
Ye Pengfei yelled and suddenly sat up. As he was about to get up, he found that his limbs felt soft and his whole body felt tired.

That tired like tide general gushes in, at present is will ye Pengfei submerges again.


Ye Pengfei fell heavily on the bed, heavily panting, but his heart was very confused.

"I'm in hell. How did I get here?" Ye Pengfei's whole body is tired. The only thing he can move is his eyes. He keeps turning his eyes and greedily looks at all the things he can see.

This is the ship they bought from the Indian tycoon, who is now in that room.

Ye Pengfei is lying on the bed, resting while carefully recalling the previous things.

He clearly remembers that he waited for the mysterious island and saw a temple among the mountains. An old monk in the temple took him to hell. He clearly remembered that in the hell of Abbi, the monk who claimed to have no heaven would use a special way to lift his seal, and a breath of scarlet came out of his body.

What happened after that moment, ye Pengfei couldn't remember.

After about half an hour, ye Pengfei felt a force returning to his body again. He put his hands on the bed and got up with difficulty. Hands crisscross, a burst of thunderbolt sound, the whole person feel relaxed a lot.

He looked up out of the window. Through the curtains, ye Pengfei could be sure that it was about early morning.

"Ye Pengfei, come out and have a look!"

Bai Xinyu's shocked voice suddenly sounded from outside the ship, and ye Pengfei was shocked. Could it be that monk Wutian came after him.

No, Bai Xinyu is in danger!

Ye Pengfei's eyes flashed, whistling appeared on the splint of the cruise ship and asked anxiously.

"Xinyu, are you ok?"

At this time, Bai Xinyu stood on the board of the boat with a spoon in his hand, which looked like a housewife. Bai Xinyu didn't answer directly. Instead, he pointed to the distance and murmured.


Ye Pengfei looked at Bai Xinyu's fingers and was shocked all day. Because at this time there is a huge Island standing quietly in front of Ye Pengfei. From a distance, there are dense trees and towering ancient books on the island, just like a paradise.

"It's really a beautiful place. If I set up a big tourist area here in the future, I will definitely make a lot of money by attracting investment and joint development." Bai Xinyu sighs sincerely.

Ye Pengfei took a look at Bai Xinyu. She really deserves to be a strong woman. At this time, what he thought was to make money. Ye Pengfei was about to smile, but his face changed greatly.

"This That's it

Ye Pengfei pointed to the island and could not speak, but he was shocked.

"What's the matter with Ye Pengfei? This island must be the destination of our trip!" Bai Xinyu looks at Ye Pengfei and says thoughtfully.

"You How do you know? "

"You told me all that!" Bai Xinyu looks at Ye Pengfei with some doubts, "Ye Pengfei, are you ok?"

When ye Pengfei stood in the same place, his whole brain seemed to be in a mess. He suddenly looked up at Bai Xinyu and asked, "what day is it today?"

"Well Why do you ask this all of a sudden? " White heart rain some don't understand of looking at Ye Pengfei, the opening of light voice asks a way.

"Don't worry about it. Tell me the day of the week first?"

Bai Xinyu saw that the state of Ye Pengfei was not normal, and then he said softly: "today is Wednesday!"

"Wednesday Wednesday... "

Ye Pengfei quickly recalled what happened after he arrived in India. All kinds of experiences from the beginning of landing on the island to now flashed in his mind like a movie.

"What day of the week did we arrive in India?"


Ye Pengfei carefully calculated countless times in his heart, and finally sat on the splint. He finally admitted the fact that there was one less day in his life, maybe not one less day. Because he couldn't be sure how long he had been in hell, and there was even a possibility.

That is, there are thousands of years less in Ye Pengfei's life

"Pengfei, what's the matter with you?"

In Bai Xinyu's heart, ye Pengfei has always had a good plan. It's the first time to see this kind of astonishment. She Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, quietly sat in the Ye Pengfei's side, soft voice of the mouth.

Ye Pengfei looks up at Bai Xinyu and is about to speak when he suddenly thinks of something.

"I It's all right

Ye Pengfei showed a more ugly smile than crying and said to Bai Xinyu.

How can Bai Xinyu believe Ye Pengfei's words? Now what they should have happened has happened, but ye Pengfei still has deep mustard to her. White heart rain complexion a dark, slowly get up, toward the ship interior walk."Take a rest first, and I'll prepare food for you!"

How can ye Pengfei not see Bai Xinyu's dissatisfaction? But he really doesn't know what to say, and ye Pengfei is also afraid. If all these things he has experienced are true, will he tell Bai Xinyu these things, which will do harm to Bai Xinyu.

After all, the cultivation of Wutian monk is far beyond himself, even far beyond the whole martial arts world. This kind of immortal is supposed to exist in the myth, but it appears in front of Ye Pengfei. This kind of experience is really incredible.

Ye Pengfei is no longer a child. He has long passed the age of secrecy. Now he is more concerned about the safety of people around him. But now ye Pengfei is not sure, so he chooses to put it deeply in his stomach and never mention it to anyone before he has strength.

Soon, Bai Xinyu made breakfast. After ye Pengfei had breakfast in a hurry, he made a request to explore the island by himself.

Bai Xinyu was dissatisfied, but he didn't stop him.

Ye Pengfei got up and went to Bai Xinyu and said in a soft voice: "there are some things I can't tell you, but please believe I love you

White heart rain this just give up, reflexively help Ye Pengfei finishing clothes, gently said: "I as long as you love me!"

Ye Pengfei kisses Bai Xinyu lightly on his forehead and then goes towards the island.

He wants to test his ideas!

The black figure flashed one after another, toward the deep of the island, feeling the rich spiritual power of heaven and earth, looking at the precious mountain medicine, more confirmed his idea.

That's not a dream!

Ye Pengfei sorted out his mind and rushed to the place where the mountains and ancient books covered the sky.

There is no golden temple here, only a stone tablet.

There are several big characters on the stone tablet.

When ye Pengfei saw it, his heart was full of vibration.

Because there are four big characters on the stone tablet.

"Dream, fate!"

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