Ye Pengfei rushed into the operating room, and said that Dafa's father's illness he can cure, and let other people out.

The doctors and nurses in the operating room were completely stupid until they came back and almost lost their breath.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? Get out of here

One of the doctors, who was preparing for the operation, was immediately angry and quickly took off the mask to show an angry expression.

Other doctors and nurses also scolded each other one after another, saying that the patients now need surgery, which is not the place where ye Pengfei can make trouble.

However, in the face of the anger of many doctors and nurses, ye Pengfei hummed coldly: "now the vitality of patients is rapidly passing. If something happens, can you bear the responsibility?"

On hearing this, these doctors and nurses almost faltered under their feet.

You know, they are the doctors and nurses in charge of the treatment of patients, and who is the stranger in front of them?

What did the boy say? Who can take the responsibility when something goes wrong.

They even want to rush over and strangle this guy alive.

"Security guards, security guards all come in and blow out the troublemaker!"

The doctor who spoke at first had no patience, so he ordered to drive people out directly.

Because the other party's words are right. Now the patient's life is rapidly passing away. If anything happens, who can bear the responsibility?

Ye Pengfei eyebrows a pick, immediately loud way: "big silly, all these people out!"


A very strong figure suddenly appeared, and then quickly picked up the two doctors.


The people in the operating room were startled when they saw that the big fool was so strong.

Several small nurses also screamed repeatedly, obviously frightened by the big silly move.

Ye Pengfei turned his head and said to Da Sha: "Da Sha, your father is in danger now. If you believe me, let me cure him."

"I believe you," he said without thinking

Ye Pengfei nodded, and then quickly came to the bed of Dafa's father.

As for Da Sha, he drove all these people out according to Ye Pengfei's instructions.

At this time, Meng Xiyan also went into the operating room. Although he didn't know that ye Pengfei could still have medical skills, he naturally believed in each other subconsciously when he saw that ye Pengfei had such an aura, and he also said that he could fight here.

"My little benefactor, I'm going to use my magic hand to rejuvenate."

The old mayor, the president and others have also come to the operating room. Originally, the president was dissatisfied with Ye Pengfei's action. However, since the old mayor believed in Ye Pengfei so much, he was not qualified to intervene.

Soon, ye Pengfei took out a box of needles from his arms.

See ye Pengfei shine out silver needle, little nurse Meng Xiyan not from in front of a bright.


Ye Pengfei's fingers hold the silver needle. Because of the infusion of genuine Qi, the tip of the silver needle immediately makes a buzzing and trembling sound, which almost stares everyone's eyes out.

Resist the needle with Qi!

Zhou Yang, the president of the hospital, was greatly shocked. It was only the legendary man who practiced genuine Qi that could do it. Once, Zhou Yang had seen a lot of descriptions about this in medical books, but he never thought that today, he did.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Ye Pengfei began to continuously apply needles. Soon, more than ten silver needles were left on Dafa's father.

President Zhou Yang's eyes twinkled with brilliance. He wanted to write down all the needling techniques of the other party. But Zhou Yang also knew that it was useless to write them down. After all, he didn't cultivate true Qi. What's more, needling depends on the patient's condition.

"Hey, look, the black spots on Dafa's father are decreasing rapidly!"

All of a sudden, a director beside the Dean found the change and exclaimed.

After a close look, they found that as they said, the black spots were rapidly decreasing.

The big fool in the room immediately burst into tears, almost couldn't help rushing up, but he stopped. After all, now that ye Pengfei is at a critical moment, he can't be disturbed.

Shua Shua!

Ye Pengfei's hands waved again, and some silver needles were tied down, while the previous silver needles were pulled out one after another. At the same time, there was some sweat on Ye Pengfei's forehead.

Obviously, when treating Dafa's father, it must take a lot of mental energy to use these silver needle techniques.

Meng Xiyan on the side immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat carefully for ye Pengfei.

A fragrance suddenly came, which made Ye Pengfei smell subconsciously. Meng Xiyan's face turned red, but he didn't have any disgust in his heart. After that, he stayed quietly and looked very clever.

The old mayor and the president looked at each other with a smile.

"HooFinally, more than ten minutes later, ye Pengfei quickly pulled out the silver needle and breathed out a long breath.

As for the silly father on the bed, he immediately vomited a mouthful of blood stasis, and all the disease gas in his body disappeared.

"Dad! Dad

Big silly moment then rushed past, a face of tension and excitement.

Ye Pengfei said with a straight face: "be careful, your father is still very weak. Let him have a rest."

Big silly immediately turned his head, to Ye Pengfei is bang bang knock a few ring head.

"Thank you, great Xia! In the future, great Xia, I am duty bound to be a fool if there is any need for me to be a fool. "

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "my name is not great Xia, my name is Ye Pengfei!"

Big silly quickly way: "that I later call you ye elder brother, ye elder brother, hereafter my big silly life is your."

Ye Pengfei said with a helpless smile: "well, hurry up, I just did what I should do."

"Medical miracle!"

At this time, President Zhou Yang has come over excitedly, looking at Ye Pengfei, as if incomparable worship.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know that you are not interested in being the chief consultant of our people's hospital. I think Mr. Ye is a well deserved master in traditional Chinese medicine, especially in acupuncture and moxibustion


People in the corridor were shocked when they heard the president's comment.

In particular, the doctors and nurses who were expelled before had a very bad impression on Ye Pengfei, thinking that the other party would definitely not cure the patient.

As a result, the dean of the other party came out and said that the other party was a well deserved master.

Ye Pengfei said: "I'm busy at work, so I'm still a consultant."

"Well, Mr. Ye, don't you think about it any more?"

The Dean was in a hurry immediately. It was not easy to see such magical medical skills. He wanted to discuss with the other party. If he had the chance, he might be able to try it himself in his lifetime.

But ye Pengfei so straightforward refused, President how not urgent?


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