Because the nurse's tone was full of disdain, many people looked at each other.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen the excitement? The father of the monkey in the country is dying. Don't you get out of the way

The nurse was in her thirties and looked extremely coquettish.

However, some familiar people know that this is the head nurse of the hospital, who seems to have some relationship with some senior management of the hospital, so he is so arrogant.

On hearing each other's words, big silly stubborn temper immediately came up.

"What are you talking about! How dare you curse my father to death

Big silly quickly roared, as if to rush up, but quickly stopped by others.

"Big brother, that's the head nurse of the hospital. I can't fight."

"Oh? Are you ready to hit people? "

The head nurse immediately called up. On weekdays, she bullied those little nurses for a long time. In the hospital, everyone knew that she had a background here, so she was very afraid of her.

Because the head nurse usually thinks that she is a big person, likes to point out, and thinks that she is the owner of the hospital.

Now, she is ready to declare her rights to the public again. Who knows, this guy even dares to beat her. How can the head nurse not be angry?

"I tell you, you fight me today. As long as you dare to fight me, I will make you unable to get out of this hospital today and make you a prison!"

The thought that she was a relative at the top of the hospital made her tone extremely tough.

But he didn't think so much. He immediately roared: "if you dare to curse my father again, I'll have to beat you today!"

"Did I curse your father? It's clear that you poor man have no money to delay your father's treatment time. Now I'm saying your dad's going to die. What? You want to hit me? Come on, as long as you dare to move, I'll make you regret it all your life! "

Dafa's temper was obstinate. When he heard that the other party even dared to swear, he immediately got angry and rushed out, slapped the head nurse and sat down on the ground with a face of confusion.


The head nurse covered her face and was stunned at that time.

He was beaten, and slapped in the face in such an insulting way.

"Ah Asshole! You're dead! You wait for me! If I don't take revenge on Yao Chunhua, I won't be Yao! "

Finally, Yao Chunhua turned around and left.

At this time, the former doctor in white coat shook his head helplessly, didn't say anything any more, and turned to leave.

After all, Yao Chunhua is a powerful man in the hospital. He is in trouble.

Soon, a voice of indifference rang out on the radio.

"Who are the family members of Lucheng? Please pay at the payment window on the first floor immediately. If you can't pay within the time limit, the patient will not be able to perform the operation. Please transfer to another hospital and leave. There are other patients in the hospital. Don't delay your time! "

Voice just fell, not far away, Dafa's father has been pushed out.

Although Yao Chunhua's face still had five finger marks, at this time, he suddenly showed a winning expression, and then he said with extremely sarcastic words: "aren't you a good fellow, hillbilly? Then go and pay. If you don't have any money, get out of this hospital! Don't forget to take this bad old man with you

Big fool immediately silly eyes, because in the morning in addition to his money to the hospital, there is a considerable part of the debt to Wang Chong, now there is no other money to the hospital.

When Da Sha was about to despair, a powerful palm suddenly patted Da Sha on the shoulder.

"How much did you pay for hospitalization before?" Ye Pengfei has a light look.

Big silly quickly way: "two thousand!"

"Two thousand? I remember that the price of hospitalization was 1000 yuan. Why was it suddenly raised? "

Yao Chunhua immediately stood up and said: "hillbilly, other people are really 1000, but now I'm going to take this hillbilly 2000. Why? No, now even if you give 2000 yuan, you can't live here, and that's the price you dare to beat people in the hospital! "

Ye Pengfei's eyes are cold, but he can see clearly what happened before. Yao Chunhua is the first to pick things, and he has repeatedly provoked. He can't blame Dafa for his impulse.


Ye Pengfei suddenly lit a cigarette for himself.

"Are you pricing this hospital?" Ye Pengfei vomited a cigarette ring, and his face was full of clothes.

Yao Chunhua immediately crossed her waist, like a shrew: "it's the head nurse I ordered. What can you do? Do you care? Boy, I advise you not to mind your own business, otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

Soon, there were voices of discussion all around.

"Yao Da Mang, Yao Chunhua's elder brother, is the top management of the hospital. Yao Chunhua is so arrogant at ordinary times. Today's stupid big man is doomed to suffer losses."

"Ha ha, in fact, the reason why Yao Chunhua dares to be so arrogant is that one of her uncles is the deputy director of the city.""I'll go. Does Yao Chunhua have such a background?"

"That's why Yao Chunhua dares to talk big. Even some hospital leaders dare not provoke Yao Chunhua."

All around the people are talking about it. They are all talking about how wonderful Yao Chunhua is.

as for Yao Chunhua, chin looks very proud and looks at Ye Pengfei coldly. "This hospital is my pricing. Has the final say? You don't agree? "

If in peacetime, Yao Chunhua did not dare to say such big words, but now, in the face of Ye Pengfei's questioning, Yao Chunhua of course has to pretend to be more than pretending to the end.

However, ye Pengfei said with a cold smile: "I thought you were brave enough, but I didn't expect you to be more bold than I imagined!"

But Yao Chunhua said with disdain: "OK, are you finished? Get out of here! Believe it or not, I'll ask someone to kill you later! "


Ye Pengfei is a slap!

The whole scene was dead.

Many people are even taking a breath of air conditioning.

They all looked at Ye Pengfei with pity.

Yao Chunhua with such a background is now beaten, so it can be imagined that the other party will definitely hold a storm like revenge!

However, even so, ye Pengfei is still arrogant: "now I slap you, come, call your people over, I'll see how they kill me?"

"You Yao Chunhua covers his face and almost gets angry.

I was slapped before, but now I'm slapped again!

"Good, good! You wait for me! I want you to live like death later! "

With that, Yao Chunhua quickly made a phone call to his brother.

"Brother! I was beaten! Two hard slaps, Wuwuwuwu If you don't come down again, I'll be killed alive. Wuwuwuwu... "

"What On the other end of the phone, the fire broke out in an instant.


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