Lin pangzi stood in the same place, full of disdain said.

"Stupid guy, it seems that you will never die until you reach the Yellow River! In this case, let you die more thoroughly! "

The two young men standing beside him with flattering faces, their eyes full of sarcasm, they seem to be laughing at Zhou Wen's overconfidence.

Zhou Wen ignored them and directly broadcast Mr. Xiao's phone call, but before long, he was told that Mr. Xiao was now abroad. Zhou Wen was a fool. He had a little bit of loss on his face and could not help but speak.

"How can Mr. Xiao go abroad?"

Fat man Lin laughs, and his face is full of complacency: "fool, Mr. Xiao is now discussing with Hongmen overseas. We senior backbone all know this news, but you are not qualified to know such a profound thing!"

"Zhou Wen, I told you a long time ago not to fight against Mr. Lin. now it's OK. Instead of doing it, I lost my job! " Lin fat behind a young man with disdainful face mouth, words have deep contempt.

Looking at Zhou Wen coldly, he didn't speak. The man saw so, but he didn't speak, but the irony on his face was more and more clear.

"Call Lianyu, she should be in charge at this time!"

When Zhou Wen was about to give up, ye Pengfei's voice came from his ear. Zhou Wen turned his head and his eyes were full of doubts. It seems to be asking how ye Pengfei knew the name of Lianyu.

Ye Pengfei smiles but does not speak. His eyes are full of expectations.

Zhou Wen at this time did not have the countermeasure, had to listen to Ye Pengfei's words to dial the telephone to Lianyu. The bell rang for about a minute before it was connected.

"Hello, I'm Lianyu. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, Secretary Lian. My name is Zhou Wen, manager of Lingnan branch of Yingda group. I want to report something to you... "

Zhou Wen took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"You should report something to your superior instead of telling me directly. So, you'd better communicate with your superiors. If it's really serious, I'll know about it. If nothing happens... "

Before Zhou Wen's words were finished, Lian Yu interrupted him directly. Zhou Wen's eyes flashed a trace of gloom, this kind of outcome, he should have thought of. Zhou Wen shook his head and was about to hang up the phone. Unexpectedly, the phone was robbed.

"Lianyu, I didn't expect you to manage the company like this?"

"Who are you?" Lianyu on the other side of the phone showed a trace of sullen color on her face and said coldly.

"Does it matter to you who I am and who I am? Is that how you deal with subordinates reporting to you? Do you think your subordinates are stupid? They don't know if they want to find their superiors first, but they still go over their superiors and find you directly. Do you have a pig brain? Don't you think about the reason? " Ye Pengfei is really angry this time. He can feel his anger through the phone.

Lianyu was directly blinded by the words of Ye Pengfei. It took her about a minute to react. Lianyu wanted to retort, but she heard it on the phone.

"If you don't have the ability to manage the company, you can say it directly. I can send Chris to help xiaoxuexue manage the company. But if you screw up xiaoxuexue's efforts, believe it or not, I'll kill you! "

This time, Lianyu really heard clearly and understood who she was talking with!

"Ye Shao, please calm down. I know you are wrong. But can you let me deal with this matter first, and then accept your punishment! " Lianyu didn't dare to answer back, so she begged for mercy.

"Listen to Zhou Wen first, then come to Lingnan this afternoon and clean up the mess for me!" After ye Pengfei finished, he directly threw his mobile phone to Zhou Wen and said angrily, "tell her everything you know!"

Zhou Wen took the phone and looked at Ye Pengfei stupidly.

"Hello, Zhou Wen. Can you tell me what happened to Lingnan branch?"

The changes before and after Lianyu's speech are really some earth shaking. The tenderness in the words makes Zhou Wen difficult to adapt, but he knows what is the most important thing. Now it's just a few words to explain the main process of the matter. Of course, it also mentions some other information.

"Thank you. Now I'm appointing you as the general manager of Lingnan region. I'll control the situation for the time being. I'll book a plane ticket right away. I'll arrive in Lingnan if I go down today." After Lin Yu finished in a hurry, she got up and headed for Lingnan. This time, thanks to Ye Pengfei, Yingda international might be destroyed in the hands of such a villain as fat man Lin.

Lin pangzi doesn't know the details of the Ye family, but Lianyu is clear. If they really irritate the Ye family, I'm afraid Lingnan can't stay any longer. And Lianyu felt the anger of Ye Pengfei, he vaguely felt that Yingda international was going to change.

Think of here, Lian Yu made a few phone calls, as soon as possible to minimize the impact of things.After Zhou Wen hung up on this side, the whole person seemed to be dreaming. He looked at Ye Pengfei stupidly and murmured, "have I become the general manager?"

Ye Pengfei looked at him: "if it's Lianyu, then I think it should be!"

"Ha ha ha, it's so funny. You actually told me that you became the general manager. Zhou Wen, you didn't wake up, did you The young man who used to ridicule Zhou Wen couldn't help laughing at the moment, and the contempt in his eyes had reached the point of no more.

Fat man Lin is about to sneer, but the mobile phone in his pocket rings.

"Lin Hua, I'm just informing you that you are fired. Immediately put down the work at hand and give Zhou Wen the full power to deal with the company. The company already knows about you. Secretary Lian will arrive in Lingnan this afternoon. You'd better not have any wrong thoughts, or we'll consider sending you to the police station... "

Lin pangzi was about to explain, but there was a busy tone on the phone. His face changed greatly, and he sat down on the ground. He looked at Ye Pengfei in horror and said, "you Who the hell are you? "

Ye Pengfei said coldly: "my name is Ye Pengfei!"

Ye Pengfei?

Lin pangzi suddenly thought of it in his heart. He seemed to remember that someone had mentioned that Mr. Xiao's boyfriend was just named Ye Pengfei. At this time, even the pig brain will not think that they are two people with the same name. Therefore, Lin pangzi knelt down in front of Ye Pengfei directly.

"Ye Shao, I'm wrong. Give me another chance!"

The other two young men were also flustered when they saw that fatso Lin was like this. They followed fatso Lin and looked at Ye Pengfei with pleading face.

Ye Pengfei's face was indifferent. He ignored the three humble people. He just said to Zhou Wen, "tell Lianyu to clean up Yingda group for me before Ruxue comes back. If she can't finish it, kosley will take over everything for her! "

After ye Pengfei's reorganization, Yingda group was reborn. Soon after, under the leadership of Xiao Ruxue, Yingda group became one of the top three consortia in China. However, these are the words of the future.

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