The purpose of Ye Pengfei's visit to the island is to find the prince behind him. No matter what Yingluo Murakami said is true or false, ye Pengfei is determined not to let go as long as there is a thread.

"I've agreed to the deal, but if you cheat me, I'll let you know what cruelty is!"

After ye Pengfei said such a sentence, he gathered his whole body momentum and sat quietly on the chair.

"My condition is very simple, as long as you help us get rid of the current situation!"

Murakami Yingluo has a little elder sister's demeanor, but what she said is really not on the road.

Ye Pengfei said helplessly: "well, you should tell me the situation first."

"Don't you dark dynasties have intelligence?"

"Yes, why do you have nothing to do every day and care about your family's affairs? You are not my wife. Why do I care so much? "

Ye Pengfei didn't say well.

"You Well, I'll tell you about the situation! "

Murakami Yingluo, listening to Ye Pengfei's impatient tone, wanted to attack, but then she thought that she would explain the situation of the island country to Ye Pengfei.

It turns out that the island power is also complex. Although the Yamaguchi group is recognized in the island law, it is not easy to achieve such a huge power to the present situation.

The most important part of this is to get the support of the prince. Naturally, there are more than one prince behind a big force like the Yamaguchi formation. Only in this way can we sit firmly in the chair of the island's first force.

Of course, there are three black forces. One of them is the three member group, one is the Association for helping the poor, and the other is the Sichuan rice Association. The three forces have developed steadily. Although there are occasional wars, they maintain a rare balance.

This kind of life was good, but because of Ye Pengfei, this balance has been broken.

"You mean to blame me for that?"

Ye Pengfei looks at Murakami Yingluo's face and grins.

"Of course, if you hadn't killed the hidden blade, how could our Yamaguchi group have fallen into such a situation?" Murakami's teeth itch with hatred.

Ye Pengfei shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not your intention to trouble me!"

"It's all the prince's orders. How dare my father disobey them?"

Murakami Yingluo said wrongly.

Ye Pengfei nodded his head rarely and agreed with Cunsheng Yingluo's idea. He said solemnly: "yes, you are right. They are all evil princes. You tell me where he is, and I'll kill him for you! "

Murakami took a look at Ye Pengfei and asked, "are you serious?"

There was a deep feeling in her eyes. Ye Pengfei really wanted to nod his head again, but she didn't expect that Yingluo Murakami shook her head and rejected the idea: "no, if the prince is killed, the government of the island will be in turmoil and the people will suffer."

"I didn't expect that you were very kind-hearted."

"Of course, Miss Ben is a fairy."

Ye Pengfei shook his head and said with slight disgust: "where is a fairy without a breast?"

"Well, Miss Ben, once again, I'm not without it. I'm just small!"

Murakami Yingluo opens her mouth with an angry face.

Ye Pengfei touched his chin and said with a smile, "really? What's the difference between that and not? "

"Of course there is a difference!" Murakami Yingluo said seriously, "well, what were we talking about just now? How did we get here?"

Ye Pengfei interface: "we just said your chest is small or no problem!"

"Oh, my chest, of course You hooligan Murakami opened her mouth with a red face.

"No, you're not. You'd better continue to talk about the current situation of your Shankou formation! "

Speaking of this, Yingluo Murakami is a little lost, but she still takes a deep breath and continues to talk about it for ye Pengfei.

It turned out that after ye Pengfei killed Yin blade, the power of the island state was greatly tilted. This is because Nayin blade is the basic force of Prince Daiwa, and Prince Daiwa is also a strong supporter of Yamaguchi group.

But without hidden blade, Prince Daiwa is like a tiger without teeth.

Soon, his power was divided up by others, and he disappeared mysteriously. However, in this case, everyone knows his fate.

After the death of Prince Daiwa, the Shankou group no longer maintained its superiority. In addition, Prince Dafei, who was behind the association, annexed most of Prince Daiwa's property. With the change of time, the influence of the association has completely surpassed that of the sankou group.

"Why don't you just let out the first chair and give it to others? Why cooperate with me? "

Murakami Yingluo said, "if only it were so simple. It's a pity that the Association for helping auspicious crops and the Sichuan rice Association will unite to destroy my Yamaguchi Association.""Destruction? Not so? " Ye Pengfei is a little curious.

"Well, since you destroyed Yin blade, the island's major forces have been in a panic. Everyone turned pale at the news, but they had a collective meeting to force my father to continue to investigate your news. Isn't this the evil plan to destroy our Shankou group by your hand? "

Murakami Yingluo's words are a bit extreme, but there are some reasons.

Ye Pengfei said helplessly: "do you think I'm the kind of person who can destroy people's power at will?"

Murakami's face betrays her true thoughts.

"All, what do you want me to do. Can I help you wipe out the other two forces? "

"No, of course not. You Chinese have a saying that the cunning rabbit is dead and the running dog is cooking. I still know that! " Murakami Yingluo jumped up directly.

"You can understand our Chinese culture and listen to it clearly." Ye Pengfei looks at Murakami Yingluo with admiration.

"Of course, I love Chinese culture very much. I want to go to China when I have a chance. It would be better if I could marry a Chinese in the end!" When Murakami Yingluo speaks, she looks at Ye Pengfei as if she had nothing. There is a trace of expectation in her eyes.

Ye Pengfei heart wry smile, this woman looks a little naive, do things also some rough, but in fact it is a very strong ambition!

But looking at this, ye Pengfei knows that where the woman wants to marry him, she clearly wants to use his power to control the island country.

"Good luck. I hope you can find a husband!"

Murakami Yingluo looked at Ye Pengfei's expression and said, "you go and kill Prince Dafei. Without Prince Dafei, the crisis of our Shankou group will be solved."

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