously light. Her little face, which is already very red, can't help getting more red.

Ye Pengfei was immediately dumbfounded.

That is to say This chick already noticed?


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