Fat Tuo saw that crazy Dao and green nose tried their best to stop them, so he got angry. He was about to fight, but he was finally stopped by thin Tuo.

Thin Tuo smile, looking at quite serious crazy knife and green nose, whispered: "in fact, our Sun family just want to find this little brother to confirm something, there is no other malicious."

Crazy Dao didn't speak, just shook the Hunyuan thunderbolt Dao in his hand. Green nose will not move the look of Ye Pengfei block behind. Their attitude is very obvious.

The four were in a standoff, but neither side would give up, so they had to confront each other.

On the surface, fat Tuo didn't move his face, but in private, he talked with thin Tuo quietly about the countermeasures.

"Thin Tuo, what shall we do? If we don't kill Ye Pengfei, the young master will tear us up!"

"Of course I know, but there's nothing I can do now."

"I have a good idea. I don't know if you are willing to do it?" There was a trace of determination in fat Tuo's divine consciousness.

Thin Tuo's heart sank slightly. He and this fat Tuo have been partners for many years. Every time this fat Tuo said this, something bad would happen.

In the past, Shoutuo would have refused, but today, they made a promise in front of the young master. If the task failed, the young master would not be able to bear the blame.

Think of this little Lord's terrible, thin Tuo couldn't help shivering, dare not continue to think about it.

"If you have any plans, just say it. Anyway, the task has failed. We have to finish it!"

Fat Tuo listened to thin Tuo's words, then he laughed and continued to say: "let's stop these two people, and then let the seven fists send someone to tie Ye Pengfei!"

Slim Tuo hesitated and asked in a voice, "it's a good way, but it's not a good thing for our Sun family's reputation in the future."

"But what now? Otherwise, we will go back and tell the young master that we haven't finished the task in order to keep our Sun family's reputation from being discredited? Let's talk about it first. Then you will be responsible for talking with the young master! " Fat Tuo sneered.

Thin Tuo this is a bit difficult, but later thought is relieved, because this time the leader of the sun family is the little Lord, not them. Even if something happens in the future, it will be the problem of the little Lord. Although they are well-known outside, they know that they are only subordinates and even foreign ministers in the sun family.

So weigh down, this thin Tuo also hesitated to agree to come down.

"I agree, but I can't help it. It's up to you to say that! "

Fat Tuo's words with a trace of satisfaction, said with a smile: "this is naturally left to me, as long as you agree on it!"

Thin Tuo heart sneer, they cooperate for many years, for each other has long been familiar with the point.

With thin Tuo's approval, fat Tuo immediately arranged it. His first contact was Qiquan. Although Qiquan was seriously injured, he was the best in the world after all. The person who went to attack Ye Pengfei had to let Qiquan choose.

In fact, where is the candidate? Now seven fists are seriously injured, and the remaining four are in a confrontation. The only one who can make a shot is the loose sword standing not far away.

Seven fists hesitated. Jiansong had a good relationship with him. The main reason why he waded into the muddy water this time was not only because of the black ice iron of seven fists, but also because Jiansong wanted to take this opportunity to connect with the sun family.

Jiansong is different from Qiquan. Qiquan has limited talent, but martial arts is limited, so he is keen on power. Jiansong has a high talent, which is no less than that crazy sword. What he wants is the sword score of the sun family.

Although their positions are distinct, their original intention is quite different. So it's not known whether Jiansong will really make a move in the end.

"I don't care what you do, you must let the sword loose. We even put the sun family's reputation on the shelf. If you lose the chain, do you believe that I will kill all your disciples? "

Fat Tuo was not a good man or a good woman, and his life was in danger at this time, so they couldn't help fighting.

Seven fists face frightened, some unbelievable looking at fat Tuo, seems not to believe that fat Tuo would say so. There was a trace of resistance in the words: "holy servant, we Kongtong do our best to the sun family. You can't do that. If the mission fails, I am willing to be punished, but the whole Kongtong disciples are innocent! "

Fat Tuo was also a strong member of the school before he joined the sun family. He also had some sympathy for the heart of protecting the sect at this time. He sighed and said: "I don't cheat you either. This time it's the third young master who leads the team. I think you've heard about his temper."

"Three young Sun Nan?"

Seven fists are full of horror, and there is a strong fear in the words. It seems that for this person, just mentioning his name will feel terrible.

Fat Tuo said calmly: "I've said all that I need to say. I'll give you three minutes. If Jiansong doesn't want to, then we'll go back and report to you according to the facts. You can consider for yourself!"Seven fists are also flustered. He is the direct subordinate of the sun family. He has heard the name of Sun Nan no less than 800 times. A few years ago, there was a gang of Shennong gang who was busy in the river and lake because of the sun family. But it was not long before they were killed mysteriously.

Others don't know, but seven fists are very clear. It's because the Shennong Gang disobeyed Sun Nan's order that they sent people to destroy the door. What's more terrible is that it's the Kongtong faction.

Therefore, the seven fists also flustered, he took a deep breath, and then began to discuss with Jiansong. At first, Jiansong flatly disagreed, but later, for the sake of Wuliang Mountain Gate, Jiansong had to do the same.

"Master, Jiansong is willing to fight. I just hope you can let Wuliang Jianmen go!"

Jiansong sends his voice into the secret, full of enthusiasm, and goes to Pangtuo. Pangtuo disdains, but says enthusiastically.

"As long as the task is successful, it's easy to say!"

Decided the plan, this fat Tuo and thin Tuo is ready to move. At this time, the crazy knife and green nose seem to realize that something is wrong. The Hunyuan thunderbolt knife shakes slightly, and the whole person's nerves collapse very tightly. As long as the fat Tuo two people dare to have any action, crazy knife will not hesitate to hand.

Sure enough, the fat and thin Toutuo still moved. With 100% cultivation, they went straight to Ye Pengfei. The crazy knife and green nose met him almost in an instant. It's like a life and death struggle when four people collide with each other.

One of the most striking is the crazy knife. A big knife in his hand opened and closed, which set off a huge sword between the four people. Compared with this crazy knife, the green nose held a floating dust in his hand, which seemed to have a trace of immortality.

Fat thin Toutuo is two people cooperate, the tacit understanding between each other revealed no doubt. Four people fight to make a regiment, the momentum is appalling.

Between the lightning and flint, Jiansong is also moving towards Ye Pengfei with his sword.

Jiansong's sword light flickered, and his body turned into a shadow. In an instant, he came to Ye Pengfei's body. Two fingers together, like a straight straight straight stab to the chest of Ye Pengfei, this sword pine is to take ye Pengfei's life!

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