"Brother, spare your life!"

Without any hesitation, Gao Songhu directly asked for mercy.

How could ye Pengfei be such a talkative person? He stepped forward and directly kicked Gao Songhu in the chest. The huge leg force directly flew Gao Songhu out, and finally fell on the cold ground.

As soon as Gao Songhu landed, he got up and kowtowed to Ye Pengfei. He kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Brother, I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time."

"Please, brother, I've offended you. I'm so insightful. Just let me go!"

Ye Pengfei said with a sneer: "don't you think it's too naive?"

Gao Songhu was sweating all of a sudden, and his brain was thinking quickly about the way to get out.

Ye Pengfei ignored him, but directly looked at the figure of Miaoman.

Xiao Ruxue first showed a trace of joy, and then said with a straight face, "are you willing to come back at last?"

Ye Pengfei went directly to Xiao Ruxue's side and said awkwardly: "I'm really busy these days. I've just come back to see you as soon as I finish it."

Xiao Ruxue looks at Ye Pengfei's sincere eyes. She feels that what ye Pengfei says is not fake, so she is no longer angry.

Ye Pengfei went forward and directly hugged Xiao Ruxue into his arms. With that low voice, he said softly in Xiao Ruxue's ear: "xiaoxuexue, do you miss me these days when I'm not here?"

Xiao Ruxue's face was slightly red, and she buried her small head in Ye Pengfei's arms and quietly replied, "what do you say?"

Ye Pengfei's face is full of happiness.

The two people just hugged each other and quietly enjoyed the joy of reunion.

Tang Jin, who had been tumbled to the ground by a strong man, slowly got up and saw Xiao Ruxue, who was usually very cold, in Ye Pengfei's arms. The bird's nestling appearance was really a beautiful scene that Tang Jin had never seen before.

At this time, Tang Jin didn't know if he had any hope, but seeing Xiao Ruxue so happy, Tang Jin also felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

After a while, Xiao Ruxue seems to realize that there are other people on the field, and quickly pushes Ye Pengfei away.

Instead of being angry, ye Pengfei looks at Xiao Ruxue with a smile.

"Xiaoxue, tell me what you want to do with this man!"

Xiao Ruxue took a look at Gao Songhu, who was kowtowing and begging for mercy not far away, and sighed softly.

Ye Pengfei knew that Xiao Ruxue was soft hearted, so he didn't force her to make a decision. He looked at Gao Songhu coldly and said, "why does Hongtian group want to annex Yingda group?"

After hearing what ye Pengfei said, Gao Songhu told ye Pengfei everything he knew.

But as a minion, what he knows is limited. There are only two pieces of news that can be confirmed. One is that the decision of Yingda group is the attention of Shen Caishen. The second is that Hongtian group is now expanding its strength.

Although there are only these two pieces of news, ye Pengfei is angry.

"Go back and tell the God of wealth that I want to hear his explanation before dark, or let him inform the Shen family to collect the body for him!"

Gao Songhu nodded, then left Yingda group with the two half disabled men.

Gao Songhu, the troublemaker, left. Naturally, the security guards had no need to stay. They limped out of the office. Tang Jin took a look at Xiao Ruxue and walked bitterly towards the door. Before he left, he specially closed the office.

As a result, only Xiao Ruxue and ye Pengfei were left in the whole office.

"Ye Pengfei Ah, what are you doing? "

Xiao Ruxue is about to talk to Ye Pengfei. Unexpectedly, ye Pengfei directly holds Xiao Ruxue up and gently puts him on the big desk.

Ye Pengfei's broad palm caresses Xiao Ruxue's body, and the deep, sexy and magnetic voice rings in Xiao Ruxue's ear.

"Xiaoxuexue, I want you!"

At the beginning, Xiao Ruxue still had some resistance, but after hearing that ye Pengfei was full of missing words, the whole person lost all resistance and plunged into Ye Pengfei's arms.

The luxurious office was suddenly shrouded in spring.

When ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue come out of the office, ye Pengfei's face is full of pride, while Xiao Ruxue is a little red.

"Xiaoxuexue, let's go to dinner. I haven't eaten with you for a long time!"

Xiao Ruxue is about to nod her head and agree when she suddenly sees Tang Jin trotting all the way from a distance.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Ye, the God of wealth is here!"

Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick, slightly cold said: "let him wait, I want to go to dinner with Xiaoxue."

"He's a member of the Shen family and our elder. Isn't that good?"

Xiao Ruxue looked at Ye Pengfei and said hesitantly."My little snow, why are you so kind?" Ye Pengfei looked at some unbearable Xiao Ruxue and said softly. Then he opened his mouth to Tang Jin: "since Xiaoxue has said that, let him come to the office to talk."

Tang Jin nodded and left.

Can just walk a few steps, but hear Xiao Ruxue some embarrassed voice from behind.

"No, vice president Tang, you'd better take them to the reception hall."

Tang Jin looks at Xiao Ruxue with some doubts. At this time, Xiao Ruxue has a trace of embarrassment on her face.

"Well, I know, Mr. Xiao!"

After Tang Jin left, ye Pengfei said in Xiao Ruxue's ear, "why don't you let him go to the office?"

Xiao Ruxue saw the expression of Ye Pengfei's bad smile. She didn't know his intention. She reached out to Ye Pengfei's waist and said angrily, "you are a bad guy. You don't learn well!"

"Xiaoxue, spare my life, I don't dare any more!"

Ye Pengfei pretends to be afraid of begging for mercy, which makes Xiao Ruxue smile. They played for a while and then walked towards the conference room.

At this time in the conference room, Shen Caishen is sitting there calmly with the two bodyguards standing beside him. As soon as ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue appear in the meeting room, Shen Caishen opens his eyes.

"Brother ye, you must help us Shen family this time!"

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